Ramtha's School of Enlightenment

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Ramtha's School of Enlightenment(RSE) is an American New Age spiritual sect near the rural townof Yelm, Washington, U.S. The school was established in 1988 by J. Z.Knight, who claims to channel a 35,000-year-old being called Ramthathe Enlightened One. The school's teachings are based on channelingsessions. Critics consider the organisation to be a cult.


In 1988, J. Z. Knight founded Ramtha'sSchool of Enlightenment (RSE), then called Ramtha's School ofEnlightenment: The American Gnostic School, on her 80-acre (32 ha)estate in Yelm, Washington. A division of Knight's company JZK, Inc.,the school had around 80 staff members as of 2014. According to RSE'swebsite, it is an "academy of the mind that offers retreatsand workshops to people of all ages and cultures". RSE'sprivate, fenced compounds are only open to staff members andstudents, not to the public.

In 2004, various Ramtha school leadersjoined community groups to strongly oppose a proposed 75,000-seatNASCAR racetrack in Yelm. The proposal was withdrawn. In 2007,Knight's profits from the school's activities and from sale of books,tapes, CDs and DVDs had reportedly been around $2.6 million. In 2008,lessons were given to the public in more than 20 countries, includingthe Czech Republic, Romania and Chile for the first time.

In 2011, Knight stated (while at theRSE supposedly channeling Ramtha), "Fuck God's chosenpeople! I think they have earned enough cash to have paid their wayout of the goddamned gas chambers by now", and said thatMexican people "breed like rabbits" and are"poison," that all gay men used to be Catholicpriests, and that organic farmers have bad hygiene. In 2012, videosof this were placed on the Internet by ex-students of Knight's and bythe Freedom Foundation.


The school teaches that human beingshave the capacity to utilize their inner wisdom, focus their brains,and create their own reality. The school's curriculum is based on thechannelings by Knight of the entity Ramtha. Although the school hasbeen criticised for being a cult, Knight and her followers deny suchclaims and say that the school is neither a religion nor a cult.

Ramtha's School of Enlightenmentteachings have been described as part of the New Age movement (theschool itself claims to be outside it).

Lessons in the school's compoundssometimes include wine drinking tobacco pipe smoking and dancing torock 'n' roll music. Allegedly, it is being taught that thenitric oxide in red wine (not the alcohol), also found in pipetobacco (not the nicotine), can help to facilitate changes in thebrain as a part of the process in which to achieve these means.

Through various focus techniques, thestudents believe they are on their way to becoming as "enlightened"as other shamans who can alter their personal reality at will. Themain activities towards that goal vary from specific focusing,meditation-like techniques, breathing techniques, blindfoldedarchery, energy healing (for one's self and for someone else),finding the heart of a maze, and many more. The students are taughtthat human beings can train themselves into such powers that willallow them to levitate, raise the dead, make gold appear in theirhand and predict the future. Eventually this may lead to the"ascension" of the physical body into the "lightbody".

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