𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳

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"yup! work," rose chimed in with a large, easily frangible, smile covering her face.

you looked between the two women. one thing your grandpa was sure to teach you was when someone was playing you.. which they definitely were, but why? you had just gotten there. before you could ask a question a timer went off in the kitchen.

"excuse me," tammy hurriedly said, squeezing rose's arm. for a split second, she gripped a little more firmly, their brown eyes staring into each others. rose's smile slowly faded as tammy's eyes told her to stop talking. tammy took a breath, wiping her hands on her pants before going inside the kitchen, removing some sort of bread from the oven. it smelt heavenly.

rose cleared her throat, turning to you with another strange smile. "come, come, we still have a tour to get on with!"

as rose led you away from the kitchen, you looked inside and locked eyes with tammy. she gave you a warm smile before going to the fridge.

"you already know the living room," she rambled, walking you through the familiar room, "but this is the dining room and connected to it is the kitchen."

you peered inside. a large oak table sat on top of a colorful green rug. matching oak framed chairs with white middles sat around it. there was eight chairs. there was a matching cabinet full of glass items and trinkets. a large painting was placed next to it. light from a huge window flooded the room, just like the window from your bedroom. you caught a flash of yellow when you went to leave the room. you stopped and walked towards it. it was a yellow flower in a navy blue flower pot in the center of the table. you slowly leaned over, sniffing the flower. the sweet smell invading your nostrils. you smiled into it as someone cleared their throat. your eyes instantly lifted to the archway of the dining room. there stood a familiar brunette and an unknown blonde woman.

"hey (y/n), i have someone i want to introduce you to," debbie stated.

up until now, you hadn't realized how tall your aunt was until she was standing next to another tall woman. you nodded walking over to debbie.

"sweetheart, i wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend. lou. lou miller."

your eyes darted from debbie to the blonde woman. she had a small smirk on her face. her smokey eye makeup made her blue eyes pop. she had a purple button up shirt on with a pair of black leather pants on. you didn't even need to look at her feet to know that she was wearing harley davidsons. she held out a hand to her which was covered in various rings. a diamond watch laid on her wrist.

you hesitantly took her hand in yours, giving it a light shake.

"pleasure to meet you," she grins. "my name is lou and yours is..."

"(y/n) ocean."

lou straightened her posture letting go of your hand. "and i trust that rose showed you around?"

you were unaware that lou had shrunk herself down to meet your eye level, which really made you self-aware of your height difference, and nodded your head. "she did. it's truly a lovely place you have here, aunt debbie."

"thanks, kid. did you unpack already?"

you nod your head again. "all set up. i absolutely love my room," you grin.

"i'm so glad you like it, sweetie." from debbie's back pocket, her phone rang, making you jump a little. debbie pulled it from her pocket and looked at the caller id. "i gotta take this, i'll be right back."

lou nodded giving debbie's shoulder a little squeeze. you smiled at this affection. their relationship seemed so sweet and loving. before you knew it, debbie was on the front porch, talking loudly at someone. you couldn't hear any specifics as the door closed.

lou took a seat at the table, motioning you towards a chair.

you took a seat across from lou as she pulled a deck of cards from her pocket. you looked towards the archway of the dining room, scanning for rose. but, you couldn't find her. lou brought your attention back to her with the noise of the cards shuffling together. her eyes were locked into yours.

you straightened your posture and gazed back into her blue eyes. you didn't know if she was trying to intimidate you, if it was just her personality, or what, but you were not going to let yourself be intimidated by your aunts girlfriend.

she dealt you seven cards, which you picked up. you viewed upon your cards. "so what are we playing?" you inquire.

"whatever you'd like to play. maybe some go fish?"

you let out a small airy chuckle. "go fish?" you questioned with your eyebrow raised. "lou, i'm not three years old."

lou cracked a small smile which turned into a smirk. "so you know how to play card games?"

you nod.

"alright, how about some poker? got some good bets?"

before you could say anything, tammy called out from the kitchen. "absolutely not. lou do not encourage any gambling behaviors! for pete's sake, she's only a child."

lou sighed with the smirk still planted on her face and you laughed.

"maybe we'd be better off with a child-friendly game," you suggested.

"maybe," lou grinned. she began to understand why debbie was so fond of you.

you and lou settled on a game of war, which quickly turned into multiple back to back games.

lou held her breath as she reached out to flip over her last card. she just had to get an eight to beat your seven. she knew she had a four, eight, and two left. you watched her with a smirk.

"what are you waiting for?" you ask, picking at lou's anxiety. this was it. the game point, the final game, the last attempt. she flipped over the card to reveal the dreaded two. "yes!" you loudly celebrated as you picked up the remnants of lou's last cards, with a large gloating smile spreading across your face. lou sunk down to the table in defeat.

"what makes that the score now?" tammy asked from the kitchen. her hands were supporting her head as she peered at the game from the island.

"should you tell her or should i?" you teased.

lou barely lifted her head from the table. "three to two," she muttered.

"what was that?" tammy called out, biting her tongue in a teasing manner. "i didn't quite catch that."

lou rolled her eyes as she rose an inch from the table, so only her icy blue eyes were visible. slightly irritated, she raised her voice a little louder. "three to two."

you grinned as you held the deck of cards to your chest victoriously. you turned to tammy who winked. "come again?" you teased lou.

lou dramatically flopped on the table. "three to two," she wailed. "you won! you won it all," she groaned, lightly smacking the table in pure defeat. "you took it all from me.."

"and i'd do it again!" you retort triumphantly. you, tammy, and lou burst out in laughter. all while being unaware of debbie's appearance in the dining room. she smiled at all of you as you laughed.

"what's so funny?" she inquired with a smile, placing her hands on lou's shoulders. lou looked up at her with a beaming smile.

"your girlfriend is just," you pause taking a sharp inhale, "really, really bad at war."

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now