𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 ?

600 28 16

( tw : blood , hospitals , yelling , depression )


debbie rolls over in her bed, staring out of her large bayside window. she was met with a gloomy forecast and absolutely no sunshine. she was surprised she had gotten any sleep. grabbing her phone from the end table, it turns on, flashing multiple missed phone calls and text messages. she places it back down on the table face down, she only needed the time anyway.

she made her way downstairs, starting a kettle for some tea. coffee would make her more restless than she already was. looking at the silver kettle on the stove, she caught a glimpse of herself. specifically the large bags under her bloodshot eyes. she glanced over to the island swearing she could still hear your laughter. she gets pulled from her thoughts as the kettle begins to whistle. she quickly moves the kettle off the stove, pouring the hot water into her mug.

"it's not very polite to not respond to phone calls, you know?"

"gah!" debbie screams, pivoting backward into the counter with her hand flying to her chest. in her archway stood a familiar blonde. "jesus rose, you almost gave me a heart attack," debbie frowns, moving her hand off her chest.

"sorry love. but if you would've just responded to any of us, i would've not scared you half to death," rose sighs, walking into the kitchen, taking a seat on the island.

debbie pulls another mug from the cabinet, filling it with water. "there's this old thing called knocking, you know." putting the kettle down, debbie shoots rose a glance. "still english breakfast?" she asks.

"you know me so well," rose says.

debbie begins to steep the tea, bringing it over to the island. she hands rose her mug and takes a seat next to her, sipping her tea.

"how've you been?" rose asks with a sincere smile.

debbie pulls the warm mug from her lips. "fine."

rose furrows her eyebrows. "you're a liar, debbie."

"if you're going to come here just to nitpick me, you can leave," debbie replies hastily.

rose sighs. "you look skinnier and pale. and like you haven't slept for two years." she takes another sip of her tea. "we're worried about you, this isn't healthy." she adds, "and we know today is (y/n)'s--"

debbie sharply cuts her off. "i know what today is, you don't need to talk about it."

rose presses her lips together, placing her mug on the marble island. "we planned something -- well, tammy, daphne, lou, and i did. you're invited if you want to come."

debbie nods her head, looking away from rose. "how are they doing?"

rose straightens her posture with a small smile. "good. we've been keeping in touch. lou's bar is flourishing, tammy's business has been taking off, daphne got starred in another rom-com, and i got offered another design label."

debbie smiles, turning back to rose. "that's good, i'm glad."

rose pulls out a small card from her purse, flipping it over. "here," she says, writing down an address with a black pen. "we're going to have coffee at this café, then we're going to go down to the site. we hope to see you there, debbie. we've missed you."

debbie takes the card between her index and middle finger, gently nodding at rose. "i'll think about it."

"text me, debbie. please. i was half expecting you to be dead in here," rose says with a sigh. "and give lou a text too, she's been worried, along with the rest of us."

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