23. Accidentally

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It felt like a crash. Worse than a plane crashing into the sea and invading it's peace. Eros's eyes widened and her jaw fell. Lesley. That last person she ever expected to come see her.

The bouquet in her hand landed on the floors causing it's petals to scatter across the floor. Lesley's hands trembled. Her heart beating so fast she could hear it in her ears.

" How could you, Eros?," That was the question that came out as a whisper.

"Les-," Eros stuttered.

" I - I trusted you so much , Eros."

She turned around hastily and bolted out of the house.

" Lesley!," Eros followed her. Eros pushed one of the driver's away and took her father's Bentley. She was new with it, her movements were rapid and full of mistakes.

" Don't fucking open the damn gates!," She yelled to the guard at the gates but it was already too late. She was out of the house in her car.

Eros was worried at the pace she was driving. She was pregnant and the thought of her getting hurt was tormenting. She stepped on it, driving as fast as she could trying to stop her.

" Lesley please slow down." She kept her gaze on the car away from her.

" Please stop." She cried, hitting the steering wheel so many times, her knuckles turned red and bloody.

" It's my fault." She chanted. Her eyes instinctively went for the traffic lights, it was red. Instead of Lesley stopping, she watched as she drove past it. Her eyes went to the truck approaching at her vehicle with such speed it was lethal. Eros's jaw clenched as she increased her speed to the last digit.

Her car crashed into the back of Lesley's pushing hers forward.

Her head snapped to the left. She shut her eyes as the truck crashed into hers. It was a deadly crash, Eros's car somersaulted in the sky before landing on the ground. Every eye thought it was it until another car crashed into the already destroyed car, making it destroyed beyond recognition.

Lesley saw everything through her wing mirror. Her lips pursed and her ears filled with the distant sound of the ambulance siren. Her hand pushed her door open. She stepped out of her car on wobbly legs.

The car looked like terrible.

When the ambulance got there, Lesley rushed to the scene, fighting the men to let her close but they weren't going to. She watched as they expertly pulled the drivers side open. Her heart jumped into her throat when she saw Eros bloody arm.

" She's, she's my daughter please let me get close. I-I," she cried hysterically. She always saw her as her daughter. She loved her.

When they carefully got Eroses body out of the car, it wasn't the bubbly girl she knew. There was blood. Lots of it, her vision turned red.

" She needs me!, Please!, " Lesley finally pushed through and ran to her unconscious body, the medics were strapping her to the stretcher.

" She has a pulse but it's faint, I can barely feel it.,"

" Eros, God, no, please,"

" Ma'am you'd have to help us with some information once in the ambulance." Lesley nodded and jumped into the ambulance carrying Eros. She took her hand into hers.

" Eros Cameron, she,"

" She's pregnant doctor, don't let anything happen to the baby and mother please, " she jumped when she felt Eros squeezing her hand. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Fresh tears falling down her sides.

" Please don't let anything happen to my baby, mum. Please," Lesley felt like dying in that moment. She called her mom, that was the deadliest word. She trusted her enough to call her;


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