𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘹

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most people who lived at the ocean's residence were now sitting at the table. debbie had introduced you to two new people you had never met. constance and nine-ball.

"so is your real name nine-ball?" you asked while tammy was putting the food into serving bowls.

"yup." you smiled and nine-ball smiled back. you had a feeling you were going to like her.

rose hurriedly came into the kitchen, plopping down to the open seat next to you. she was out of breath and was slightly flushed.

"there you are rose," you commented. "you missed my epic victory!"

rose's eyes darted from debbie's to yours. "victory? what for?"

you opened your mouth to talk, but lou stopped you. "don't you say a word, ocean." you grinned at the blonde before whispering under your breath, "lou is not the best at war."

rose chuckled and tammy brought out the food. a large bowl of steaming spaghetti was in the middle of the table, along with a smaller bowl of fried vegetables. you waited for everyone to make their plates before you made yours. you took a big spoonful of vegetables and smaller spoonful of spaghetti. you saw rose looking at your plate from the corner of your eye.

"this is so delicious, tammy," constance said between chewing. spaghetti stained the outer corners of her lips red.

you took a bite of spaghetti before fluttering your eyes closed. it was absolutely delicious.

"is it good, (y/n)?" tammy asked which caused you to open your eyes. she had a slight smirk painted on her lips.

"it's absolutely delicious!" you complimented with a smile. "probably the best spaghetti i've ever tasted, of course after my nonno."

"here comes the airplane," debbie singsongingly said to you. your hands began eagerly hitting against the high chair as you opened your mouth wide. "there we go," debbie cooed as you chewed the spaghetti, getting sauce and noodles all over yourself.

a loud crash came from the other room causing debbie to whip her head. a distant voice screamed "fuck you!" debbie sighed before brushing a section of your hair behind your ear. "one day, you won't have to deal with all this. i'll make sure of it." you looked up at debbie with wide eyes and a gummy smile. debbie smiled back at you before getting another spoonful of spaghetti.

"that's damn right," debbie agreed with a small smirk.

"well," tammy chuckled, "i feel grateful to have a spot on your list. thank you, honey."

small conversations erupted around the table. you were sat in between rose and nine-ball. nine-ball was talking to tammy, who sat next to her. rose leaned towards you, her deep brown eyes locked on yours. "not much of an appetite, huh?"

you tilted your head towards roses. "i can't focus on eating when i still have to settle," you retorted.

rose arched her eyebrow before debbie cleared her throat, catching your attention. "so (y/n), who have you met so far?"

you think for a moment before naming everyone around the table. "tammy, nine-ball, rose, constance, and lou," you listed.

"she hasn't met daphne yet?" rose asked, holding a forkful of spaghetti over her plate.

you took a sip of water before shaking your head. "jeez, how many famous people are living in this house?" you joke. the table went silent. your eyes widen and you jaw drops. "you don't actually mean daphne kluger." debbie cracked a smile. "you're joking!"

"what can i say kiddo? this place is hottest joint in town."

"you really don't have to help me do the dishes, honey." tammy stated as you began to dry down the wet plate.

"but i insist," you replied. in your mind, it was an unspoken rule to help with dishes if you ate the food.

tammy nudged your shoulder with hers. "thank you." you smiled as your routine continued: tammy washing a dish and you drying it. it'd save the dishwashers power and water, so you were happy. "you know, i'm also happy that you're going to be staying here."

you arched your eyebrow. "um, thanks," you nervously chuckled.

"i mean of course not be weird," tammy quickly said. she didn't want to make you uncomfortable.

you shake your head with a reassuring smile. "it's not you, i'm just not to great at compliments," you said with a half-hearted chuckle.

"i think it'd be in your best interest for you to get used to them, you are very likable," tammy said with a smile.

"thank you," you said confidently, earning a smile from tammy.

tammy handed you another plate which you began wiping down. "but what i meant originally is that i think it's going to be good for debbie to have you here. i think she regrets not having relationships with your family."

you nod your head in agreement. tammy had a point, she wasn't close to your family anymore. not after your dad died. you saw photos of her at his funeral, standing in the back with sunglasses and a hat. you think she was at your grandfather's funeral, but she didn't stick around long enough for you to notice. "there's been so much tragedy in our family, i don't blame her for wanting to take a step back. god, i wish i could've."

tammy turned to look at you, her eyes full of sympathy. "what do you mean?" she inquired. "i mean, of course, only if you want too."

"it's okay," you reassured her. "it was just a really hard time when my dad died. i felt abandoned by my parents, since i've never met my mother," you paused. for some reason you felt tears prickling in your eyes. "i mean i heard stories of my parents, saw their photos, and all that type of thing. but i don't remember anything about them. i don't even know what color my mom's eyes are." tammy turned off the sink as you placed the last cup on the drying rack. "i just wish i had some type of guidance in my life."

tammy placed a loving hand on your shoulder. usually the idea of someone touching you would make you uncomfortable, but this time it felt... good. your family wasn't really affectionate in that sense. they were more of gift givers. you turned to tammy, who was smiling at you. "you don't need to worry about not having any guidance in your life now, you have eight women to help you learn about the world and to help you with anything you need."

you gave tammy a tightlipped smile. this was one of the few times this day you really meant the smile you were giving. tammy returned it, squeezing your shoulder gently. "do you really mean that?" you quietly asked.

"honey, i know i just met you, but you already have had such an impact on me. if you need anything, anything at all, i'm always here. i want to be here and i know for a fact that your aunt would give you the world."

your eyes brimmed with thick tears. tammy gave you a sympathetic smile. she opened her mouth to say something, but you cut her off with a hug. tammy was taken aback by the action, as she didn't take you as an affectionate person, but she welcomed it regardless. she ran her fingers through your hair before hugging you tighter. as you let tears roll down your cheek, it dawned on you that you didn't even cry during your grandpa's funeral. 

a/n - i've been on a writing spree lately, so i'm sorry for all the spammed chapters! honestly, i forgot for a moment that i even had a wattpad account, but i've been reading so many new books and getting inspired by different poems, i just can't help but write. thank you for all of the support <3 

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