5 | Violet Turns To Crimson

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The remains of Kraghon. Kagnia.

Viola looked over the crater, which once held her home. The 4 New Holy Stones stood by her side, awaiting her orders. "Are you sure it's this location?" Brynhild looked up at Viola. She nodded. "Yes." She smacked her lips. "This was the most important place to him. If he truly does arrive, it'll be here." She stepped back. Krola turned her head. "Miss, where are you going?" Viola turned her back and walked away. "I have.. to take 5 minutes." She started to vanish. "Just something personal. I'll be quick." Her figure disappeared in the wind. "Ugh, always so mysterious.." Thorna looked down, into the crater. Viola arrived atop a hill, which held a tree and a tombstone. She held a bat in her hand, staring at the tomb. She knelt down, tears building up, inside her eyes. "Naphtali.." She looked at his grave. "You were viewed as a hero. And now.. I don't even know who you are anymore. One thing I can promise you, is that.." She stood back up. "You are no longer my son." Her arms raised the bat in the air. The winds of the past, long gone, blew past her face, blowing her hair in the wind as her arms swung down, digging through the stone, breaking the tombstone in half. She swung down again, making sure it was unreadable. The parts of the tombstone rolled down the hill, leaving a pile of rubble at the bottom. Her eyes started to cry. "Y'know.. I told Artemis he reminded me of you. That I saw you in his eyes, filled with hope and power." She squinted her eyes. "You crushed that. That, and my love for you." She dropped the bat. "Naphtali, I will only do what I have to." In the distance, she saw a blue beam of light drop down from the skies, and land on the crater. Her body vanished into the winds as she regrouped with the New Holy Stones.

The light faded, as Viola stood by Krilia's side. "He's here." A man looked up at them, from the crater. "..." He looked into Viola's eyes. "Mother." She frowned. "Don't call me that. I'm not your mother." Thorna summoned her spear and growled. "You.. will pay for what you did to Lucina." She jumped into the crater, with the spear high above her head. "HAAAH!" Viola called out to her. "THORNA, NO!" Naphtali stuck his hand out. A line of dark energy flew at lightspeed toward Thorna, digging through her chest, and leaving a large hole, which reached through her whole body. Her mouth started leaking out blood. "Ghuh..." She looked down, watching her life fade away. Her head creaked back, looking toward Viola. "Vi.. ola.." Her head rag-dolled back down. Her arms and hands flopped down by her sides. She was lifeless. The 3 remaining Holy Stones, along with Viola, looked toward their dead friend. Naphtali's hands were drowned in blood. His eyes stared directly at Viola, sending her a message. A message that stated, she didn't matter anything to him anymore. Brynhild, Krola and Krilia sprinted into the crater. Viola was frozen. Brynhild summoned her crossbow, pulling back on the string. "NAPTHALI!" Naphtali shot a golden beam toward her chest, which Krola jumped in front of. Her reflective shield sent it back, toward Naphtali. Krilia held onto Naphtali, making sure he couldn't escape. "You'll pay for what you did." Naphtali's eye was glowing blue. He looked at Krilia. "You're not her. You will never be her." He vanished. Krola shouted out to Krilia. "KRILIA!" The beam was shooting toward her face. "Shit.. I gotta get out of here." Her body was stuck. She felt a strong arm holding onto her neck. "It's not nice when it happens to you, is it?" Krilia started tearing up. "Naphtali, stop! STOP! Look at your mother! She's.. crying! It's your fault!" Naphtali stayed silent. "NAPHTALI, WAIT! I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go!" Brynhild shouted out. "GET OFF HER, YOU MONSTER!" The beam impaled Krilia's face, leaving nothing but a gasping, mangled mess behind. Her body dropped to its knees, before flopping onto the ground.

