𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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                                                   ( tw: mention of death, grieving )

as soon as tammy closed to door, you took another hesitant bite of the snickerdoodle. you swallowed the soft bite you took, and then placed the coffee on the nearest surface, which happened to be the dresser. rose skeptically watched you with a raised eyebrow. when you turned to her, you caught the look.

"i'm trying to keep my appetite for dinner," you pitfully tried to explain to rose. you hoped she wouldn't see right through you. unfortunately she did, but she decided to keep it to herself. she didn't want to make problems when you had just arrived.

rose mouths an "ah," and clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "would you like me to help you unpack?" she inquires. her kind chocolate brown eyes glimmering in the sunlight.

you smile at her. "i would really like that."

you started unpacking your clothes first. you had a bunch of clothing that you had to get rid of, so you could fit it all in one suitcase. besides, you didn't want to bring an entire closet full of clothes to your new home, it might come off the wrong way. rose began handing you organized stacks of clothes. one stack with shirts, another with pants, and so on. you ended up filling about five drawers of the twelve drawer dresser.

"is that all you have, darling?" rose asks, standing upright and catching her breath.

you nod your head. "yup, that's all for the clothes."

rose peers inside your suitcase, "and three pairs of shoes?"

you nod your head, mumbling a "mhm."

"tsk, tsk, tsk," she cooed. "that simply won't do."

you raised an eyebrow in suspicion, which was question enough.

"one day soon, me and you will go shopping, so you don't have this small wardrobe anymore. you, or any girl, shouldn't be limited to three pairs of jeans."

before you could begin to protest, she plucked the shoes from the suitcase and walked them over to the closet, giving you a small smile and a wink.

you smiled to yourself as you took in a deep breath of fresh air, thinking about how incredibly lucky you were to be living with such nice people, especially your idol-- which you still hadn't recovered from. you unzipped the front pocket of your suitcase, only to have a couple of the books you had shoved into the compressed space, fall out onto the hardwood floor.

"you know we have a bookshelf in here for books, they don't have to go on the floor," rose teased.

a light smile passed across your face as you began gathering them. the dead poet's society, we were villains, anxious people, tuesdays with morrie, it, and then your fingers grazed against an unlabelled book with a blue cover.

"what's that?" rose questions, taking a seat next to you. you both were finally growing comfortable with one another and rose found she really enjoyed your company.

you open up the cover of the book, touching the inscription. "it's my old scrapbook," you say with a subtle smile.

rose returns the smile, brushing a stray blonde curly piece of hair behind her ear. "that's so sweet," she grinned.

you flipped to the next page that had a full size photo of your newborn face. you had a toothless smile and your cheeks were a light pink. someone was holding you, but the flash was focused on you, blurring everything around you.

"aww," rose exclaims. "you were such a cute little stinker."

you crack a grin at rose as you both continued look through the scrapbook. in the hallway, your laughs and giggles could be heard echoing. you were smiling so hard, your face began to hurt. when you started to reach the photos from when you were three years old, it all suddenly stopped. you skimmed through the blank pages with your fingers, remembering what happened and why the photos stopped.

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now