Buddhafield Cult

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Buddhafield is a cult in theUnited States mainly known from its coverage in the documentary filmHoly Hell directed by Will Allen. It began in the 1980s in Hollywood,and continues in Hawaii today, often recruiting through yoga studios.The group has been described by some former members as being a cult.


The leader of Buddhafield is a manpreviously known as Michel, Andreas, The Teacher, or Reyji, bornJaime Gomez. He was once known to wear nothing but swim briefs andeyeliner.

Post-Waco changes

Gomez voiced his anxieties to histhen-follower Will Allen after the Waco siege. Allen pinpoints thisas the moment when Gomez's paranoia began. Gomez left his followersfor six months to find a new location for the group. Gomez also beganto undergo increasing amounts of plastic surgery around this time, aswell as recommending his female followers undergo similar procedures.Gomez also attempted to get followers to report on each others'perceived digressions. He kept one follower from seeing her fatherbefore he died, and encouraged another to get an abortion, claimingreligious reasons.


Buddhafield largely uses New Age ideas.Jaime Gomez thinks of himself as God, and encourages his followers tothink of themselves as God as well. Buddhafield uses the Sanskritword shakti (meaning "power") for Jaime Gomez'alleged power transference to his followers using his finger. Gomezalso cites the Bhagavad Gita as a source. Gomez demanded hisfollowers remain celibate despite himself allegedly having sexualintercourse with various followers. Drugs and alcohol were alsobanned from use while in the group.

Buddhafield followers change nameswhile in the group. Holy Hell director Will Allen explained that "Alot of the principles of the East vs. West that we weredoing—surrendering to the guru, dropping your ego, taking yourshoes off before you walk into a room and leave the world behind—wedidn't think of it as giving our power, we thought of it asempowering." Three to five hour ballet practices two tothree days each week were often a part of the group's activities,with members even missing their jobs for practice. The resultingperformance was never shown to anyone outside of Buddhafield.


Many allegations have been made againstJaime Gomez, most notably sexual abuse of his male followers. Hisvictims have said that they had their confessions in their weeklyhypnotherapy sessions used against them. Gomez also used the AIDScrisis to instill fear in his gay male followers to frighten theminto staying.

Former members such as Chris Johnston,Julian Goldstein, Radhia Gleis and Alessandra Burenin claim they werebrainwashed by Jaime Gomez. Allen and other former Buddhafieldmembers claim that they were not allowed to obtain information fromoutside sources, with Gomez bristling at one member purchasing atelevision.

Gomez shunned such ex-followers anddenied the allegations.

Reaction to film

Jaime Gomez has allegedly sentfollowers to Holy Hell's Sundance Film Festival debut screenings to"physically threaten" ex-followers featured in thefilm. One of Gomez's bodyguards allegedly threatened a cast memberafter Sundance.

Gomez's official statement is asfollows:

The Teacher's formal statementon the film: "It is heartbreaking to see how history has beenrewritten. Holy Hell is not a documentary, rather, it is a work offiction designed to create drama, fear and persecution; that is whatsells. I am saddened by this attempt to obscure the message ofuniversal love and spiritual awakening. It is devastating to seethese friends, who were once so filled with love for the world,become so angry. I wish them only the best, and hold each one closeto my heart. If any of my actions were a catalyst for theirdisharmony, I am truly sorry. May all beings find peace, Michel.

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