One World Family Commune

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The One World Family Commune (OWFC),is a new age movement commune. It was formed in 1967 in San Franciscoby 51 year old year old artist, café owner and UFO enthusiast AllenNoonan, who opened the first vegetarian restaurant in the city,completely operated by the commune's members. As a new age movementthe OWFC practices the Everlasting Gospel, a combination of UFObeliefs, Christianity based themes of good and evil, but expressedthrough the positive & negative uses of the life force, alongwith new age beliefs like spirituality and higher states of being. In1973 it was officially registered as The Universal Industrial Churchof the New World Comforter (UIC). One of the primary goals of theOWF/UIC is expressed in The World Bill Of Rights written by itsfounder who by that time changed his name to Allen Michael. Thecommune was most active in Berkeley, California where it ran the OneWorld Family Natural Foods and Entertainment Center, a restaurant,clothing store and a performance hall, while living in two large,former Greek system houses. During that time Noonan officiallychanged his name to Allen Michael. By 1975 the commune begandecreasing in size, and relocated to Stockton, California. OWFC hasbeen politically active throughout, taking part in the anti VietnamWar movement, promoting pacifism and rejection of capitalism. In late1970's as an alternative to political parties the Synthesis Party wascreated to express universal world goals. Noonan as Allen Michaeldeclared his running for President of the United States in 1980, 1984and 1996 as a write in candidate. In 1982, the same year Noonan asAllen Michael was also running as a write in candidate forGovernorship of California, Statements by the Synthesis Partyincluding The World Bill Of Rights and views on World Disarmamentwere submitted to the United Nations Second Special Session OnDisarmament. In 1988 inspired by the Synthesis Party's 1985 proposedresolution for a UN World Peace Agreement and an outline for a GlobalNuclear Arms Ban Treaty (GNABT), first written in 1984 by a OWFCmember, a proposed GNABT was submitted to the UN Third SpecialSessions on Disarmament by The One World Family Forum On NuclearDisarmament. Noonan died in 2010 when he was 93. At that time therewere four people in their 60s living together maintaining a web sitefor the Everlasting Gospel.

Allen Noonan

Allen Noonan, who was later known asAllen Michael, was born in Britt, Iowa November 21, 1916. In hisrecollections he would say that as a child he received several angelvisitations while playing alone. In high school he became a trackrunner and earned an athletic scholarship to Drake University whichhe attended for one year. He worked as a sign painter, and afterbeing drafted for World War II he served as a conscientious objectorin a camouflage battalion in Africa. After the war, he married hisfirst wife Marian and moved to Long Beach, California where theylived with their three sons. In Long Beach he continued his work as asign painter and in 1947 when he was thirty one years old, and justbefore Easter Noonan had a spiritual experience while painting abillboard. He described being enveloped by "ultraviolet lightentwined with gold threads" and pulled into a spaceship,where he had a transcendental experience of being shown his entirelife and made aware of spirits guiding humanity and of his own futurerole in that process.

Several months after the revelationsNoonan's wife divorced him. He then became involved in the UFOcommunity, going to conferences and interacting with prominentUfologists like George Van Tassel, George Adamski, and Gabriel Green.Noonan stated that his first personal contact with alien beingshappened in 1954 near Giant Rock in Mojave Desert, when he had anextatic experience interacting with three beings that exited a landedspaceship. Soon after this experience, Noonan opened a cafe-artstudio in Long Beach called House of Meditation. He wrote that whilesuccessful at first he felt that it eventually attracted problematicindividuals. Guided by telepathic transmission from "GodMind," Noon left for San Francisco in 1967. In 1969 hemarried Dian, a member of the commune, together they had twochildren, the two later divorced with Dian still remaining a memberof the community.

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