1 | Declaration of War

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Simetra took long strides along his new base. It was hidden in an empty area of space, away from life. Nobody would find him. He had two people walking behind him, acting as his guards in case anything happened. He stood calmly, in front of two double doors, which automatically opened. It revealed a circle of concrete chairs, almost like they were there naturally. There were 5 of the chairs. All around the room were hand-painted scrolls of Simetra hung up on the walls. 11 pictures of others were dug into the walls with darts which were thrown at them through anger. Simetra sat down in one of the chairs. The two men stood in front of him. ".. Sit down." The two men sat next to his side. The double doors opened again, with a man covered in a black cloak walking in. "You're late." Simetra stated, trying to intimidate him. The man sat down in a chair opposite Simetra. "You're lucky I'm here at all." His eye glowed blue as he stared at Simetra. "Don't you try and scare me, Naphtali." Naphtali's eye reverted back to normal. He looked at the two people who sat near Simetra. They were covered in the same black cloak as Naphtali, but this one covered their faces. "Who are they?" He looked around the room. "You're quite full of yourself, aren't you?" Simetra stayed silent. He stood up, as he walked over to his glass cabinet. "The Omniversal Warriors are gone." He unlocked the cabinet and picked up a wine glass in his hand. "The Holy Stones are incomplete." He popped open a cork on a wine bottle. "We are winning." Naphtali spoke back. "Artemis and Lucina have given hope to everyone out there. It's us against the rest." Simetra poured himself wine. "What are those weakling species gonna do?" He placed the bottle back down, spilling a small bit. "The Omniversal Warriors are locked behind those doors. If we kill those Stones, they'll be back there too. Then, we win." He looked at everyone. 

"Have you all heard of the 1st Cosmonial War?" No one replied. Simetra smirked. "It was the battle between Queen Ethel, and the King.. Julius." Simetra spun his wine glass in a circle-like motion. "The battle raged for many years. The Queen won, but she just made the place worse." He stopped moving the glass. "That is why we are the ones who will win. Not just with us.. but with the millions of followers we have." Naphtali looked at him. "Who?" Simetra smiled. "We have found quite the following after all that we have done. They will all help us. Especially after I transport all of the living beings into one warzone." He smirked, evilly. "They will all kill each other. And then.. when they are all dead.." He smashed the glass in his hand, pouring wine all over the ground. "We will reset space into nothing. I will become their god. And I will make everything from scratch. In my vision." He laughed, a little. "Isn't that.. so evil?" Simetra walked up to them. "No one can stop me. I am their God." He pointed at one of the men. "Cloak. Off." The man pulled down his hood. Naphtali stared at him. The man had dark brown hair, and half of his face was burned off. This sight seemed familiar to Naphtali. The man bowed down. "I am at your eternal service, Simetra. You may believe that I will gather all of our fallen Kraghon soldiers to fight for us too." Simetra smiled at him. "Excellent work.. Fallen King Faolan."  He then pointed at the other man in a cloak. 

The man bowed down, revealing his pale, white skin. "I work for you and you only, my lord." Simetra laughed. "Oh, how excellent. I even have the Fallen Angel on my side. Isn't that right.." Naphtali looked at him. Simetra continued. ".. Ahriman?" Ahriman smiled at him. He glared at Naphtali to his side. Naphtali frowned at him. He couldn't let go of his past. Faolan stood up and saluted. "May I ask, who the 5th chair is for?" Simetra pointed at him. "Excellent question, Fallen King. They aren't here, yet. In fact, they don't know they are on our side at all. But they will soon." He looked at Ahriman. "As soon as you see them." Simetra smiled. "And don't you worry. There are many more of those with pure hearts who shall join us." He stepped to his machine, which had a large camera facing him. "I say it is time." He fixed the position and angle. "Wouldn't you say so? Members.. of the New World Committee?" Simetra had officially announced the name. Naphtali walked up to him. "Don't think I'm working for you. I'm simply here to get my pay." Simetra smirked. "You don't have a choice." He pushed the button that sat in front of him. A broadcast went out to every planet in existence. It's like the whole sky was the screen.

"Greetings, Old World."  His voice was very static, as he spoke over the broadcast. An infinite amount of people looked up, to see his face. Cecilia stepped outside of her hospital to see the broadcast being projected in front of her. "I'm sure many of you are used to my face. But you can't be sick of me, can you? I am your new founder."  Over the many planets, the rebels that Simetra had inspired were acting up. They started throwing down the people that were inspired by the Warriors, and killing them, or torturing them. "I know my followers missed me. I am here to make a declaration. I have found this Old World to be quite boring. Even sickening."  Isaac looked up into the skies, clenching a bow in his hand. "That is why I am creating a New World. By doing that, everything will be just how I want it. How it should be. I am not alone in this."  Viola looked up from her own planet, watching that man she saw years ago speaking over a broadcast. "I believe you all know what I am trying to say. I will destroy all of you. I will destroy everything. Then, I shall remake it all from scratch. To the way things should be." Artemis and Lucina, for some unknown reason, were not receiving this broadcast. "With this, in approximately 5 minutes, you will all be transported to a war zone."

The Holy Stones watched from the Library, understanding that they were the only ones that were prepared for this battle. "I be scared.. PEEP!" Peep squeaked. "I think you all understand what I am declaring. With this.. I declare.." He stretched his arms out like a God. "The 2nd, and final, Cosmonial War. The war for the New World Order. Good luck; you will need it." Simetra ended the broadcast and disappeared from the skies. He walked away from the table where the camera stood. "This war.. will be my victory." Naphtali watched him walk away.

Over the next few minutes, millions of people from other universes were being transported into one area. The Holy Stones panicked, searching through the archive for a sign on how to stop something, anything that was happening. "It has to be here somewhere.." Euryale looked around. "Anywhere.. anywhere.." Akuji lifted up a paper. "What about here?! It's from the 1st war.. the Supernovic Bomb?!" Euryale ran toward her. "You got it--" They were interrupted by a bright, white light behind Akuji. It's like time stopped. Akuji got flung toward one of the shelves, with hundreds of books dropping on her head. "Shit.. GAH!" Ruthven ran to Akuji's side. Lilith looked over at the man who kicked Akuji over. Her eyes widened. "I have a message from the New Order." Ahriman smirked.

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