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y'all....1 fucking K AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH i haven't been writing much, been real busy but i'll try to post more. enjoy this crazy ass one

as always, if you know me, nah you don't

Word count. 736.

I could see it in his eyes. He wasn't a successful business man, he didn't have a shit ton of money and he sure as hell wasn't smart. He was sad and empty. A fucking coward is what he was. Too tired of living his boring ass life but too addicted to stop living it and too pussy to die. He was a real "I don't know what to do" kind of guy. The one who always said I don't know.

God, I hated guys like that.

"Wow. You fucking motherfucker. You're such a pussy, you're literally a walking pussy." I said as I looked into those stupid blue eyes. He clenched his jaw. "I'm surprised dudes don't surround you tryna fuck you."

"Aline, please not out here." He said as he looked at the people walking around us. I looked around us as well.

"OH MY GOD!! Are you scared of a few random fucking people and "what they think of you"?" I said in that stupid baby voice that idiots talk to pets with. "Go suck a dick Andrew! You fucking fake ass motherfucker. You're an asshole! A total complete dirtbag of an asshole! DO YA THINK YA CAN HOLD ME DOWN ANDREW?? THE CRAZY IDIOT YOU WISH YOU'D NEVER MET??? IS THAT WHAT YA WANT ANDREW??" I had walked closer to him, yelling at his face. People were giving us weird fucking looks and walking by faster, but I didn't give a shit. I was never gonna see those cocksuckers again, and even if I were, I wasn't hurting them was I?? I wasn't affecting them in any way shape or form. I wasn't even looking their way. They can suck my pussy for all I care.

Andrew-boy here looked angry. Like he wanted to punch me. I smiled at him and laughed. Fuck! I laughed so hard. "Fuck Andrew! There ya go!! Get angry at me, c'mon. Don't just hold back cause I'm a tiny little defenseless lady." I laughed more.

I reached into his pocket and took out a cigarette box. Andrew stared at me, he wasn't no longer angry. He just looked annoyed if I'm being honest. But he could put up with me, I knew he could. Hell, he even managed to keep me around for this long.

I took out the last cig and threw the pack in the trash. I kept my eyes on the walking pussy, putting the Marlboro in between me lips. "Light me up bitch boy." I said.

He also maintained eye contact as he, angrily, might I add, took out our pink lighter that had "A + A = delicious sex" engraved on it. He lit me up and then put it away.

I took a puff and blew the smoke in his face, pulling his lips onto mine desperately. He pulled me in by the waist, giving me the fucking chills. The kiss was rough, just how I liked it. We almost had sex in the middle of that very street. Well I mean, our tongues did. Laugh your asses off all you want at that stupid joke.

After a few seconds of our tongue sex, I pushed the pussy away, wiping my lips with messy red lipstick and looked at Andrew, his lips equally as lipstick red. It was called hot momma. Which I sure fucking am.

"Well pussy face," I said and took another puff. "I'm gonna leave you to your miserable lonesome. Have a terrible fucking life." I turned around started walking away, flipping him off as I did so.

Damn, I think I'm gonna miss that motherfucker. Can you believe it? Me? Fucking missing a fuck buddy. This a fucking romance cliche movie now? Jesus Christ. I shook my head to myself.

But before I could get far enough to not hear him, Andrew: last name motherfucker said, "Wait! I'm not letting you fucking go. Get back here right now."

I immediately stopped and smiled to myself. I took one last puff of my cig before throwing it on the pavement, stepping on it and turning around, smirking at my boyfriend.

"Looks like you've got some balls on ya."

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