6 | War Begins

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Trillions of warriors rushed in to begin the bloody war. The battlegrounds was a barren, empty, wasteland in which there was nothing but blood. It was muddy and dirty, causing the fighters to slip and fall, knocking themselves into the ground. Cecilia summoned her daggers and fought as much as she could. They changed color from a silver to a dark, bloody red, faster than she could blink. She'll never forget this feeling. The feeling of digging her daggers into the eyes of an innocent man. But are they really innocent? They're fighting for Simetra. They can't be innocent. But.. that's just their belief. To their side, the ones supporting Artemis and Lucina's cause are the evil ones. What is the reason of war? A small disagreement in opinions? Beliefs colliding against each other? Cecilia found herself lost in thought, as she felt a windy breeze pass her cheek. "Kh!" A fist blew past her face, as she swung her left dagger back, digging into his face. The dagger entered his skull, as she swung her fist down, creating a divot in his face. The sound of cracking bones echoed through her head, as white bones fell out of his head. His eyes went blank, as every inch of his head started bleeding, before his body flopped onto the ground. A loud engine sound could be heard above where Cecilia, and thousands of others stood. She looked up, and saw a flying aircraft lower above her head. "AIRSTRIKE! THEY'RE HITTING US FROM ABOVE!" Cecilia scoured for cover, her head spinning around the place. The aircraft's back opened up, as three large explosive devices rolled down, falling toward the ground. "Is this a fucking.. suicide bomb?!" Cecilia tripped into a hole which lay in front of her. Her head tilted back, as the explosives dropped onto the ground below. She watched the large, mushroom cloud inhale the people running from it. Their bodies soon melted from the heat of the explosion, while others exploded onto the ground. Cecilias body fell into the hole, covering herself from the explosion. The smoke blew past her, her ears ringing, covering her mouth to not inhale any of it. She hid in that cover until the heat and smoke disappeared. She stood up, her legs shaking from fear. There was a small, stone built cover in the distance. A man called her over, signalling he was on her side. Cecilia limped to the door, where she stepped inside. There was a group of 10 men circled in the building, bleeding out. They all had tattoos on them. Tattoos that read "All Hail Simetra." Cecilia gulped, as she took a step back, trying to escape. She stopped when she felt a gun tap her back. "Not so fast, lady." The gun clicked. The man's slippery voice whispered in her ear. "We heard you were the one.. the main-woman of the Omniversal Hospital, aren't you?" Cecilia stuttered. "I.. I haven't got a clue what you're on about." The man pushed the gun into her back. "Don't you lie to me. I also know, you're Naphtali's sister. We have a kill-on-sight alert for you." Cecilia shook. "You're going to heal these men.. your enemies, or.." His index finger wrapped around the trigger. Cecilia looked up at him. "Who.. who.. are you?" Her voice shook from fear. He smirked. ".. Axel."

The dragon roared as it flew through the battlefield. It dropped down low onto the ground, transforming back into its human form. Viola held the powers of the goddess, blinding her enemies with the bright light. The group of 20 which stood in front of her huddled up together, blinded. Viola summoned three large rings around them, and brought them in closer, binding them together. She tied the string connected to it around her hand and started pulling it closer to her. Their bodies got brought closer together, denting their stomachs, leaving lines along them. The enemies screamed from pain as the circles started closing in on them, opening their bodies. The sound of their bodies splitting in half was wet, and the sound of their ribs cracking down was loud. The bodies split in half, their blood splattering across Viola. Viola ran the other way, preparing to transform again. A woman appeared next to her, almost out of thin air. Viola looked to her side. "What..?!"A strong blow into her side sent her flying into the air. Viola's body transformed and morphed into a Light Dragon. She flew down toward the ground, directly into the woman, opening her mouth to eat her. Viola roared as she closed her mouth and flew back into the air. But she couldn't feel anything in her mouth. She looked down at the ground, but the woman wasn't there either. There was a loud ringing noise above her, as a sword dug into her back. The cloaked woman forced Viola into her human form again. Something that had never happened before. Viola fell out of her grasp and rolled away, in the air. She transformed back into her Light Dragon form, keeping a close eye on the woman, as she closed in and took her into her mouth. Viola ate the woman. She felt a beating in her stomach. Something wasn't right. Something was wrong. The woman was.. alive?! The woman stretched out the Dragon's body, to the point where it exploded, and Viola was once again, forced to return to her human form. "How does she know.. all my weak spots?" Viola launched herself away from the woman as far she could. This wasn't someone she could defeat. Once she thought she was far away, she formed herself into the Light Dragon once more. Viola thought she was safe. She heard a roar to her side. Her head turned as she felt a strong, very large blow hit her scales. Something was.. biting her. Viola fell to the ground in her human form, as she opened her eyes during the fall. "No.. it can't be.." The large beast looked down at her from above. "A.. Dark Dragon?" The Dark Dragon looked down at her as it flew straight at her. The Dragon turned itself into it's human form. The cloaked woman appeared once more and stood in front of Viola. "Th-.. That's how you knew all my weak spots." The woman took down her hood and revealed herself. She had firey-red hair covering one eye, and reaching down to the top of her back. "Yes. I am a Dragon, just like yourself." Her eyes turned Dark. "The Dark Dragon. Phirana."

