12. Do You Feel?

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Eros rolled expecting to find the body of Landon sleeping peacefully with her. But no, instead she found the spot empty and cold, indicating that he hadn't been in the spot for a long time. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes and clutched the sheets to her chest. She stepped out of the bed and wrapped the long sheets around her body,the rest of the material flowing behind her as she stumbled to the balcony attached to the room. She felt relieved to find him there looking out into the dark night.

" I thought you left," she confessed. With Landon she didn't feel the need to hide her emotions.

" Why?," He asked still looking far away. Eros licked her lips as his delicious back faced her. She took bold steps towards him and held unto the cold railings with one hand, the other holding the bed sheet in place.

" Guilt, anger, maybe regret. I don't know Landon," she sighed.

" Do you feel any of those?"

" Guilt , undoubtedly yes. But regret?, I highly doubt." She shrugged a pout on her lips. Landon found it unbelievably cute.

" Eros, has anyone told you how cute you're when you pout?," Eros eyes widened.

"Excuse me?," She blushed.

" You look cute when you pout." He repeated.

Eros looked away. No one ever called her cute. She was used to been called sexy. That was what she had actually practiced to be since she became older.

" It sounds weird." She tucked the bedsheets under her arm and added another hand to the railings. Landon placed his hand on hers. She glanced at their hands and looked away again.

" You'll always have me,Eros Cameron.Always." he turned to meet her gaze. Eros's eyes searched his.

" You're lying Landon. If we get caught you'll probably run after your family. I won't always have you forever. You're not mine. I stole you from them. For myself, right now and maybe a few times," she smiled, hinting at the fact that this wasn't going to be the last time they'd have sex. Their illicit affair wasn't done. It had just started because neither of them was ready to stop. Even if it meant spending their eternity with the devil himself.

" Time. Time will tell." He squeezed her hand slightly.

" I'll drop you off. It's already late. I don't want you to get in trouble." He reached over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He inhaled her scent and pulled away.

" No dummy!," She hit his chest playfully.

" What happens to my car?!" She giggled.

" I'll sell it , it'll be of good price." He joked along and followed her as they headed for the shower.

Eros squealed when Landon swoop her off her feet.

" I can walk!" She protested. He didn't listen to her, just her melodious laughs.


" I'll see you, baby." She kissed him on the lips.

" I wanna take you somewhere nice." Landon suggested.

" Sounds fun."

" Where?," she questioned.

" You'll see. You probably have a week more to end your suspension right?"

" Yes and what if my boyfriend wants to spend the week with me?," She smirked. Landon became quiet.

" You don't have a boyfriend, do you?" He asked seriously.

" I do," she played with a loose strand of her hair.

" He doesn't fuck you like I do." He rolled his eyes.

Eros burst into laughter.

" I don't have a boyfriend!," She kissed him and skipped out of his car. He was going to bring it to her himself.

Landon watched she waved him off. He smiled and drove off.

She stumbled into her mansion and closed the door behind her. She froze when she saw her brother sitting in the living area.

" A-Ares?," She looked around the house.

" Broke the bro's code? "

Eros turned pale.

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