João Teixeira de Faria

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João Teixeira de Faria (born 24June 1942), known also as João de Deus (John of God), is a Brazilianconvicted sex offender who rose to fame as a self-proclaimed mediumand psychic surgeon. He was based in Abadiânia, where he ran a"spiritual healing center" called the Casa de DomInácio de Loyola. He has received media coverage on CNN, ABC News,and The Oprah Winfrey Show, amongst others. James Randi and JoeNickell exposed his healing procedures as nothing more than carnivaltricks, and there is no evidence that the benefits that have beenreported by patients are anything more than placebo effects.

In 2018, after over 600 accusations ofsexual abuse, Faria turned himself in to police. In December 2019, hewas sentenced to 19 years and four months for the rapes of fourwomen. On 20 January 2020, 40 years were added to his prison time forthe rape of five additional women. The sentences add up to 63 yearsand 4 months.

Early life

João Teixeira de Faria was born inCachoeira de Goiás on 24 June 1942. He has no medical training anddescribes himself as a "simple farmer". He completedtwo years of education and spent a number of years traveling fromvillage to village in the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais as agarrafeiro, a sort of traveling medicine man.



Faria says he was told by his spiritguides that he must expand his work to reach more people andspiritist medium Chico Xavier told him he should go to the smallGoiás town of Abadiânia to fulfill his healing mission. Around1978, when João first performed healings there, he just sat outdoorsin a chair near the main road where people began to arrive seekingcures for their illnesses and conditions. Gradually the numbersincreased to thousands per day and he developed his centre, Casa deDom Inácio de Loyola. The Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola has sincebeen visited by millions of people seeking healing. He also owns anearby cattle ranch, which covers about 1,000 acres and is valued atover 2 million reais.

Much of his income comes from sellingpassionflower preparations, the single herb prescribed by Faria tocure a variety of ailments. The company which bears João TeixeiraFaria's initials, JTF Ltda., markets the drug and is registered inthe name of his wife, Ana Keyla Teixeira, and his driver and employeeAbadio da Cruz.

Claims of healing powers

Faria regularly prescribes meditationand walks to a nearby waterfall as part of treatment. The Casa alsosells herbs, blessed items and artefacts such as magic triangles. Itwas estimated by 60 Minutes Australia in 2014 that these sales earnFaria over $10 million per year.

When called for a spiritual surgery byFaria, patients are offered the choice of "visible"or "invisible" operations. If they select an"invisible" operation (or are younger than 18 orolder than 52) they are directed to sit in a room and meditate. Fariasays that spiritual physicians can perform surgery on the actualpatient via a surrogate when the actual patient is unable to make thetrip.

A very small percentage of peoplechoose a "visible" operation where Faria operateswithout traditional anesthetic. Instead he says he uses "energized"mineral water and the spiritual energies present, the latter of whichare provided by groups of volunteers who meditate in a separate roomcalled the "current room". These practices, such asinserting scissors or forceps deep into a nose and scraping an eyewithout an anesthetic or antiseptics, have been scrutinized bymedical authorities and skeptical investigators such as James Randi,who has called for Faria to stop victimizing people with stunts andtrickery.

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