𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

527 37 4

( tw : hospitals , tubes , and sad angst )

debbie follows closely behind the paramedics who are rolling you to the back of an ambulance. a blonde man sits on top of your gurney, giving you cpr, as a brunette woman places an oxygen mask around you. the whole world seems to be going in slow motion for debbie. voices are muffled and actions are slowed. the brunette paramedic snaps debbie back to reality. "are you riding with us? yes or no, we have to move now."

"yes, yes i am," debbie quickly responds, getting into the ambulance. she looks back at lou, tammy, and rose.

"we're right behind you, debbie!" tammy calls out before the ambulance door is closed and patted twice.

debbie's body is jolted forward as the ambulance begins to speedily travel down the road. she turns towards you, as the blonde paramedic is still giving you cpr. she looks down to your blood-stained hand, grabbing it with her own. "c'mon kiddo," she whispers, she sounded so small. her whisper is barely audible to herself, let alone the other people in the ambulance. she didn't know why she said it. she knew that you couldn't hear her but it didn't stop her.

and it seems to be a grace of god because suddenly the monitors pick up your light and thready pulse. "we've got her back!" the brunette paramedic grins as the blonde one gets off the gurney.

he turns to debbie, wiping some sweat off his hairline. "let me help you with that," he motions to his own forehead. debbie touches the same spot on her forehead, where she feels a sting of pain. he sits next to her and pulls out some butterfly bandages and some disinfectant. "this might sting," he warns as he dabs the liquid on debbie's cut.

but debbie doesn't wince or let alone move. she's too busy watching you. the big white bandage on your chest, the beeping of the monitor, the hissing of the oxygen mask, and the way your eyes are clamped shut. "is she going to be alright?" debbie asks both of the paramedics. her throat is dry and her voice sounds hoarse as she continues to watch you.

"she's going to need surgery but i think she will be," the brunette says with a small smile. debbie gives her a small nod before the brunette begins talking to her again. "are you her mom?"

debbie goes to answer but her voice gets caught in her throat. she clears it and relaxes her tense shoulders. "yes, yes i am."

tammy, rose, and lou all rush into the hospital. tammy goes immediately to the front desk, asking for your room number. rose is calling debbie on her phone and lou's fingers are grazing over the dried blood on her hand.

"room 201?" tammy asks, clarifying with the nurse behind the counter.

"yes, ma'am. i believe she's just gone into surgery."

tammy takes a shuddery breath as she thanks the nurse, rushing back over to the two women. "room 201," she says, motioning to an elevator, where they all pile inside.

while the three women stand in the elevator, anxiety crept into their minds. all in a different way, of course, anxiety is funny like that. silence fell over all of them as they looked around at each other. dried and runny mascara was settled on rose's cheeks. tammy had dried tears on her own face that were hardly noticeable.

lou was the only one who didn't cry, probably from all the shock. when she heard the first gunshot, she knew that she needed to go investigate. she couldn't risk losing either you or debbie. once she walked inside the factory, she got lost, kicking doors open, desperately trying to find you both. then the second gunshot rang out, leading lou to the correct door but it wouldn't budge open. she had to walk around trying to find some sort of way inside. once she did, she was met with victoria's dead body. then she saw the love of her life being held at gunpoint. she didn't think twice before shooting him. she watched as debbie tried to help you as she kicked the gun away from the man. it took all her restraint not to shoot him dead then and there. once the paramedics came, they declared him dead on sight. the bullet had pierced through his heart, which killed him, slowly. lou felt better at that thought.

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now