𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

494 33 20

( tw : death , blood , violence, guns , grief )

debbie's scream echoed in the hallow room. she desperately and frantically leaned over you, trying to stop the blood from spewing out of your chest with her hands. "well, it was gonna happen sooner rather than later," matteo said with a small laugh. he cocked his gun again, pointing it at debbie. debbie looks up at him with her teeth grinding. he smiles with a fake tone of pity, "goodbye, ocean."

before any shots could be fired, debbie tackled him down by his ankles. he hit the ground with a thud as the gun flings out of his hand. it lands on the concrete floor, the metal echoing in the hallow room. debbie and matteo wrestle on the floor, both of them reaching for the gun. matteo manages to squirm on top of debbie, giving her a blow to the nose. debbie's head jerked to the side, blood dripping from her nose in a small puddle on the floor. debbie pulls herself up, standing over matteo. she throws her right foot back. the point of her black high heel hits him in his stomach and he lets out a yelp in pain. he manages to grab the gun, turning on his back, and firing at debbie. debbie managed to duck to avoid the bullet, it goes through a nearby window a shatter. debbie hits the floor and begins to wrestle the gun out of matteo's hand. "let go.." he says in between breaths and pants from the both of them struggling for control over the gun. "you bitch!" 

debbie manages to throw the gun from his hands. she scrambles to her feet, but matteo knocks her back down. she hits the concrete floor with a thud, her head aching. matteo pulls himself on top of her, his hand wrapping around her neck. she scratches and tries to fight his grasp off, but he's too strong. "n-no," she croaks out. she glances around, looking for something to help her get leverage. as she looks around, she spots you on the floor, bleeding out. your eyes are closed with a small trickle of blood coming from your mouth. it gives her a rush of adrenaline. with as much energy as she could muster, she knees matteo in his balls, making him scream out in pain. he falls off debbie as debbie leans over to the side, gasping for air. she quickly tries to scramble to her feet, but a click stops her. 

"i'm sorry that it has to be this way, ocean," matteo says. he's standing on his feet with a couple of drops of crimson staining his white shirt. the gun is in his hand, pointed at debbie. 

debbie slowly turns around with her hands up. "please, just--" she tries to plead with him.

"no!" matteo shouts, the gun shaking in his hand, as his body shakes. "i need this victory, at least one of them," he runs his hand through his beard with a smile. "and i'm almost there."

debbie glances over her shoulder, at you laying on the floor, the pool of blood growing. you're still unconscious. "you can win. you will win, but please," debbie's voice cracks. "don't do this to her too." she sniffles as she shakes her head. "she's just a kid."

matteo glances back at you, before gritting his teeth, and tightening his hold on the gun. "down with all oceans." he gives debbie a mocking smile. "even the kids." he raises the gun once more. "goodbye, ocean."

the anticipated gunshot rings out as debbie clamps her eyes shut, expecting to feel the force and the pain of the bullet. but there isn't any. she slowly opens her eyes, looking at matteo. his mouth is wide as his eyebrows furrow. his body collapses to the floor with a thud. behind him stands lou, she's holding a smoking gun. "debbie!" she breathes out, lowering the gun. 

debbie lets out a shaky breath, holding her chest. "(y/n)," she whispers, turning around, running over to you. her hands hover over your body as she searches for your wound. there is so much blood. tears stream from her face as she presses down in between your ribs, where she located the source of the bleeding.

your eyes blink open as you wince from the pain. "d-debbie," you say. your voice is so quiet, debbie almost didn't hear it.

her eyes dart up to yours. "oh, (y/n)," she coos. 

"i-i'm so sorry," you manage to choke out. tears stream down your face as blood continues gushing from your wound. more footsteps quickly sound in the factory. rose and tammy quickly come into view. tammy lets out a sharp gasp, covering her mouth. 

"someone call an ambulance!" debbie screams as she applies more pressure.

tammy scrambles for her phone, "on it!" she quickly responds. she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

"d-debbie," you whisper, holding onto her hand with your own, coating it with your blood.

"it's going to be all right, honey. everything is going to be okay," debbie croaked.

you shook your head. "n-no debbie, please.." you try and push her hands off you. "you.. you need to get out of here!"

debbie frantically shakes her head, holding her hands in place, not budging. "i'm not leaving you." she firmly says, wiping the tears off her cheek with her shoulder. "you're going to be okay and we can go home, and-- and.."

you cut her off. "this is all my fault, debbie," you whisper, letting out a pained cry, as she presses harder on your wound, trying to stop the blood flow. "i-i was so desperate for a mother. i didn't even see the one right in front of me," you whisper. your eyes locked with debbie's as you cry. "i'm s-so sorry."

debbie shook her head. "it's okay, it's okay." she let out a shaky breath as she frantically looks around for anything, something. it is pointless, debbie shrugs off her jacket, placing it firmly on your chest. "you're allowed to want a mother," she says, trying to keep herself composed.

"that- that's the thing. i already had one." your eyes begin to get heavy as you started coughing. blood sputters from your mouth as you gasp for air.

"get her on her side!" tammy shouts, running over. she carefully, but swiftly, rolls you onto your side. your gasps for air stop as you stop coughing. "they'll be here in 10 minutes," tammy whispers to debbie. 

both women are in tears as debbie shakes her head. "that's not.." she blubbers. "that's not soon enough!" she rapidly shakes her head more and more. "no!" 

tammy gently places a hand on her shoulder. "it's- it's going to be okay, we just have to keep pressure on it!"

"no! that bullet was for me! she .. she took the bullet for me .. she can't--!" debbie frantically pulls you into her arms, wrapping you in a hug. your body is like jello as she holds it. "come on, kid, please," she whispers as she looks down at your face.

your face is pale and your blinking grows longer. "i-i love you d-debbie."

more tears drop from debbie's bloodshot eyes. "i love you more, (y/n). i love you so, so, so much."

everyone in the room was now watching this heartbreaking interaction. but no one could do anything. tammy turns her head away from everyone, letting out muffled sobs, as rose clings to lou. lou blinks in disbelief as she watches debbie desperately cling to you. 

"y-you have to stay awake, okay?" she whispers.

you fight your heavy eyelids barely uttering a word. "bu-but i'm so .. tired."

"i know, baby girl, i know. but you have to stay awake." she plants a tearful kiss on your forehead as your eyes slowly begin to shut. "i-i can't lose you too, (y/n)."

your eyes completely close as your head falls back, dangling from debbie's arm. the tips of your hair falling into the pool of blood. "no.." debbie whispers, shaking you lightly. "no! (y/n), wake up!" she screams, tears flooding her eyes, as sirens sound. "please, (y/n), don't go! wake up!"

lou bends down, wrapping debbie in a hug. "babe.." she whispers. but debbie pulls herself away, pulling your unconscious body closer to hers. 

"no! no!"

rose and tammy also wraps debbie in a hug as the sirens come closer and closer. debbie lets out a guttural sob, it echoes throughout the building, where three people lie dead.

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now