The Endeavor Academy: Chuck Anderson

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Endeavor Academy, founded in1992 as the New Christian Church of Full Endeavor, was acommunity of students of Charles Buell Anderson, which focusedprimarily on the teachings found in the book A Course in Miracles (orACIM). Anderson's teachings also incorporate elements from the NewTestament, and from other various spiritual and religious leaders.The community lists itself as an "international school ofenlightenment", and also as a seminary.

The stated purpose of the community wasto provide its members with a "universal experience ofoneness that is ideally the goal of every spiritual tradition."The Academy Journal promises "an intensive encounter withSingular Reality and a forum for the complete transformation toenlightenment that is the inevitable destiny of mankind."Standard teaching sessions were provided for students on a dailybasis, and an introductory session for the public was given eachSunday. The organization was headquartered in Wisconsin Dells,Wisconsin, USA and had affiliate centers in Poland, Germany, theNetherlands, Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Mexico.

Founding and leadership

Endeavor Academy was founded in 1992 byCharles Buell Anderson (b. ca. 1926, d. 2008). Anderson described his'Spiritual Awakening' as a spontaneous experience he had in1979. A certain pair of earlier extraordinary experiences Andersonhad may offer some insight into Anderson's later experience of'Spiritual Awakening'.

The first of these two earlierextraordinary experiences was Anderson's World War II experience inNagasaki, Japan. Anderson's Nagasaki experience appears to have madea deeply profound and formative impression upon him. In a letter tothe Atomic Veteran's History Project, Anderson described how, withthe Marines 6th Regiment, he was one of the first to land at Nagasakiafter the atomic bombing of that city in 1945, where he was facedwith a vast and overwhelming feeling of the devastation he waswitnessing:

On "one particular day",at "one particular moment in time", I found myself standingdirectly in the center of this unspeakable, indeed unthinkable,devastation that had to have been caused by someone or something. At"that one time" I was filled with complete rage, awrenching, seething, frustrating, insatiable need for revenge. Butagainst what or whom? It had no point of location, no focus ofcausation - in effect, no one to blame, no one to hold responsible.It became a passion of intense revulsion for myself, for this worldand for any and all members of the human species - a containedcertainty from deep within me that all of us, everyone on this earth,all were totally guilty together. And then at "that one momentin time", the light of an inner peace enveloped me. It became "aspace in time" where a new resolution appeared, and with it, themessage, "Look at this as a new beginning."

Anderson wrote that his second suchexperience came 26 years later in 1971, during a 'Near DeathExperience' he had. Anderson wrote that during this second suchexperience, he had a certain "space of peace and happiness"while lying on what he presumed would be his deathbed, and that alsoduring this second event, he received a spontaneous healing fromcirrhosis of the liver.

In an interview with CBS News, Andersondenied having followers, teaching that "the Light is ineveryone" and that "You are the light of the world."He claimed to be "returning to heaven" "shortly",and said that "everybody" will be going with him."There's nothing dangerous about me," Andersonexplained, "I am the danger of eternal love."

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