𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺-𝘵𝘸𝘰

421 34 5

( t.w: panic attack )

"child protective services?" you ask with widening eyes. you snapped your head toward debbie, a panicked expression flooding your face.

debbie looks at you, immediately noticing your panic. "hey, hey, it's okay. everything is going to be okay." she reassuringly rubs your back with a small comforting smile. 

her words and smile give you some ease but you still feel an aching pit of dread in your stomach. debbie stands from her chair with you slowly rising behind her. you both walk over to the front door, where a woman is standing with her back turned to you both. she has a form-fitting dark green jacket on along with a pair of black jeans. her brown wavy hair cascades down her back and shoulders. debbie clears her throat causing her to spin toward the both of you. "good morning," she curtly responds with a small smile. "(y/n) and debbie ocean, right?" she's holding a small black journal towards her stomach as her piercing blue eyes dart between the two of you.

"that's right," debbie affirms. "how may we help you?"

the woman's eyes linger on you for a moment longer than they should've but she quickly resumes her speech. "my name is amelia carter and i've been assigned to investigate the safety and well-being of (y/n) ocean."

your heart practically stopped as you snapped your head towards debbie who had the same type of reaction going on. "safety and well-being?" debbie questioned, pushing through her initial shock.

"yes, someone has made a case with concern for (y/n)." amelia pauses. "do you mind if i come inside?"

"yeah, yeah of course," debbie slightly stutters over her words, pushing the door wider for amelia to enter the house. you slightly move the side as amelia walks into the bacon-smelling aroma. debbie guides her toward the living room, extending her hand to the armchair. amelia sits down with an inaudible 'thank you.' debbie and you sit on the couch under amelia's gaze. 

before either one of the women could say anything, you cut in. "i'm almost an adult, i don't think this 'concern' is really that pressing," you explain. you had gone through so much and just wanted everything to be okay, just for a little while. 

"i'm afraid so, honey." amelia says with a sympathetic smile. she opens her little notebook up, flipping through a couple of pages of handwritten notes. "i've contacted the police regarding the shooting with matteo scavvo, i know you've already given them your statements." she looks up between the two of you. "but i'd like to ask you a few more questions about the situation, just to help the case."

you felt a sudden pressure on your chest with the mention of matteo's name along with reliving that day. debbie turns to you, almost immediately noticing your discomfort. her hand reaches toward yours, which you practically yank from her, tightly squeezing it. "is that really necessary?" debbie asks, nervously glancing at you. "(y/n) finally got sent home yesterday after having surgery. i don't think she's quite ready to talk about it yet."

amelia watches the interaction between you and debbie. "i suppose that's fine," she pauses looking at debbie. "can i ask you some questions?"

"i guess so," debbie responds as you still cling to her hand. you mindlessly roll the ring on her index finger, biting your lip with a bouncing knee.

"alright, so (y/n) had rekindled with her biological mother, which lead to her abduction. did you have any idea of her whereabouts or plans before she was abducted?"

debbie shakes her head. "no, no i didn't." 

amelia writes something down on a half-empty page. "and, did you know (y/n)'s biological mother was in new york?"

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