mr ghost

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just a lil taste of an idea i had for a story about a girl who loves to party and a bad boy. this idea came from a tiktok video that had a very hot looking guy with a ghostface mask on....IF YOU KNOW ME NO YOU DON'T. enjoy!

Word count: 1353.

It was a late night for Y/n, and as usual, she was going to a party. She'd always hated parties when she was younger. All the stories about getting roofied and raped always got to her brain and was the reason why she developed so many trust issues.

But, there's always a but.

But after she experienced her first real party, she was sorely mistaken. As long as you're with the right people, as long as you're not drinking to avoid feelings, and as long as you have at least one sober friend, the only thing you really have to worry about is your hangover the next day.

But, that doesn't mean that Y/n still isn't careful.

She watched as her friends immediately picked up drinks from the bar as soon as they entered the club. It was a large club, decorated with neon lights. They were mostly red to give a lounge for an orgy vibe. "Y/n! Come drink something with us!" A long-haired man yelled. "I'll be there in a few Roger! I have to greet some people."

She walked towards a sitting area. It consisted of a long red couch and a few red armchairs that surrounded a vintage-looking coffee table. To be frank, it was more of alcohol or drug table with all the things on it that were made to destroy your body from the inside out.

"Y/n! It's so good to see you." A few people surrounded her as she settled herself down and ordered a cosmopolitan and a few shots from a bartender who she noticed was looking rather nervously at her. She answered the first voice. "It's nice to see you too Ashley. I haven't seen you since high school. What are you doing here?" Y/n leaned back on the couch, comfortably crossing her legs so nobody would be able to see her red lace underwear.

"Oh you know, just having some fun," Ashley said, slurring her words. Oh boy, she thought.

After a few minutes, the waiter came back with Y/n's drinks. She downed a shot. That's one way to get the night started, she thought to herself, feeling the warm liquid slither its way down her throat. It left a nice fiery feeling. After her first shot, she sighed and slowly sipped on her cosmo, being forced to engage in small talk with people that would always answer 'i don't know' to the questions that Y/n liked to ask.

There was no one that wanted to talk about the same things that Y/n wanted to talk about. She felt her body getting warmer after she finished her first cosmo, immediately ordering another. At this point, she'd blocked all of the people's voices and just focused on the hot men that kept staring at her and her beautiful body. Maybe I could hook up with one of them..

Y/n wasn't one to settle down. She never found pleasure in a relationship. She wanted something different than cheesy stories, marriage, children and death. She didn't want the stereotypical relationship life. She wanted adrenaline and to feel things with a partner that she felt with no one else. She wanted more-


She and her companions looked towards the commotion. They saw a few guys surrounding a keg that had a man doing a handstand, indeed chugging the liquid that remained inside of it. But there was something weird about the man. He was dressed in all black and had a scream mask over his face. Well, over half his face because it was lifted up to his nose so his mouth was able to chug.

Y/n admired his figure. His muscles showed through his shirt, the jeans that perfectly wrapped around his legs, and his veiny arms. Holy fuck. She thought. Now that's a man she'd want to spend the night with.

A guy to her right was laughing and lifting his beer towards scream mask. "Yeah! Go Mr. Ghost!" Mr. Ghost?

She leaned toward Ashley. "Hey, who's that guy?" But Ashley was too up in her own world to even acknowledge Y/n's existence.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed that her purse wasn't at the place where she'd left it. She looked around, her eyes rolling when she stopped at the separate lounge where Mr Ghost and his goons were sitting. They were looking through the contents of her bag.

She walked towards them, pushing past two guys at the entrance that were going to tell her that she couldn't go inside. She was less annoyed than she thought she'd be when she saw Mr Ghost pulling his mask up to his nose once again and light one of her cigarettes with her lighter. He was the first one to notice her.

"Excuse me? I believe that's mine," she said as she crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head to the side. The goons turned their heads towards her and wolf-whistled when they saw her. "Dayum girl! Now I see why you need this lil' gadget inside yo purse," one of them said, jangling her car keys that had a pepper spray can on them. She chuckled.

"Of course. When guys like you act like assholes there needs to be someone to put them in their place. And I have another inside of my bra, which I will gladly use unless you give me my purse back." She held her hand out, patiently waiting for them to put her stuff back to where they found it. They put their hands up in defence as they walked closer to her and gave her purse back before walking back to sit around Mr Ghost, who was quietly smoking. Y/n turned to him after checking her bag.

"Now if you'll hand me my cigarettes and my lighter, I can leave you gentlemen to your misery," she said as she stood almost right in front of Mr Ghost. If she had been any closer she would've been right in between his open legs. He chuckled.

"You're quite the feisty one aren't you."


His voice made her knees weak. It was so husky and not too deep, it was perfect. The only voice that she'd accept calling her absolutely anything.

Of course, she wasn't going to show him that just by speaking he already made her want to fuck her into a mattress, any mattress.

He stood up and took two steps to be right in front of her. He blew the smoke in her face and whispered. "I like that in a woman."

She took notice of the way he said woman.

He backed away and put his hands behind his back. "Let me guess hot stuff, you're lookin' for a guy that will treat you like a princess," he said with a fake pouty face as he still had the cig between his lips, "that'll give you nighty night kisses and buy you whatever you want." He finished his sentence by blowing more smoke into the room.

Y/n scoffed and smirked. It was her turn to invade his personal bubble, standing right in front of him this time, and looking up at the scream mask's eyes. "That's quite a big assumption Mr Ghost."

He immediately loved how his name rolled off her tongue.

"But who says I don't want a guy that treats me badly but will fuck me until I can't walk properly for a month," she whispered. A smirk spread its way across his face. He liked this one.

A/n - y'all don't be like y/n! get yourself a partner that treats you like friggin royalty. everything is for plot's sake, don't come for me.

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