𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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( tw: mention of eating disorders, hint at verbal abuse, and mention of safe foods )

"so please, talk to me."

you wiped the wet streaks off your cheeks with the back of your hand. "there isn't anything to say," you reply.

"did someone tell you that you should do this? is it a coping thing?" rose questioned. her words echoing in your mind.

"it doesn't matter," you shrug. "it's just something that i have to deal with and i'm sorry to involve you."

rose frowned. "i hope you know that this can't happen again. you can't be sick after half a portion of food. it's simply not good for you."

"i'll work on it," you retort. your eyes drifting down to the floor. rose's skirt was spread out on the tiled bathroom floor, where she sat next to you. her back resting against the cabinet with the sink above it. the black leather fabric of her skirt matched the shine of the marble floors.

rose's hand slowly clasped over your cold pale one. "we'll work on it," she corrects with a soft smile. you smile at her as she gently squeezes your hand.

rose helped you to your feet and insisted you go sit on the couch. she brought you some tylenol for your headache and to also help keep your stomach settled. she brought you a glass of cold water along with a very small bowl of chicken noodle soup. despite all your protesting, she urged you to try and get something in your stomach. you eventually gave in to rose's wishes. as she sat next to you, the wheels in her head began to turn.

"was it something someone told you?" she repeated. you pull the cold glass from your lips, glancing at rose, before swallowing the refreshing liquid. "sorry," she said with a small chuckle. "it just slipped out."

you place the cup on the coffee table in front of the sofa. "why would it matter if someone told me anything or not?" you challenge.

"look at you," she exclaimed. "if someone told you anything like that, i'd be concerned for their vision. i have a great eye doctor to recommend," she says with a wink.

you laugh while shaking your head. "i guess i just compare myself too much," you admit. it was half true, but not the whole truth.

"i work with those models that you compare yourself to and honey, let me tell you, the camera helps a lot with that. it's normal for people to have imperfections."

"would you have me be your model?" you ask with a small pose and a giggle.

"are you kidding?" she practically shouts. "i'd absolutely die to have you model some of my clothes. you are gorgeous, (y/n)."

you shake your head with a humorous smile. "now you're going too far," you tease.

rose frowns. "i'm not going too far. you'd be an amazing model. you have the face, the body, and most importantly the personality. your external looks don't reflect what's going on inside," she says with a delicate finger pointed to your chest. "no one can tell me otherwise." you felt your heartstrings pull. was it that hard mom? "do you see where i'm coming from?"

you shrug. "eh." rose bit her lip before wrestling you into a hug. "ack!" you surprisedly exclaim on impact.

"pretty soon you'll have no choice but too!"

both of your laughter echoed down the empty hallways of the ocean's residence. for the first time in forever, you felt like someone actually wanted you around.

"we're home!" debbie called, pulling her keys out of the front door's lock. lou followed behind her, pulling her coat tighter around herself. debbie removed her coat and hung it up as she listened for any noise. she heard faint sounds of the television. she walked to the living room, where she saw you and rose sleeping on the couch, sharing a throw blanket, with the end scenes of titanic playing on the television. debbie smiled to herself as she turned off the television.

"aw, isn't that cute?" lou cooed from the archway of the living room.

debbie grabbed more blankets from the cabinet underneath the television. "it seems like everyone is fond of (y/n)," she says, pleased.

"why wouldn't they be?" lou questions, walking behind debbie, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. a small chuckle emits from debbie's red lips. "i really can see the family resemblance," lou whispers into debbie's ear.

"i'm flattered," debbie says, pulling away from lou, placing a larger blanket over you and rose. "i really do like (y/n). she reminds me of danny.. a lot." debbie watched your face for a moment before turning away. "she looks just like him," she says with pursed lips.

now it's lou's turn to look at you. she tilts her head. "she's way prettier than danny, she looks more like you .. if anything."

debbie smiles. she likes the idea of you both looking alike. "i hope one day she'll forgive me for being so absent in her life," debbie says with a small sigh, looking at you once more.

lou places a caring hand on the small of debbie's back. "you're fixing it, honey. and besides, she seems like she already forgives you." lou leans over and pecks debbie's cheek.

you wake up to the sound and smell of coffee. slowly sitting up, you are instantly hit with the bright sun, causing you to shield your eyes. you hear tammy's distant humming from the direction of the coffee. you turn your head towards her, your eyes being shielded by your hand. she happens to turn around and lock eyes with you. her golden hair shines in the sun and she looks ever so comfortable in her light blue pajamas. she gives you a slight smile before mouthing: "good morning." you mouth it back and get off the couch, walking into the kitchen.

"well it looks like you and rose had fun last night," she teased. she walks towards a cutting board with an assortment of fruits laid out upon it. she takes the knife in her hand and motions to the island.

you smile and follow her orders, taking a seat on the stool. "titanic and tea," you respond with a giggle. "the ideal girls night in."

tammy stuck her tongue out. "would you like any fruit or coffee, honey?" she asks.

you look at the fruit and can't help but feel hungry. it was fruit, it couldn't be that bad, right? you considered fruit to be one of your favorite comfort foods. you nod your head with a small smile. "yes, please."

tammy grinned and began to pour you some coffee. she remembered what you liked exactly. a splash of half and half with two tablespoons of sugar. you smiled at her as she handed you the mug. "hot and ready!" she exclaimed.

you gingery took the mug from her and took a sip. you let your eyes flutter closed. it was heavenly. "you remembered," you said softly.

"of course i remembered, i'm probably going to have to make you it everyday," she teased before cutting some more fruit.

you smiled to yourself as you looked down at the coffee. "oh, by the way, is everything alright?" you ask. the cutting stops. you look up at tammy who had an eyebrow raised in confusion. "debbie said that you guys had to go tend to a problem at the bar," you continue. "and no one was home at ten thirty, so i was wondering if it went alright?"

tammy visibly relaxed as she resumed chopping up the fruit. "yes, of course, honey. everything was fine. just some issues with cameras." she dumped the chopped fruit into two bowls and she hands you one before sitting next to you on the island. you begin to eat the fruit slowly, savoring the sweet taste. this was the first time in forever that you were letting yourself enjoy eating, and it felt great. "i love fruit," tammy said, catching you off guard. you cracked a smile at her as you finished chewing.

"me too," you agree. 

tammy swallowed some honeydew before taking a sip of her coffee. after she swallowed she placed the mug down on the table. "it's my safe food," she says. 

you pause in your movements. "safe food?"

tammy nods. "i used to struggle really bad with eating. fruit and saltines were my favorite fallback foods."

you felt her eyes glued on you as you took a small bite of melon. "it's my safe food too."

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now