late nights

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Words: 1091.

emery and her friends were going to a party, per usual. emery was all ready and the girls were already on their way. she went with her besties and her best friend, and the plan was to meet their guy friends there. but what emery didn't know, was that her enemy, sam, was also going to be there.

they made it to the club and everybody greeted everybody. sam and emery were able to make it through the night without fighting or shit-talking one another, but she noticed that he kept stealing glances at her.

after spending multiple hours at different clubs and parties (they went at 11:00 and left at 4:00), everybody was already drunk. and so was emery, but not as much as her friends.

they were all walking through the city, until they came across a building that overlooked the city and was right above a huge bridge. the cars were passing by them as they all sat on the edge.

emery's friends were getting high and laughing, and aline was laughing with them.

about two hours later, the sun was rising. emery had separated herself from the group to get a little peace and quiet as she watched the sunrise.

as she swung her legs off the edge and hummed a soft tune to herself, sam slowly walked to her side. she looked up at him and rolled her eyes.

"may I sit here madam?" he asked in his fake British accent, trying to act posh.

emery laughed at it, and replied with, "sure, whatever." sam sat down next to her, sighing at the pretty sunrise.

he pulled a cigarette and a lighter out of his pocket, lighting it and taking a long puff. he inhaled the smoke, letting out a hum of satisfaction.

he then looked at emery, pointing the pack towards her. "want one?"

emery looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "don't worry i didn't poison them." sam said playfully. emery shook her head and smiled as she took one.

"sure hope not." she said sarcastically. "light me up please." she put the cigarette between her lips and leaned towards him so he could light it.

they made eye contact for a brief moment before emery pulled away to look back at the sunrise.

"holy shit!" she exclaimed randomly. "what?"

"look down there. that's a fucking clown." she pointed towards a clown that was clumsily walking down the street. "oh my god there's another!"

sam was utterly confused, he didn't see where the clowns were.  "are you hallucinating? where are you seeing them?"

emery groaned and grabbed his chin to move his head in the right direction. "do you see them now?? holy shit they're fighting!"

emery was laughing her ass off at the random fighting clowns on the streets, and sam was laughing too.

"that's the most random shit i've ever seen." sam said. "hey, they kinda look like those clowns from that one arctic monkeys mv."

emery looked at him surprised. "fluorescent adolescent?" sam looked back at her. "yeah that's the one." emery nodded in acknowledgment.

"i didn't know you listened to their music." she said and took a puff of her cigarette.

"i didn't know you smoked." sam replied in return. "fair enough."

they stayed in silence for a few minutes. they had never spent this much time together. a least not peacefully.

"hey emery? why are we even enemies?" emery raised her  eyebrows and looked at him in disbelief.

"are you fucking kidding me? you used to pick on me for taking things too seriously and always trying my best," she said, crossing her arms over her chest while taking another puff. "some people can't afford to have fun all the time.." she said under her breath.

"right..." sam whispered. he felt bad. it was such a childish thing to bully someone over.

"i'm so sorry. i was young and a stupid dickhead. you didn't deserve that." he said in a melancholic voice. emery bit her lip and looked at him.

he was already looking deep into her eyes, pleading her to forgive him.

"it''s okay." she said and smiled. "i do admit that i took things too seriously back then. you made me more laid back."

she looked away and smiled to herself. their dislike for each other was childish, and both were glad to have sorted it out.

sam smiled as well, but still looking at emery. "i can't believe i never noticed how beautiful you are..." he whispered.

emery looked at him. "what?" sam simply shook his head. "oh nothing."

but she knew it wasn't nothing, she had perfectly heard what sam said. she just decided to brush it off since she wouldn't know how to respond to it. to be honest, emery thought receiving compliments was awkward.

"you know, you're not that bad of a person, sam lewis."

sam smiled. "neither are you, emery thomas."

after a few seconds, sam got an idea. he stood up, brushing his pants and putting the pack of cigs in his back pocket. "which is why, i wanna show you something." sam looked down at her and held his hand out for her to hold.

emery looked up at him, and then his hand. "so will you accompany ms. emery? on this journey through the city." again, the posh british accent. emery laughed and rolled her eyes.

she thought for a moment. "eh, why not." she put her cigarette out and held sam's hand, which helped her stand up.

"hey guys, we're gonna go explore a bit mmkay?? goodnight y'all. orrr, good morning."

their friends all bid their goodbyes, too drunk to realize that the two enemies were gonna hang out. "have fun you too. love you em." emery's best friend said, slurring her words. emery laughed and kissed her cheek.

"love you too. be careful going home." was the last thing she said before running off with sam to explore the city.

it was about 6 o'clock in the morning and sam and emery were running around the city, eating at random shops that were already open, buying little trinkets as souvenirs for their adventure, and visiting art galleries with art that both of them enjoyed.

it was honestly the perfect morning. they never realized how many similarities they had. but that morning they realized that they clicked. and they'd definitely go on these sleepless adventures together again.

after all, they both had trouble sleeping and would probably be awake either way.

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