𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

506 38 2

( tw : verbal and physical abuse )

you sit in your room, tapping your feet on the ground. you had just finished getting ready for dinner with your mother. you were wearing something casual to not draw attention from anyone in the home. you had a white turtleneck on with a pair of dark blue jeans. a large blue coat covered the sleeves of your shirt and (y/c/h) was thrown into a slightly messy ponytail. you took a deep breath before grabbing your phone and putting it into your coat pocket. you grab your chapstick off your desk and reapply it as if you hadn't done it several times. you walk down the stairs, trying to be calm and collected, even though your nerves were throwing you for a loop.

debbie spots you first as you walk down the stairs, giving you a smile. she was standing in the kitchen when she heard you walking down. she walks halfway out, leaning against the doorframe. a white plate and a green rag were in her hands as she was drying the plate. "hey kiddo, where you off to?"

you smile back, reaching the floor. "just on a walk around the neighborhood. i'm feeling a little stuffy."

"alright then, just be careful and be back before eight." she pauses, thinking for a moment. "and keep your phone on, please."

you nod your head in agreement. "i promise."

"please be safe!" rose chimes in from the couch. her curly bun sticking from out from the back cushion.

"i will," you say with a laugh. "i'll be back by eight!" and with that, you leave the house, walking towards the bistro.

"i'm surprised you let her go, debbie." rose says, propping herself up from the couch, turning to face debbie.

debbie takes a deep breath. "she hasn't had the chance to experience freedom. let alone to go on a simple walk. i don't want to keep her cooped up in this house for the rest of her life," she bites her lip, seemingly hesitant. "besides all that, she's going to be an adult soon."

rose nods her head. "i suppose," she pauses with a sly smirk. "it's just interesting to see you have so much progression."

debbie throws the dish towel at rose from the kitchen, earning a small yelp from rose.

you walk steadily towards the bistro, still feeling nervous. you fiddle with the seam on your coat as you approach the building. you send a quick text to victoria, letting her know of your arrival.

i'm here!

the typing bubble pops up on your phone for a moment before a text comes through.

perfect! i'm waiting at a booth inside. x

you grin down at your phone as you put it into your pocket, approaching the swinging doors of the bistro. you walk inside, greeting the hostess with a smile. before she could ask you any questions, you spot victoria in a booth, waving you over. you motion towards her to the hostess, who nods. you make your way over to the booth. your mother stands to greet you. she gives you a hug, which you hesitantly return. "hi baby," she says to your hair.

"hi," you simply state as she lets you go from her warm and firm embrace.

she motions to the red seat opposite of her. you take a seat before your eyes meet hers. "thank you for coming, (y/n)."

you give her a small nod. "yeah, sure thing." you shrug your shoulders with an awkward smile. "what was it that you wanted to talk about?"

victoria gives you a small smile. "i just.." her voice trails off. "i just wanted to know get to know you." you bit the inside of your lip, instantly feeling bad for your cold demeanor. victoria sighs before extending a hand to you. "i feel like i missed out on so much and you're so grown now.."

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