The 5 Holy Stones faced the main 4 of the New World order. Euryale and Ruthven ran toward Ahriman, Euryale chaining him up. Ruthven threw her fist at Ahriman, as Euryale tightened his chain. Ahriman was acting strange. It's like he was letting them hit him, and damage him. Ruthven hit his face with her right fist, while her left knee hit the fallen angels side. Euryale felt his chains weaken, as his grip around him got worse. "Something's not right.." His eyes widened. "RUTHVEN!" He let go of Ahriman. "STOP HITTING 'EM!" Ruthven's fist almost reached Ahriman, before Ahriman let out an explosion from his body, launching Ruthven and Euryale back. "You figured it out? What a smart boy." Ahriman smiled. "Just what I expected from my follower." Euryale frowned. "I'm not your follower. Not anymore. Artemis and Lucina taught me what is right." Ahriman stretched his hands out to his side. "My new ability.. Pain:Reload.." Ruthven felt sharp stings in her body. "Any pain caused to me will be returned to sender.." He grinned. "Tenfold." Ruthven's screamed, as her body ached in pain. "G.. GROAAHHH!" She fell to the ground. Euryale could feel a tight squeeze around his body, stopping him from breathing. "Guh.." Akuji summoned her sword and shield and ran toward Faolan. Akuji raised her sword and swung down. Faolan raised his arm and knocked the sword back, almost like his arms were made of metal. Akuji's stance broke, as she took a few steps back. Faolan dashed toward her, and delivered a blow to her stomach. "Guah.." Akuji threw her shield toward Faolan's face. Faolan grabbed the shield in the air and threw it back toward Akuji. Akuji swung her sword and knocked the shield onto the ground. "Shouldn't have thrown away your one defense." Faolan lifted his leg and kicked it down, sending Akuji's neck down. "Idiot." Akuji's body fell to the ground, as Faolan stepped onto her head and dug down.

Lilith blinded Simetra with the powers of a goddess, similar to what Viola had. She vanished and appeared above Simetra, swinging her fist down. Simetra raised his arm up and blocked her. Her knee flew down to his face, as his body jumped to the side. "I don't need the ability of sight." He looked at Lilith. "I've trained all of my senses. I can hear you through the vibrations in the ground." She appeared behind him. "Including this." He hit Lilith straight on, sending her toward the ground. Lilith smirked. "Geheh.. You're not a bad fighter." She shook the ground. "But.. let's see if your senses can get past this." The ground was shaking, making it difficult to tell where she was. She appeared to the right of Simetra, swinging her fist. Simetra caught her fist and grabbed her face with his right hand. He held it as hard as he could, and picked her body up by her head. He dug her body into the ground, as she screamed out of pain. "I still have hearing, idiot." Rem jumped onto Naphtali, swinging both of her legs in a tornado-like motion. Naphtali put up his arms in an X, and jumped back a little. Rem teared up as she ran toward Naphtali, her fist enlarged and clenched. "Why did it have to be like this, Nap?.." She swung down. Naphtali knocked her back. "Because you aren't supporting the right cause, Remina." Rem frowned. "Seriously? My full name?" Naphtali's eyes glowed blue as he sprinted as fast as he could toward Rem. He threw her onto the ground, and kicked her in. "You don't mean anything to me anymore." Rem caught his leg as he was going for another kick. "Yeah.. I can't say the same." Naphtali smiled as he vanished. She felt a rumble beneath her, as he dug into her back with a blade from the ground. "Oh.." The blade came out of her chest, piercing her broken heart.

Simetra smiled. "Can't you see? Your little Old World warriors.." He laughed. "Gah.. Hahaha.. They're losing."

The Holy Stones were all on the ground out of pain, being put through suffering by the 4 New World Order leaders.

Cecilia felt a gun on her back, as she was being forced to heal the enemy side.

Viola charged toward the other Dragon, who was bigger, and stronger than her.

The Old World was crumbling and falling apart, succumbing to the New World.

Heaven Door | The Finale of the Dragon Children Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now