𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦

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lou scowled at you with a small smile. debbie grinned at you before kissing the top of lou's head. "mmm, smells delicious tammy," she complimented. her eyes had fluttered shut as she took a deep inhale of the fragrant kitchen.

"why thank you," tammy said. "we have to keep the new addition happy!"

"you don't have to make me dinner to keep me happy," you explained with a nervous chuckle. (y/c) eyes now locked on tammy.

tammy chuckles, placing a lid over the saucepan, which instantly steams up. "i know, sweetie. i thought it just might be nice to have a home cooked meal for your first day here."

"you didn't think wrong," you playfully said with a small smile.

tammy beamed a smile at you before stirring some delicious smelling vegetables in a frying pan.

"i don't know if this is going to be a problem or not, but your vicious niece is killer at cards. she has a real talent for it, debs," lou explained to debbie, who now was sitting next to the blonde.

you managed to get all the cards in order and were now in the process of putting them into the box. "still recovering from your brutal loss?" you cockily replied. you grinned to yourself as you felt lou's blue eyes burning holes into your face.

debbie chuckled to herself before leaning back in her chair. "i dunno lou, she has a good point. it seems like you're still stuck on how you lost. what was the score again?"

lou rolled her eyes. "for fuck's sake, you both are such ocean's."

you and debbie shared a smile before tammy calls out to you.

"(y/n), darling. do you think you could help me set the table?" she inquires.

you turn towards tammy, politely nodding your head in agreement.

tammy hands you a stack of white glass plates, along with some napkins. she had the silverware and cups in her other hand. you carefully take the glass plates from her as you move over to the table, placing each plate down in front of the corresponding chair. "so tammy," you began, trying to make some attempt at small talk. "have you always liked to cook?"

tammy follows behind you, placing down silverware and cups to each plate. "i love to cook," she smiles. "ever since i was a little girl, it was my dream to be a housewife. the whole cooking and cleaning gig was my ideal life."

"wow," you commented. you had never thought of yourself as mother material, but maybe that was coming from your crippling mommy issues. 

"pretty anti-feminist, i know," tammy laughed as she watched your expression. "but things have changed since i was a little girl," she said with a small smile.

you placed down the last plate and switched to the napkins. "you don't want to be a housewife anymore?" you inquired. 

"being a mother and a housewife are separate in my eyes. there's things that are more pressing and seem more appealing to me now," she simply states.

"you're a mother?"

tammy smiled at you. "you didn't pick up on that, honey?"

you felt your cheeks flush. "i-i mean, yeah. you do have a motherly vibe, but i didn't know you were an actual mother." tammy chuckled. "but all of this makes a lot of sense now," you grinned.

tammy playfully nudges you with the handle of a fork. "you better watch it, (y/n)!"

you let out a squeal as tammy starts to come towards you with the handle again. "please!" you loudly giggle as tammy gabs you a couple of times with the handle. "i'm sorry!"

tammy gabs you one more time in the arm before giving you a smile. "you better be, or this fork has your name written on it!"

"woah, woah." debbie laughs as she enters the kitchen, her hands tucked into her black jean's front pockets. "are you stabbing my niece with a fork, tammy?"

"why!" tammy gasped, "i would never!"

you playfully frowned at debbie as she looked at you with a smirk. tammy shot her head towards you and you quickly put on a smile. 

"please don't abuse her on her first day here," debbie scolded with a small chuckle.

"pfft," tammy sputtered. "you don't got to worry about anything."

debbie shook her head before walking over to the finished food in the kitchen. tammy points the sharp end of the fork at you as she follows debbie into the kitchen. you let out a laugh escape before setting down the last napkin. you frowned at the missing spot on the napkin, it was missing the fork tammy was threatening you with. you start walking towards the kitchen but you start hearing tammy and debbie's hushed voices. you carefully listened to what they were saying. you knew it was wrong, but you couldn't help it.

"what are we going to do about the plan?" tammy asked, her voice slightly growing louder. "we have a set schedule and we need to keep on top of it."

"i know, tam. but (y/n) just got here and i don't want to involve her," debbie retorted.

"you think you can hide this from her? she's bound to find out one way or another. you need to get in front of it before things go wrong."

you felt like you heard too much and you didn't want to risk getting caught. you turned the corner with a smile. "hey, do you think i can get that fork?" you ask tammy.

tammy and debbie both were looking at you now, and you could feel the nervousness seeping from them. "the what?" tammy asked, clearing her throat.

"the fork-- the weapon you were assaulting me with," you teased.

tammy's posture relaxed with a laugh emitting from her. "right, of course you can," tammy said with a smile. "the silverware drawer is right here, next to the stove." your eyes followed tammy as she moved. she handed you a clean fork. "there you go, honey."

"thank you," you said politely, with a smile. you felt their eyes on you as you walked back to the table.

"do you think she heard us?" tammy whispered to debbie.

debbie's eyes were glued on you as you leaned over the table and placed the fork on the napkin. "i have no idea," she truthfully admitted. you returned to your normal posture as you took an accomplished breath. you turned to tammy and debbie, giving them a light smile. tammy returned it. "she's too much like me," debbie whispered. "too much."

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now