𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦

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you woke up to light peeking through the window. you pulled yourself up on your elbows, realizing you were in your new room instead of on the couch. did someone carry you to your room? multiple thoughts began flooding into your mind. light knocking on the door pulled you from your thoughts. "come in," you said.

the door opened, revealing a familiar brunette. "good morning," she said with a light smile.

"good morning," you politely replied, mirroring her smile.

she held her smile as she walked to the foot of you bed, taking a seat. "you had a nightmare?" she inquired, clearing her throat.

you gently nodded your head, nervous that debbie was going to be upset with you.

"i'm sorry," she said. you waited for the rebuttal or any hint of sarcasm, but there wasn't any.

"it's fine... but did you carry me up here?" you asked. confusion riddled your face.

debbie looked at you with kind eyes. "yeah," she said.

"i'm sorry," you said with a light sigh.

"it wasn't any trouble," debbie quickly said, trying to ease your concerns. "but i was thinking that we could maybe go out today?"

you felt your body freeze. you weren't allowed to leave the house..., ever. you couldn't remember the last time you did something outside of your home's property lines. no walks, no parks, no stores, no restaurants... it was all forbidden. you decided it was ultimately for the best, since there were a lot of targets aimed at your family. but it surprised you that debbie was willing to venture out. she would be the current most targeted from your family, since your nonno and your dad both were dead. "out?" you repeated quietly.

debbie must've remembered the restrictions that were placed at your nonno's house, because her expression shifted to a more sympathetic one. "you too?" she inquired.

you nodded in response, your eyes unconsciously more wide and alert.

"oh kid, i had no idea he still implemented those rules," debbie softly replied. "if you're uncomfortable going out, we don't have too."

you purse your lips thinking for a moment. "aren't you uncomfortable?" you asked. "or nervous?"

debbie shook her head. "to be honest, as soon as i moved out, i realized that majority of people out there don't know who we are. there aren't any signs pointing at us, telling people to kill us," she paused watching your face. "most of the people your nonno was afraid of, are either dead or too old to even do anything. most of their side hustles died out with the rest of their bloodlines."

you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "so, there's nothing to be afraid of?"

debbie gave you a slight smile. "there is nothing to be afraid of. you absolutely don't have to go with me, i was just thinking that it'd be nice for you to explore the city, get the feel for it. y'know?"

"no, i want to go with you," you quickly responded, thinking about the tasks your nonno left for you.

"how long has it been since you've done anything out in the real world, minus online stuff?"

you paused, thinking about the answer. truthfully you couldn't remember the last time you did anything out and about. you shopped online and your nonno had a butler who would provide groceries. he had an outdoor greenhouse and a heavily wooded backyard. that's about as far as you would go. "i went in the backyard a lot," you honestly replied.

"how about to a restaurant?"

you shook your head. "i don't remember."

"that's where we're going."

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now