𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯

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you wiped your eyes as you finally let go of tammy. "i'm sorry about that," you said. your voice was raspy and barely above a whisper.

"oh honey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. we feel things and it's better to let it out than to bottle it up."

you shake your head. "no, no, that's not right. i'm not supposed to cry. there's no reason to cry."

"(y/n)--" tammy started but you didn't let her finish.

"i'm so sorry for doing that to you tammy," you apologize once again.

"hey, hey, there's no need for all of that," tammy gently soothes. "you're only human, honey."

you took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in your throat. "it's not right of me to do that to you. you were just so easy to talk to and open up to.." you trailed off.

"and i'd do it again. you deserve to express your feelings without being judged. okay?"

you nod your head. "okay."

tammy wanted to ask you where you learned all these ideas from and who told you that you were not allowed to express yourself freely, but she decided to give you a break. you had such a long day. she simply took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around you.

"w-what are you doing?" you asked.

"you need a hug," tammy whispered. "i'm a mom, darling. i simply know these things."

you slightly smiled before wrapping your arms around tammy.

"now, go get your pajamas on. you've had a long day." you listened to tammy's orders and began to walk out of the kitchen. "goodnight, honey," tammy said with a light smile.

you stop and turn around. "goodnight tammy, thank you for all your help," you politely respond.

"i'm always here for you, (y/n). don't forget that."

you make your way up the stairs and into your room before collapsing onto your bed. you walk over to the dresser and pull out a pair of blue button-up pajamas. you ran your fingers through your hair and let out a deep sigh. you were exhausted, physically and mentally. you practically threw yourself on your bed, wanting to finally let your body relax. a light knock interrupted your thoughts. you sat up on the bed and straightened out your pajamas. "come in," you said loudly, so whoever it was could hear you.

the door opened and revealed your newfound brunette aunt. she gave you a closed lipped smile as she walked in. "hey kiddo, just wanted to check in on you."

you nodded and debbie walked over to the bed, taking a seat at the end. "i'm doing alright," you replied. "tired."

debbie smiled. "me too." she looked around the room for a moment before speaking again. "do you like the room?"

you nodded your head. "i actually love it," you corrected with a small smirk. "it's ten times bigger and better than my old room," you admitted.

debbie beamed an accomplished smile. "i guess we have similar tastes," she quietly said. she turned back towards you. "so, i didn't sign you up for school or anything."

you nodded. "i'm homeschooled, so there won't be any need to sign me up for school. i've been doing it online with an active tutor."

debbie raised an eyebrow. "who's paying for it?"

"nonno did. he paid for the full kindergarten through senior schooling. there isn't anything that still needs to be paid."

debbie chewed on the side of her mouth. a nervous tick that you noted that was shared between you. it must be a genetic thing. "do you want to go to school? because if you do.."

you shook your head. "nonno told me it'd be safest for me to not get my schooling outside of home. i don't really have any interest in going to school."

you expected debbie to push and pry at your reasonings, explaining that you need friends, but she didn't. she simply nodded her head and said, "okay." you felt relieved and so happy that debbie is giving you the choices you felt you never had. "how do you like it so far?" she finally asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"the house or the people?" you asked in response.

"both," debbie truthfully admitted. she wanted to make sure that you were happy and enjoying what you had seen so far.

"honestly, i'm in love with both of them. the house is absolutely beautiful, the structure and the interior... it's like an upgraded version of nonno's house." this was true, the complex debbie had was full of italian heirlooms and culture. it made you miss the days you spent looking at old boxes of your ancestors stuff with your nonno. "the people too, they're great. when you said you lived with eight women, i would not have ever pictured such a well put together.." you paused. "well, it reminds me of a family."

debbie grinned. "that's because it is a family, it's my family. and hopefully one day, you'll call it yours."

you grinned back. "i'd like that." you took a deep breath, thinking about all the people you met today. "yeah, i'd like that a lot."

debbie smiles down at you and brushes a stray strand of hair out of your face. "try and get some sleep, kiddo," she says, her voice radiating a comforting warmth. you nod your head in response and get underneath the bedding. debbie turns off the light, but before she closes the door she locks eyes with you. "i really do mean it, (y/n). i couldn't be more happy to have you here."

you gave debbie a smile. "i couldn't be more happy to be here," you responded truthfully.

debbie looked at the ground, which confused you. "well, anyways, goodnight sweetheart." she said. her face lifted up once more and was illuminated by the light from the hallway behind her.  a small smile painted across her face.

"goodnight auntie debbie," you said in return. the door closed all the way and you stretched underneath the blankets. you then turned on your side and catch a glimpse of your father's picture on your bedside table. "i'll make you proud pa, you'll see," you whisper to the picture before fluttering your eyes closed.

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now