3. Daddy

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Eros packed her bag with pajamas and some skincare products. She grabbed her laptop and some random books. Not that she was going to learn at Avani's place but she had to make it look like it, so she could get out the house. She stared at the bottle of vodka she had stolen from her dad cellarette earlier when she arrived from school. She tucked it inside and grabbed her car keys and phone.

She looked around her nude painted  room one last time and stumbled out the door only to crash into her father. She swallowed the lump in her throat and averted her gaze to the books in her hand.

" Going somewhere?," His deep voice echoed. Eros and get father shared the same skin colour bronzy and very smooth whilst she had a acquired her mum's hair and eyes.

" Avani and I are having a study night, we have to finish a project at school." He nodded with each word.

" That's good. Your grades are good but I think you could do better and get all As rather having a B over here and there." Eros bit her tongue. Why wasn't it always enough?. Why was it so hard to please him?.

" Okay dad, I'll do my best." Her lips pressed into a line.

" Let Jarl drop you off." Her eyes rolled discreetly. She could drive. What was the need to ask his driver to drop her off?. He was the grumpy idiot. She was planning on going to the club later on but now that plan was extremely ruined.

" Dad, I'll,"

" My daughter ain't sleeping at a friend's house. It doesn't matter if you come home at 2am, he's still going to wait till you complete your project. End of discussion." She swallowed her anger and nodded anyways.

" Have a great night." He wished and walked away, receiving a call as he neared his study. She groaned and rushed downstairs. 

"Same to you." She scoffed as she walked out the door. She breathed heavily as she saw his car waiting right outside. She rolled her eyes and hopped inside the backseat.

" Good evening, Jarl ." She greeted sarcastically.

" Good evening Eros, nice having to drive you." He retorted. They already had a hate relationship and both parties were well aware of it. No need for pretence.

" I wouldn't even trade hell for a ride with you." She scoffed.

" Likewise," the older man answered. She dug deeper into the seat and looked out the window. The town passing away and new places greeting her. She sighed. What if she was born into a normal family like Avani?. A loving dad and mum, and also if her brother wasn't in deep in drugs. Would she be like this?. Would she be a bad influence to people?.

" I'm not coming down anytime soon so you can drive off.," She gestured to the road ahead.

" Your father's clear instructions was to wait and bring you home." The glass rolled up.

" I hate you,fuck you." She showed him the finger. He just faked a smile.

She knocked on Avani's family house. Avani didn't live in such luxury as her but she wished she could switch places with her. The door opened, her eyes shot up to meet hers.

" I've been here for an hour." Eros stated.

" Stop being dramatic, come in." She dragged her inside. Avani loved Eros when they weren't in school. When they were not in school, Eros was stuck with her. Like she always imagined. Unbeknownst to Eros, Avani had a crush on her for the longest time but couldn't bring herself to be part of her list of sexual partners.

" You came right on time for dinner," she gestured with her arm. Eros eyes shot up and there were met with the familiar ones she knew since she was in elementary school. Lesley was literally the twin of Avani whilst Landon had black hair with streaks of grey in them.

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