𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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raining and cold. the raindrops sprinkled on the black umbrella you were holding."(y/n), we've been waiting," a familiar voice said from behind you. you spin around and see debbie standing in front of you. an open hole in the ground behind her.

"w-what?" you ask in confusion. she suddenly grabbed you by your wrists and yanked you forward, causing you to stubble closer to the hole.

"we've all been waiting," voices whispered from the bottom of the hole, which you now recognized as an open grave. your eyes slowly drifted down as you saw your pa and nonno at the bottom. their skin was pale and dirt stained, their eyes lifeless and dark, and their mouths filled with dirt which spilled out in clumps when they talked.

"no.." you shook your head and took a step backwards. you hit something behind you and you turned around. "debbie," you said tearfully.
she gave you a smile before shoving you into the open grave. you felt the cold and stiff hands of your family grasping at you. you started to scream and practically ripping their hands off your body. you looked up at debbie, extending a hand. "please!" you pleaded with the brunette. a sinister expression plagued her face. she was now holding a shovel and started dropping dirt into the grave. the hands wrapped around you as you succumbed to your fate. you squeezed your eyes shut as you took your last breath of air.

you jerked forward in a cold sweat, your mouth was bone dry, and your cheeks damp with salty tears. you quickly wiped the excess from your eyes and ran your fingers through your hair before taking a shaky breath. you glanced towards your bedside table, where a bright alarm clock was flashing the time. 5:47 am. you sighed, pulling the sickly warm covers off your body. you knew that you wouldn't be able to go back to bed after that nightmare. slipping on your favorite hoodie over your white undershirt, you make your way to the bathroom across the hallway. you grab your personal hygiene bag you packed and carefully opened the door, making sure to not disturb anyone else. you successfully make your way into the bathroom and start your daily morning routine of brushing your teeth and washing your face. you run a brush through your hair and decide to leave it alone. it was early in the morning and it didn't look bad at all. you decided to leave your bag in the bathroom and go get some water. you slowly tiptoe down the stairs, towards the kitchen.

"where do you think you're going?" a voice asked, making you jump. you instantly jerk your head towards the voice. tammy was sitting in the living room, sipping out of a steaming mug. the coffee smell filled the room.

"o-oh just to get some water," you responded, your voice sounded short and airy.

tammy chuckled to herself. "sorry honey, i didn't mean to scare you. i'm usually the only one awake until about 8:30, when rose wakes up."

you continue climbing down the stairs. "i usually don't wake up until later too, but i couldn't go back to sleep," you admitted to the blonde.

she arches an eyebrow. "couldn't go back to bed?" she repeats.

you nod. "just had a bad dream," you simply replied, taking a seat on the sofa across from tammy.

"do you want to talk about it?" she asks.

you don't say anything, partly because you were trying not to think about it and partly because you didn't want to make it a habit to trauma dump on tammy.

"nightmares after funerals are the worst. i remember when my mom died, i had the nastiest nightmare." she visibly shivered in her chair, shaking her head. you looked at her with curiosity, which she instantly picked up on. "it was so long ago, but the feeling i had when i woke up will stick with me forever. we used to have this rocking chair on our porch, which she always was swinging on. i remember walking over to the rocking chair and touched her shoulder, then she fell off the chair. when i rolled her over, she was covered in dirt and bugs. i woke up screaming."

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now