𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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before you could even up to door, it flung open. a woman who looked to be the same age as debbie, had the biggest smile you've ever seen, her chocolate brown eyes were shining under the warm porch light. her blonde was hair gently curled and laid lightly over her shoulders.

"you must be (y/n)!" she practically squealed. "i'm tammy, it's so nice to meet you!"

you gave the enthusiastic woman a nice and polite smile. "it's nice to meet you too."

tammy held the grin and warmly embraced you, catching you by surprise. an even bigger surprise was how much you enjoyed it. debbie stood behind you, watching as a smile erupted onto your face. she was going to like having you here, she could already tell.

"are you hungry, sweetheart? i could go make you something.." tammy said, biting her lower lip. she didn't want to come off too strong and scare you.

"oh! sure.. yes, please! thank you." you stuttered, confused. it had been ages since someone had offered to make you a home cooked meal, let alone seem so happy about it.

tammy and debbie both noticed this and exchanged glances. "it'll be so nice, (y/n). we could all meet you and introduce ourselves a bit better." tammy smiled. "i'm so excited that you're here. if you need me, i'll be in the kitchen, cooking!"

"thank you, tammy," you said gratefully. "maybe i could order take-out instead, if it'll be easier for you..."

tammy laughed. "oh no, honey. i offered to cook and that's what i'm going to do! don't waste your money, sweetie." she exclaimed with a wink before walking down a hall and into a room, presumed to be the kitchen.

you looked back at debbie, who's hand was now wrapped around your suitcase handle. "i think she likes you, kid," she says with a chuckle, walking in through the front door.

"is this her?" asked an accented voice asked from a couch. the kardashians paused on the television. you couldn't see who it was because debbie was blocking your view.

"yup. this is the famous (y/n). (y/n), this is rose." debbie stepped out of the way revealing the one and only rose weil. you could've sworn your heart skipped a couple of beats. you had admired rose's work for so long, and now here she is -- sitting on a couch in your aunt's living room.

"ah! it's so nice to meet you, my darling," she says, standing up to meet you. "i've heard so much, all good things of course. and even better baby photos."

"yes-- of course! it's such an honor-- i can't believe it, this is so surreal...!" you began to stutter, flustered.

rose let out a small chuckle before kissing both of your pink cheeks and embracing you in a warm hug. once she let go, she admired your jacket. "i absolutely adore your jacket," she says with a wink. you were wearing her 2015 black fur jacket from her autumn line.

you beamed a smile at rose. "only made by the best," you play along.

"flattery will get you a long way, darling," rose said with another chuckle. she then turned her attention to debbie. "have you shown her to her room yet?"

"not yet, but i was about too--" debbie began but rose interrupted.

"i'll take her up! don't you worry," rose exclaimed using her hands. "let me have this," she muttered, taking your suitcase from debbie. "just go get lou, and i don't know-- make her somewhat appropriate, for christ's sake she is just a child."

debbie laughed to herself before rose shooed her off. debbie threw her hands up in response and walked down another hall.

"now, come follow me, my darling," she said, leading the way up a flight of stairs. halfway up the second stair, you picked up the bottom of your suitcase, helping rose get it up the stairs. she  gratefully chuckled, muttering a 'thank you' under her breath. once the suitcase was up the stairs, she led you down one of two halls. you took note of the amount of rooms, and debbie was right. there was a lot of rooms and a lot of space for people. rose led you and your suitcase to a door at the end of the hall. she slowly opened the brown wooden door, revealing a decently sized room.

the floors matched the wooden planks scattered amongst the house, a full bed with sheer white curtains sat against the opposite wall, a white comforter with pink and yellow decorative pillows laying on top. a white end table was rested next to the right side of the bed with a yellow lamp. a white blanket was thrown over the end of the bed and a pair of slippers were at the bottom. across from the bed there was a dresser and a pink beanbag. your eyes scanned over to the last wall, where a huge window was streaming in warm sunlight. a window seat with white, pink, and yellow pillows was right in front of it. you practically screamed. it was gorgeous.

"i hope i didn't go too overboard with the room," a voice behind you said. you spun around to see tammy standing behind you, holding a plate of snickerdoodles. 

you shook your head. "you didn't go overboard at all, i love it!" you exclaimed.

rose smiled over a tammy, causing tammy to visibly relax, as if someone had lifted a weight off her shoulders. it was important to her that you felt as much as home as possible, especially after your grandfather's passing. 

tammy grinned at you and pushed the plate full of warm cookies towards you. "please, take one! they're fresh out of the oven."

you hesitated for a second, debating whether or not to eat. you decided to not raise suspicions too early, so you took the smallest one. tammy and rose both were looking at you as you brought the cookie to your lips. you finally let yourself enjoy the cookie after a moment, your eyes fluttered closed, savoring the delicious cookie. "this is, delicious," you whispered. it was one of the best cookies you'd ever had. 

tammy gave you another grin. "you're too kind, sweetheart." tammy looked around your room on last time before her eyes settled back on you. "i can take you out shopping if you want to get more decorations for your room," she began.

"really?" you inquired, surprised of this initiative. 

"well of course," tammy exclaimed. "but, until the meantime, i'm going to leave you to get unpacked and settled. i trust that rose will give you a tour once you're done?"

you look back at rose who was looking at the half eaten cookie in your hands. "yes of course," she muttered. her irish accent ringing throughout your head. it was so pleasing to listen to. 

tammy smiled once again before rubbing the small of your back. "i'm so excited that you're here with us!"

you smiled back at tammy. "me too."

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now