The "I Am" Activity Movement: Guy & Edna Ballard

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The "I AM"Activity Movement is the original ascended master teachingsreligious movement founded in the early 1930s by Guy Ballard(1878–1939) and his wife Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard (1886–1971) inChicago, Illinois. It is an offshoot of theosophy and a majorprecursor of several New Age religions including the Church Universaland Triumphant. The movement had up to a million followers in 1938and is still active today on a smaller scale. According to theofficial website of the parent organization, the Saint GermainFoundation, its worldwide headquarters is located in Schaumburg,Illinois, and there are approximately 300 local groups worldwideunder several variations of the names "I AM"Sanctuary, "I AM" Temple, and other similar titles.As of 2007, the organization states that its purpose is "spiritual,educational and practical," and that no admission fee ischarged for their activities. The term "I AM" is areference to the ancient Sanskrit mantra So Ham and the divinebiblical name "I Am that I Am".


The movement believes in the existenceof a group called the "ascended masters," ahierarchy of supernatural beings that includes the originaltheosophical masters such as Jesus Christ, El Morya Khan, Maitreya,and in addition several dozen more beyond the original 20 Masters ofthe Ancient Wisdom of the original theosophists as described byHelena Petrovna Blavatsky.

These ascended masters are believed tobe humans who have lived in a succession of reincarnations inphysical bodies or cosmic beings (beings originated from the greatcentral sun of light in the beginning of all times). Over time, thosewho have passed through various "embodiments" becamehighly advanced souls, are able to move beyond the cycles of"re-embodiments" and karma, and attained their"ascension", becoming immortal. Ascended masters arebelieved to communicate to humanity through certain trainedmessengers per Blavatsky, including Guy and Edna Ballard. BecauseJesus is believed to be one of the ascended masters, making the"Christ Light" available to seekers who wish to moveout of darkness, many of the members of the "I AM"Activity consider it to be a Christian religion. According to the LosAngeles Magazine, Ballard said he was the re-embodiment of GeorgeWashington, an Egyptian priest, and a noted French musician.

The "I AM" Activitywas the continuation of the teachings received by Helena Blavatskyand William Quan Judge. Ballard was always guided and inspired by thewritings of William Quan Judge (1851-1896), who used the pseudonymDavid Lloyd due to the persecution of his enemies in the TheosophicalSociety. Ballard later came into contact with the ascended masterSaint Germain.

Ballard died in 1939. In 1942, his wifeand son were convicted of fraud, a conviction which was overturned ina landmark Supreme Court decision (United States v. Ballard),ruling that the question of whether the Ballards believed theirreligious claims should not have been submitted to a jury. This eventhas been known as the determinant for the establishment of thepolicies regarding freedom of religion or beliefs rights in theUnited States of America.



The "I AM" Activitywas founded by Guy Ballard (pseudonym Godfré Ray King) in the early1930s. Ballard was well-read in theosophy and its offshoots, andwhile hiking on Mount Shasta looking for a rumored branch of theGreat White Brotherhood known as "The Brotherhood of MountShasta", he claimed to have met and been instructed by a manwho introduced himself as "Saint Germain." SaintGermain is regular component of theosophical religions as an ascendedmaster, based on the historical Comte de Saint-Germain, an18th-century adventurer.

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