take me home (simon riley)

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Word count: 1670.

I was sitting on a stool at a bar, tracing the rim of the glass in front of me and leaning my head on my hand. I was extremely bored, if you couldn't tell.

It was a Friday night and I'd had a meh week, so I wasn't really in a party mood. But my friends had insisted on bringing me, and I just couldn't say no.

That was clearly a mistake because now they'd walked off to dance with random dudes that were way too touchy.

A few had tried to get me but....it was too soon. I'd just gotten out of a toxic relationship and I needed some time to myself.

So there was I, having all the time for myself in a room full of people that are way too high and drunk to even remember their own names.

I downed the rest of my mai tai, calling the waiter with a smile to get another. I bobbed my head to the music and felt lightheaded from the smoke in the air.

A few seconds later, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was ready to kick some ass. "Back up- Johnny?" My eyes widened when I turned around and saw none other than John "Soap" Mactavish.

"Hey there," he said, and I smiled at the familiar accent. I instantly pulled him in for a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever," I said, kissing his cheek. He kissed mine too and grinned. "Yeah not since..." he trailed off. Both of our smiles faltered.

I took a deep breath and composed myself. That was all in the past. "Here, take a seat," I said, gesturing to the stool right next to mine. He did just that and held a hand up for the bartender.

"So how have you been? Been on any top secret missions to save the world?" I asked with a small laugh, leaning against the bar as I looked at him. Soap is my ex's best friend. I'd spent a lot of time with him and the rest of 141, to the point where they became my friends too. A small smile formed on my face when I remember all the times I had to babysit them. You'll be surprised at how childish military men are outside the battlefield. I mean, they were already pretty childish on the battlefield so you do the math...

"I've been alright. Oh and many, many. You should thank me and the guys for you sitting on this bar right here," he said and my smile got bigger. "Is that so?"

And then our drinks arrived. Soap and I talked for a little, until both of us finished our drinks. We talked about new things that happened in the month that we hadn't seen each other, and we reminisced. I knew we were both avoiding talking about...certain things.

So, feeling a little hot in my head and impulsive, I asked him, "So are the others here too?" I already knew the answer to that. You couldn't have one without the several others, even if this wasn't really their scene.

Soap slowly nodded. Knew it. "Yeah, just over there," he said, pointing over to some lounge seats where Price, Rudy, Alejandro, Gaz and...

As soon as I looked at them, Simon turned his head and made eye contact with me, but I instantly turned away before I could get lost in those familiar eyes.

Soap seemed to notice my shoulders getting tense, even if I tried to hide it with an acknowledging smile, and his face become serious. "He's not handling it well Y/n," he said, and I turned away.

"Yeah well, he should've thought about that before he treated me like shit," I replied, my tone filled with poison. Soap sighed. He knew I was right.

Ghost is....not the easiest person to date. We were great together at first. I loved him and he loved me. I picked up all of his broken pieces and I held them close to my heart. But a few months after we started dating, all of that changed.

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