Colonia Dignidad: Paul Schafer

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Paul Schäfer Schneider (4December 1921 – 24 April 2010) was a Nazi, child rapist,German-Chilean Christian minister, and the founder and leader of asect and agricultural commune of 300 German immigrants called ColoniaDignidad (Dignity Colony) (later renamed Villa Baviera) located inParral in southern Chile, about 340 km (210 miles) south of Santiagofrom 1961 to 2005. Schäfer led his followers in the teachings ofWilliam Branham. Aside from human rights abuses against members ofColonia Dignidad, including the sexual and physical abuse (includingtorture) of young children, Schäfer maintained a relationship withPinochet's military dictatorship (1973–1990) and was involved inweapons smuggling and the torture and extrajudicial killings ofpolitical dissidents. After the end of Pinochet's government,increased public awareness of the activities of Colonia Dignidadfollowing testimony by former victims led to the issuing of a warrantfor Schäfer's arrest. Living underground for eight years, he spentthe last five years of his life in prison in Chile.

Early life and education

Schäfer was born the town ofTroisdorf, near Bonn, Germany, to Anna (née Schneider) and JakobSchäfer. He was described as a poor and clumsy student. Schäfer'sfamily was Lutheran. In an accident with a fork, he lost his righteye. He joined a German YMCA-„Eichenkreuz"-Group. DuringWorld War II he served by carrying stretchers of the wounded in aGerman field hospital in occupied France, later in life claiming thathis glass eye was the result of a war wound.

German sect

Following World War II in 1945, Schäferserved as a young people's leader in the Evangelical Free Church. Hewas removed from his position there after rumors arose that he wasmolesting young boys. He then set out as an itinerant preacher andsinger, traveling around Germany and preaching. During the 1950s,Schäfer became a follower and promoter of the teachings of Americanpreacher, William M. Branham, one of the founders of the post-WorldWar II healing revival who was also an influence on Jim Jones.Schäfer had been following the ministry of Branham from Germany, andwas very excited when Branham made a personal visit to Germany in1955. Schäfer and other members of his church served as WilliamBranham's personal security detail on his 1955 European tour. Branhamadvocated "a strict adherence to the Bible, a woman's duty toobey her husband and apocalyptic visions, such as Los Angeles sinkingbeneath the ocean." Branham held multiple revival campaignsacross Europe and Germany during the early 1950s. Schäfer became afriend of Branham who promoted a return to "a more pristinetime" of religious and racial purity.

"Strong ties were forged"between Schäfer, William Branham, and Ewald Frank during Branham'stime in Germany. Schafer "was completely fascinated"by Branham, "not only because of his supposed healings, butbecause behind the latter rain doctrine, the axis of what Branhampreached, there was a totalitarian, misogynistic and apocalypticmessage, perfect for brainwash all those who were willing to followhim." William Branham's second sermon during his visit toKarlsruhe, Germany, left a deep impression on Schäfer. The sermonwas about the Pool of Bethesda, and in it Branham strongly taughtthat all illness and all sin are actually demons entrenched in thepeople's bodies. Schäfer claimed to experience a healing in themeeting, and thereafter began to preach very strongly teach that allsin and illness was the result of demonic possession. Following the1955 meetings with Branham, Schäfer began to put more of WilliamBranham's doctrines into practice in his group, and began to insistto his followers that they were the only "only faithful ones"to William Branham's teachings.

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