in love (christian anthony)

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another Christian one! i really freakin love Chase Atlantic. this one's about Christian cheating on Stephanie (a made up girlfriend) with you, it's just the plot, don't come for me.

enjoy and if you know me, no you don't.

Word count: 1375.

You were walking down the hallways, per usual. But this time, you were a little bit hungover. The only thing you remember from last night was being told something by someone and then going straight to the bar to hopefully forget what the particular person said. Well, it seems like you were able to complete your mission because you can't seem to remember anything since the moment you had left your house to meet up with someone.

It was all very weird for you. Of course you had drunk alcohol before and had tons of hangovers, but you had never drunk to forget about something or "feel good". You just did it for fun.

Before you could tangle your neurons any further with trying to figure out what you wanted to forget, you simply fixed your hair and continued walking down the hallways, hoping to soon find your hellish economics class in which you would spend the last half hour of break, sleeping.

As you walked down the halls, you were suddenly encountered with him. Ugh, Christian Anthony. The one guy you were hoping to never ever have to see. Feelings are tricky and a little bitch, and they just so happened to have made you fall in love with your best friend's boyfriend of 3 years. Do you wanna guess his name? Christian Anthony.

Of course, some people would be freaking out. What should I do? Oh my god, what if my best friend finds out, this is gonna ruin my friendship...

But you, no. You were just simply waiting for the tiny little feeling to go away. Fuck, it was a big feeling but whatever. All you wanted was to stay best friends with your friend that you've know since middle school. Hurting her was the very last thing you wanted to do. So you hoped that your common sense would kick in (that's my bestie's fucking boyfriend, hoes before bros) you would eventually just fall out of love with him. Goddamn, when is my common sense finally going to arrive.

You pretended to enjoy the pastel yellow color of the walls so he would hopefully take the hint that you did not want to focus on him, but no.

Christian walked up to you and looked around before grabbing your upper arm and dragging you to a secluded corner. "What the hell- what's going on?" You asked, surprised, as you looked into his beautiful, deep gre- nope no, as you looked into his eyes (just that).

"Did you um...did you think about what I said yesterday?"

What the fuck. He said something?

"What do you mean?" Your face contorted into confusion. "I told you something last night. You said you needed some time to think about it." He said as he leaned on the wall behind you.

Fuck, was he the one that said something that made me go drink it away?

"I don't...." You started in a whisper, then cleared your throat. "I don't remember what you said."

His eyes widened a little bit in surprise. He looked at the ground for a few seconds, probably contemplating on wether he should repeat what he said or not. After about a minute later, his green eyes looked straight into yours and he said,

"I said I was in love with y-"


You immediately retorted, covering his mouth with your palm and cutting him off before he could finish his sentence. You were still looking in his eyes, searching for something. Searching for a hint that he was messing with you or something, anything else. But all you found was the brutal honesty and the stupidly adoring way he looked into your eyes.

"What do you mean, no?" Despite your palm covering his mouth, you could still hear his speech, it was just muffled. You stared up into his eyes for a little bit more before letting out a short sigh and removing your hand from his mouth.

"I mean, you're not in love with me."  Stupid to say, but it was the first thing that came to your mind.

Kras chuckled, my god he's so fucking hot. Ehem, anyways, Kras chuckled and crossed his arms against his chest, making his biceps visible through his tight camo green, long sleeve shirt. "You can just decide that for me?"

"In this situation, yes." He squinted his eyes at you playfully and let out one of his beautiful smiles. You sighed again, why is he making this so difficult to explain?

"Chris, you have a girlfriend remember? My best friend, Steph, your girlfriend of 3 years? You don't know what you're saying." Christian's expression visibly saddened once you said her nickname. He closed his eyes for a second and sighed as well, moving closer to you.

"Listen, Y/n," Your heart exploded when he said your name, you could feel his minty breath on your face. Damn does this dude ever eat something, his breath always smells like mint. Not to mention how much he smokes, goddamn. Anyways.

You gulped and looked at him as he continued. "My heart wants what it wants. I've been with Steph for a long time, but the feeling that she was "the one"....I'm sorry to say this but it faded away." You just stood there, a baffled, confused, angry, sad, and in love expression glued on your face like super-freaking-glue. "I know that if my feelings for Steph faded away it probably means that mine for you will fade as well, but I know it won't be anytime soon. Right now, I want you,
Y/n. I'll say this as many times as it takes for you to believe me, I'm in love with you, Y/n."

Your breath hitched in your throat. What the hell just happened? It wasn't that you couldn't process everything, it was just that you couldn't believe that just happened. You couldn't believe that Christian just confessed his feelings for you. Fuck, he can't be in love with me. Fuck, what do we tell Stephanie? Fuck, is there a we? Fuck, what the hell do-

"Y/n." You looked down and saw him holding your hand. Little waves of shaking would eventually strike your hand, making Eren squeeze it tighter in reassurance. You looked back up at him. Why does he always know what do to when I'm feeling out of control? How does he know me so well? Why is he so perfect? He's not, you just think that he is because you're fucking in love with him. You're so in love with him you don't care about anything else in this moment or any moment.

You shake your head and furrow your brows, trying to figure out how to respond. "But, you. She...I, we, no...what?" You question yourself, pulling your hands away to rub your face in despair.

Before you could think about anything else, Christian's hands pulled your own away from your face, and stared at you for 2 split seconds, before his lips attacked yours.

A waterfall of emotions flung into your body, some sort of electrical current occurring right when his lips touched yours. His hands slithered around your waist and your arms wrapped themselves around his neck. Yes motherfuckers, something clicked.

From the way his tongue explored the inside of your mouth to the peach that you could taste on his lips from your lipbalm, everything seemed, felt, and was perfect.

After a few seconds, in order for the two of you not to die, you pulled away, panting like two maniacs who had just ran a marathon.

In between breaths, Chris started to speak, "Sorry if that was too sudden, I-"

The man couldn't even get the chance to finish before your brain said "fuck it" and your body moved closer to his, your lips connecting again. My god, his kiss is heavenly. He pushed your back against the wall gently and continued to violate your mouth.

Fuck, how are we gonna explain this to Steph?

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