𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦

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hey babes! long time no write. . this story was requested for me to write by @AmandaUpton , so thank you so much for the request! i've been taking a lot writing courses and english classes, so this story might be written in a different style/grammar, so please bare with me. this story isn't going to be romantic either, it's more of a comforting/adopted fic, so if that isn't your thing, this is an early warning. thank you for all your support <3

the wind picked up, swirling your hair just like a leaf. you brushed the loose strands back behind your ears, pushing the black beanie further down your ears. you take the last puff of your cigarette as you rub the ash into the stair you were sitting on. a car pulled in front of the house, the headlights beaming.

"finally," you mutter underneath your breath.

you stand up, grabbing your suitcase as the car comes to a stop. a brunette woman gets out from the driver's seat. her striking brown eyes meet your gaze. she large smile erupts on her red lips.

"hey there, kid. i'm debbie," she says extending her hand.

you take her hand and shake it. "(y/n)."

she stares at you for a moment. her face emotionless except for her eyes-- you could've sworn that you saw them tear. "y-you look just like your dad," she says with a slight chuckle.

you give her a slight smile.

debbie clears her throat and motions to your bag. "well, let's go and get you set up. is there anything else you need to do--"

you cut her off. "no. i'm ready to leave."

debbie pauses and nods understandingly. "alright, let's go."

the drive was quiet. debbie had turned on the radio and apologized for how far away her house was. deja vu was softly playing in the background as you turned towards debbie.

"why didn't you go the funeral?" you ask.

debbie turns to you. "to be honest, kid. i don't know. i just couldn't handle seeing all those people again.."

you frown. "you mean your family?" you ask, as debbie falls quiet. "you know, grandfather never stopped talking about you. he was so proud of you, and you couldn't even show up to his funeral."

debbie takes a deep breath. but before she could begin talking, you cut her off.

"and now i'm stuck with a woman who doesn't want anything to do with me!"

"i never said that," she says firmly.

you shake your head. "you weren't there in the hospital when i was born, no holidays, no birthday parties.. or even when my dad died.." your voice cracked. you took a deep breath. "why did you take me in? you don't even know me."

debbie swerved the car to the side of the road, causing you to latch onto the car door. "your-- our family hasn't liked me in years. your mother didn't want me to have anything to do with you, so i respected her wishes. i didn't want to go to a funeral where i would be lectured about being a gay woman!"

you instantly felt bad. you had no idea that had happened to debbie. but, she had a point. you had never heard anyone talk about her before, besides your grandfather. you didn't know your mom, or your own father. they dropped you off with your grandfather when you were little. he received a letter when your dad had died and your mom didn't ever send a word. you go to say something but debbie stops you.

"i loved papa, but he would've understood why i didn't show up." she paused, looking at your face, before reaching behind the seat, grabbing an old shoe box. "i have something for you," she says, handing you the box. "i was going to wait until later, but fuck it." you carefully take off the lid, revealing letters, cards, and photos. debbie reaches into the box, handing you a letter. "this was written on the day you were born." you unfolded the letter and began to read.

to my first ever niece,
hey there, (y/n). i can't get over your name, it suits you so well. i think i'll call you (y/n/n), something special for the two of us. i'm so grateful you weren't named apple or some stupid shit. when we meet, i have so many presents to give you. (and embarrassing photos of your dad). you're going to be the best kid in the world. i hope you know that auntie debbie is always going to be here for you. you're going to get the world, kid. love you (y/n).
- auntie deb

"i know i didn't make a big enough effort, but i want you to know that i always thought of you," debbie said with a smile.

you gave her a slight smile back, trying to control the lump in your throat.

"you don't think it's too--" you cut her off by practically jumping into her arms. "oh..!" she exclaimed, unsure of what to do. she uncertainty wraps her arms around you, mimicking your affectionate action toward her.

"thank you," you whisper into her shoulder. debbie smiles to herself as she begins to run her fingers through your hair.

you felt the car come to a stop. you slowly blinked open your eyes, getting blinded by the harsh street light. you squint your eyes and look around.

"ah, good morning sleepyhead," debbie says with a small laugh.

you grumble a good morning as you sit up from the window, which your head was resting on. "how long was i out for?" you inquire with a small yawn.

"about 2 hours, which is not long at all. we just got here. my house was always the furthest one away." debbie says reassuringly.

you give her a light smile as you turn your attention to the house to your right. it was a large building. it looked like a metal box with some earthy tones to it, almost like a huge storage unit. on the top of the building, there were warm fairy lights strung across beams and at least one table with a barbeque.

"so, there is one thing i probably should've mentioned earlier," debbie started. she sounded a little nervous.

"what is it?" you inquire.

she clears her throat. "well, sweetheart. i have..." she pauses, "i have seven other roommates."

you manage to suppress your jaw from dropping but ultimately it was your face that gave your shock away.

"don't worry, kiddo. they're super nice and know all about you," debbie says reassuringly. "and besides, some of them have other houses, so they won't be living here 24/7."

you nod your head as debbie squeezes your shoulder.

"but before we meet them, there's someone special i'd like you to meet."

"okay," you say. you weren't really in a position to argue. it made you happy that debbie's roommates were women, men are very unhygienic and too much to deal with. women were what you vibed with.

debbie smiles. "okay, let's go get you set up and warmed up inside."

you got out of debbie's car with your suitcase. you took a deep breath in and observed the house before you. your house. you let out the breath and watched it fog in front of you. this was it, your new life.

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