𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯

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your eyes widened as you took a sharp inhale. "daphne kluger," you manage to squeak out. you weren't a superfan, like you were of rose, but you definitely were familiar with some of her movies. her most recent movie is the last movie you watched with your nonno. he found the media had been on a slow downward spiral, but agreed when you asked him to watch it with you. the brunette smiled down at you, her red lips curved perfectly.

"this is (y/n), my niece," debbie explained.

daphne nodded, narrowing her eyes, when it suddenly hit you. "wait-- she's one of your roommates?" debbie and daphne shared a smile as your eyes went wide. "fuck off," you said under your breath.

"well.." debbie started but you cut her off.

"no way!" you yelp. debbie chuckled as daphne's smile grew wider. "oh my god, this is so cool!"

"you'll be seeing her around sometimes," debbie said squeezing your shoulder. "her presence... and mess at the house are very noticeable," debbie playfully laughed.

"hey!" daphne retorted, shooting a glare at debbie.

"why are you over here?" debbie inquired as she started to walk once more. you and daphne quickly followed behind her.

daphne shrugged. "i was just in the area and knew you liked it over here," she pitifully explained.

"wow, for an actress, you need a lot more practice for lying," debbie said. she pulled a similar pair of sunglasses to daphne's out of her pocket and placed them on the nook of her nose.

daphne rolled her eyes. "fine," she sighed. "rose told me you were over here and i was wondering if we could talk about--"

"we can discuss it later," debbie finished. her eyes burning holes at daphne. you found it weird how she shut down daphne without even hearing her out. a silence fell over the three of you and you took it upon yourself to liven it up.

"how many famous people do you know, aunt debbie?"

debbie's eyes darted to you, her gaze softening. "you know, some here and there," debbie said mindlessly.

"how about.." you pause and think for a second. "lady gaga?"

debbie laughs to herself. "nope."

you think for a moment. "matthew mcconaughey?"


you kept naming famous people's names over and over again, only to be met with the same consistent "nope." daphne laughed along, telling you if she knew any of the people you listened. debbie stopped in front of a store, that was mainly all white with large panes of glass serving as walls. a large bright white apple logo was beaming on the top pillar of the building. "what are we doing here?" daphne asks.

"(y/n) doesn't have a phone, i'm going to get her one."

you furrow your eyebrows. "debbie, you've done so much for me. you don't have to buy me a phone!"

debbie smiled and turned you to look at her. "kiddo, everything i've done has been the bare minimum. you're going to need a phone sooner or later. i'm choosing to buy you a phone and you aren't going to change my mind. okay?"

you give debbie a sweet closed lip smile before wrapping your arms around her neck. "thank you," you whispered.

debbie gently pat your back with a small smile. "of course kid."


you roamed around the isles of the store, watching all of the electronics on display with wide eyes. daphne and debbie were trailing closely behind you, watching your excitement. "so she's never really been out?" daphne pauses. "well, been out of her house?"

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now