Krola looked back at Viola. "WHAT DO WE DO, MISS?!" Viola regained her spirits and jumped into the crater. "We fight." Brynhild tapped her shoulder. "Are you insane?! This is an unwinnable fight!" Viola smiled. "No, it isn't. You're the Holy Stones, right?" Krola gulped and nodded. "Yes, miss." Brynhild walked up to Krola and kissed her. "No matter what happens, honey, I'll be with you." Krola looked down. "Yea, yeah. Hey, Bryn, I wanted to say I--" Her head looked back up. She screamed. Naphtali stood behind Brynhild, holding a dagger in his hand. Brynhild's eyes suddenly started bleeding. "What's happening to me?.." The sharp sensation travelled through her head, digging through, and finally reaching her eyes. Her eyes popped out of the front of her head, dropping onto the ground. Her body fell into Krola's arms, bleeding out, barely letting out her last words. "Krol.. run.." Krola carried Brynhild in her arms and started running, leaving Viola behind. "It's gonna be okay, baby. It's gonna be okay. I got this. Listen to me, I got this!" Brynhild held no response. "You're still with me, aren't you? You're fine, right?!" She started tearing up, as her running got slower. "Bryn.. talk to me!" Her thighs felt a beam passing through them, knocking her onto the ground. "GAH!" She let go of Brynhild's body, as she fell down. Brynhild's body rolled away from her reach. "Bryn.." Krola crawled toward Brynhild, using all of the power in her arms. She held onto her hand, lifting herself up, above Brynhild. She knew Naphtali was behind her. She could feel his terrifying presence. But she couldn't waste a single second, which she could spend staring at her love. The same dagger that killed Brynhild dug through Krola. She paid no attention to this pain. Instead, she spent her last breath speaking to Brynhild. "Brynny.." She held her face. "You're just as beautiful as the day I met you.." She smiled, as she saw the light fade away. 

Viola watched from afar. She witnessed all 4 of her comrades die, and there was nothing she could do about it. Naphtali appeared in front of her. Her eyes widened. "Mother." Viola looked away. "I said not to call me that. I'm not your mother anymore." Naphtali looked at her. "I'm just the same as I was before." Her voice exploded. "NO, YOU'RE NOT!" The tears dropped to the floor. "You are not the same dying son I held in MY ARMS!" Naphtali stayed silent. "What happened to you?.. You're fighting for the wrong side." Naphtali spoke, calmly. "I'm doing what's best for me." Viola shouted over him. "AND WHAT ABOUT REM?!" Naphtali froze. The mother and son stared directly into each other's eyes. Naphtali hesitated. "I.. I let go of that long ago." Viola scoffed. "Look. Is this the future you wanted?" All 4 bodies of the New Holy Stones lay in the crater. "We're finally in the future with no war. Isn't that what you fought for?" Naphtali nodded. "That was a single planet. Now, the whole Omniverse is in a war. I can't let a single planet get away, without atoning for their sins." Viola laughed. "What sins?!" Naphtali screamed. "YOU LEFT ME BEHIND!" All of a sudden, Viola saw the young, 15-year-old Naphtali before her eyes. "I had to fight.. my father, my uncle, my best friend! I had to fight a fucking devil, and a GOD! AND NOT ONCE DID YOU COME AROUND TO HELP ME!" Viola tried to explain herself. "I was inside you!" Naphtali cried. "Then why couldn't I feel you." Viola stuttered. "I.. I'm sorry. I killed you. It's.. this is my fault." The young Naphtali shook his head. "You didn't kill Napthali." The vision of the young boy vanished, as the older Naphtali took his place. "I did." His body began emitting a white light. "And now, I have to kill you."

Viola looked at him. "NAPTHALI, WAIT!" Naphtali scoffed. "Wait.. Wait?! I waited long enough for you." He turned his back to her. "And I've had enough." Viola felt like she was close to reaching him at one point. But she lost it. His body prepared for the explosion of the planet. "Mother.." He looked at her. "It wasn't your fault. None of this is." He looked down. "But I hope you understand why I must do this." He looked into the skies. "I was such a fool for believing there was hope in the world." He smiled. "I thought you could save me." Viola reached out to him, as the ground began to rumble. "NAPHTALI.." Her hand almost touched him. "WAIT!" Naphtali vanished. Her eyes started tearing up. Naphtali closed his eyes as his body disappeared. Was he in pain? Did this.. hurt him? The planet exploded, sending Viola into outer space, as the only survivor. Her body suffered major injuries, as she weakly floated away. She reached out. "Naphtali.." She cried. "I am sorry.. for the hurtful things I said. No matter how much I say it isn't true.." She clenched her fist. "You are my son." She had a determined look on her face. "I will rescue you." Her body vanished, and got transported into the warzone. 

Simetra stood in the middle of the battlegrounds, smirking, as billions of warriors appeared on the grounds. "It is officially time.." Naphtali, Ahriman, and Faolan stood by his side, along with billions of allies and slaves. "For the war.." The 6 Holy Stones, Viola, Cecilia and billions of fighters, who believed in the vision Artemis and Lucina had stood on the grounds. "To begin." Billions of battle cries were heard, as they all rushed in for a bloody battle.

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