it's gonna be okay (simon riley)

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Word count: 505.

Your hands were shaking, your chest rising up and down quickly as you tried to cry, you tried to let the tears flow but everything was stuck in your throat and you could barely breath.

"Love? What..." Simon walked into your shared bedroom and immediately ran towards you. He knelt in front of you and started patting you down, searching for wounds. "Are you hurt? Who did this?"

His voice was ice cold when at first he thought that someone had hurt the person he loved the most. But after he checked your entire body and you weakly mouth 'no's to him, he realized something else was wrong.

Your eyes were wide with fear and you kept shaking anxiously. He didn't know what to do. So he  simply put his arms around you. Though he was very tense, you were slightly able to catch your breath and the tears flowed.

Your arms wrapped around his waist and his huge arms kept you enclosed around him, protecting you. "Simon..." you managed to mutter out through your cries. And that's when he finally relaxed in your arms.

He took off his gloves and his calloused hands gently stroked your hair. "It's're okay.." he whispered in his husky voice.

After you cried into his vest and had calmed down a little bit, he gently and slowly picked you up, placing you on you bed and covering you in blankets. You held onto his hand the entire time.

You gave him a tiny little smile when he took off his mask and handed it to you. Simon would do anything for you. He never took his mask off for anything. Hell, he practically showered with it. But you were more special to him that anything could ever be, so he'd always without hesitation take it off in front of you.

You smelled it and held it close to you before one of your hands went up to caress his cheek. He leaned into it and then stood up from the bed.

"I'll get you some-" "No, it's okay..stay," you whispered, holding onto his arm to prevent him from leaving. You opened your arms, inviting him to lay on your chest.

Instead though, he took off his gear and sat on the bed next to you, then pulling you onto his lap as he once again protected you with his arms.

"It's okay," he whispered again, placing a kiss on your forehead as you were calmer now, finally closing your eyes and breathing heavily. "Rest now love.." he said, switching to laying down on your shared bed and letting you put your leg over his as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.

He smelled so comforting. So warm and not too strong with his cologne.

You sighed in contentment when you felt his hand reaching under your shirt, gently caressing it. The relaxing goosebumps made your eyes slowly start closing, and you eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

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