𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦

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( tw: mentions of eating disorder, vomiting, binge eating, and abusive parents )

debbie began driving you around the city, taking you through neighborhoods, and around different business areas. she even took the time to explain bus systems and subway routes, just in case of any emergency. as she turned around and started heading back towards home, she pointed out the numerous factories.

"we live by all these factories?" you ask as you watch each one you drive by.

debbie looks at them too, noticing for the first time how many there actually where in such close proximity to her home. "we do, but i think most of them aren't being used anymore." you looked to the sky from the car window, looking for an hint of steam or sign of use. debbie was right, none of these factories seemed to be active. "you can't see these from our house," debbie said, filling the silence.

you turned to debbie. "our house?" you inquired.

debbie looked to you with a small unsure smile. "well yeah, kiddo. you're one of us now."

you returned debbie's smile before turning to watch the factories you were driving by. "our house," you whispered to yourself.


"we're home!" debbie shouted throughout the house. you didn't realize how much your family was notorious for yelling until rose pointed it out. debbie put her coat on the coat hanger before turning to you, waiting for your coat.

"sorry," you swiftly apologized, shrugging it off your body.

debbie smiled and hung it up on the rack, next to hers. "it's no problem at all, (y/n)." she walked into the kitchen, exploring the seemingly empty house. you ran your fingertips over all the books on the bookshelf, mentally noting the ones you have read, and the ones you want to read. "shit," you heard debbie curse from the other room. she quickly rushed out of the kitchen, grabbing her coat again. "rose!" she called. 

"what's going on?" you ask.

debbie started walking around looking for rose. "just a work crisis, it's nothing to worry about. i just don't want you to be left alone," debbie explained while practically running through each room. she called out for rose again. "it's not like i don't trust you or anything, i just don't want you to be left alone without knowing the house completely, and i know that you're not used to be alone.." debbie further explained, making sure not to insult you.

"i understand," you reassured your aunt. you could tell she was walking on eggshells trying to keep you pleased.


"what?" came her voice from upstairs. the irish tang ringing with irritation.

debbie quickly hustled up the stairs, having a hushed conversation with rose. "just watch her for me, please." you walked back over to the couch, falling comfortably into the cushions. rose said something below a whisper, with certain syllables over-pronounced. it was a heated conversation. you felt awkward eavesdropping, but you could tell there was something not quite right here.

"fine," rose finally sighed. it was the only thing loud enough that you were able to make out. the two women turned the corner into the living room.

"okay kiddo, i'm going to go work on some work stuff with lou. i'll be back as soon as i can possibly can," she said with a quick smile. 

"okay," you agreed, watching the brunette grab her coat off the rack. 

"if i'm not here before dinner, don't wait up. i'll see you in the morning," debbie said grabbing her keys and swiftly exiting the house.

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now