House of Yahweh

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The House of Yahweh (HOY) is areligious group based in Eula, Texas. The assembly has beencontroversial, and is referred to as a cult by former members.


Yisrayl Hawkins (also known as "BuffaloBill" Hawkins) is HOY's founder. In 1974, his brother, J. G.(Yaaqob) Hawkins, returned from a seven-year visit to Israel claiminghe had "found proof of Yahweh's name". Shortlyafter, he formed the "first House of Yahweh" inOdessa, Texas. He preached distinct doctrines that his brother agreedwith, such as the necessity of referring to the Creator as Yahweh andthe Messiah as Yahshua, as well as following the Torah and the Jewishfestivals.

In 1980, Hawkins legally changed hisfirst name to Yisrayl, and began The House of Yahweh Abilene at hishome. Hawkins says he and his brother were prophesied in both the Oldand New Testaments as the two witnesses, sent by Yahweh to preparethe world for the Second Coming of Yahshua the Messiah.

Hawkins has written numerous booksconcerning Yahweh's laws and prophecies. Some are The Mark of theBeast Vol. 1 & 2, The Lost Faith of the Apostles and Prophets,Deceptions Concerning Yahweh's Calendar Of Events, Devil Worship: TheShocking Facts!, Unveiling Satan!, The End, In Search of a Savior,There Is Someone Out There, The Two Witnesses, and The PeacefulSolution. Hawkins was the primary editor of The Book of Yahweh: TheHoly Scriptures, now in its 10th edition, which is, according to theHouse of Yahweh "the most correct and accurate translation ofthe Holy Scriptures that is available today." With its useof the name Yahweh throughout the New Testament, it fits into thecategory of sacred name Bibles.

It Is believed Hawkins died on 8October 2021. However, No evidence of his death has been presented.


The House of Yahweh believes that it isthe oldest and only true faith, as instituted by Yahweh, according tothe Bible. Many of the groups teachings are similar to those ofHerbert W. Armstrong and the Sabbatarian Churches of God.

Similar to Armstrongism, the HOYbelieves the world will soon experience the Great Tribulation andthat the Bible refers to Satan as the god of this world, and that"she" has the entire world deceived.

HOY believes Yahweh is the name of thecreator of the world, and that Yahshua is the name of the Son ofYahweh, and that he is their messiah. They teach that any othertitles—such as God (El, Elohim), Lord (Ba'al, Adonai), Jehovah,Jesus and Christ—are names or titles of pagan beings or idols, orare mistakes, that have been falsely ascribed to Yahweh.

Its beliefs are also similar to thoseof Judaism, as the assembly follows the Torah, the 613 laws and rulesfound in the Pentateuch. They believe the observance of these lawspromotes peace and love, and is an answer to many problems in theworld.

Members adhere to a kosher diet,strictly following the dietary laws in Leviticus 11, and weargarments similar to the Jewish yarmulke and tallit in worshipservices and private prayer.

Members regularly perform ritualablutions, and are baptized when they join the assembly.

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