20 | Beginning of the End

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"Gnh!" Otto slowly uncovered his eyes as the glowing light started fading away from the doors. Sol stepped forward, almost as if he was excited. "Huh.." Layla jumped on top of his back, looking toward the doors. A few seconds passed with no reaction. "Must've just been.. some strange natural reaction." Flora stepped forward, standing next to Sol. "Those two really gave me some hope.. idiots." The 5 Holy Stones stood behind the group, looking downward. "Well.." Euryale spoke. "Seems like we have no choice but to move forward." Lilith nodded. "Indeed.." She looked over at Rem. "Hicc.. Hik!" Rem had tears running down her cheeks, and snot running down her nose. Ruthven crouched down next to her. "Hey, Rem.. what's up?" She sniffled. "It was.. s-s-s-so sad! I thought they were coming back!!" Akuji squirmed. "Yuck.. get that snot off your face, Rem." She looked up. "You.. you think I'm gross?" She took a deep breath in. "WAAAAAHHH!" She exclaimed. Akuji sighed, and shook her head. "Alright.. that's enough." She stepped toward the Omniversal Warriors. "Hey, you guys." A large structure in her face blew back Akuji. "Kh.." She flew into the air. "DWWOOOOHHHH!" Her body started falling down from the air. "AH, AH, AHHH!" She shook her hands in front of her face, as she hit the ground. "Uff!" Euryale covered his eyes, hiding from the sight. "Yowch.. You okay?" Otto looked over. "What was that?.." Dust was covering the room. Akuji scratched the back of her head as she knelt on the ground. "Ow.. that hurt.." The dust settled around her body. "Hey.." Lilith pointed. "Is that a door?! Or, two, even?" Sol looked toward Akuji. Flora pointed toward Artemis and Lucina's Heaven Doors. "Yo, look!" There was no door. "Wait a second.." Layla smiled. They could see 2 silhouettes stepping out of their doors. "Geez.. what a mess out here." The boy smiled. "Seriously, can't you guys just calm down? We were taking our time!" The girl giggled. The Omniversal Warriors froze. "Hey, what's with the silence?" The dust disappeared. "Way to greet me, guys!" Artemis closed his eyes and let out a grin. The girl ran up next to him. "And don't forget me!" Lucina smiled, as she leaned over to Artemis. "Hey.." Otto smiled. "Is it really you?" Artemis looked down. "Huh? Uhm.. it sure feels like it, yeah." Layla's feet tiptoed over to the pair at hyperspeed. "UWAAAAHHHH!" She screamed out in tears. Her tiny body jumped up, and wrapped both of her arms around the necks of the duo. "Woah, Layla!" Lucina smiled. Flora ran up to them, and hugged all 3 of them. "Artemis, Lucina! I'm.. I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused.. I really, and truly am!" Artemis let out a soft chuckle. "Now, don't worry about that." A voice was heard above them. "AAARTEMIIISSS! LUUCIIINAAA!" The voice echoed. "Huh?!" The 4 of them looked up. "GYAA!" The man landed on top of everyone, toppling them over. "You're back! I mean, I never knew you were dead but, you're back!!" Sol shouted out, lying on top of everyone. "Oops.. aha." 

"Sol, you're lookin' good!" Artemis helped everyone up. "Say.. did you lose that horn on top of your head? The tumour?" Lucina asked, her head tilting. Sol nodded in response. "Yup! Seems like the Heaven Door got rid of all natural causes of death. Neat, right?!" They nodded. Otto walked up to Artemis and Lucina. They looked at him, his eyes meeting theirs. "Hey.." He smiled. "You two." Artemis held up his fist. "You're alive, Otto." Lucina held hers up, too. Their minds flashed back to the sight of their last comrade, Otto, body floating in space. Otto lifted his fist up, giving them both a fist bump. "Great job, lovebirds." The 5 Holy Stones joined the reunion of 11 people. "Hey, everyone." Ruthven looked around. "Ah! Looks like we got everyone!" She jumped up. "Indeed." Euryale smirked and fixed his glasses. Rem's smile faded away. "Yes.. almost." The mood shifted. "Oh, Rem.." Akuji frowned. "We're sorry. We didn't mean to--" Rem let out a fake smile, and shook her head. "No, no. It's fine. Seriously." Lilith held out her hand. "Rem.." Rem looked toward her. "I swear on my life that we will bring Naphtali back." Rem held onto her hand. "Lilith.." She smiled, truly. "Thanks." Sol stepped away from the group. "Lilith?" Lilith looked over. "Oh, right." The two stepped away from the group, and put their hands behind their backs. "With 11 of us being back, we are in quite the large group." Lilith made an announcement. "That will bring some attention to us. And so, we are travelling in groups." Sol added onto it. "Of course, our destination is still the same. We are going to the hidden Ice Cavern of Time to find the Old King, Julius." Lucina raised an eyebrow. "Hm? Why?" Artemis seemed shocked. "Ethel's husband?.." Euryale answered to their questions. "With his strength on our side, this war will be nothing but winnable." Artemis and Lucina nodded. "Anyway, I assume you understand what these 2 groups will be." Lilith continued. "We will also be selecting our own vice-commanders, in the case of our unlikely deaths." Sol put his hand to his chest. "As the returning 1st Commander of the Omniversal Warriors, I pledge my life to you all." Lilith copied after him. "And as the returning 3rd Commander of the Holy Stones, I promise you I will keep you all safe." She smiled. "Ruthven, come be my vice-commander." Ruthven seemed shocked. "Wh-- Me?! Why me?!" She shrugged. "It's just my decision." Sol pointed toward the group. "And.. Flora, come be my vice-commander. Consider it as proof of my trust and acceptance." Flora nodded, her face lighting up. "Yes, sir!" Euryale smiled, as the group split into two. "Holy Stones.. Omniversal Warriors.. let our search begin." Akuji held a book up. "The general whereabouts of the Old King lie here." She pointed toward the coordinates. "There is an Ice Kingdom there. Though, it is long abandoned." Artemis smiled. "Damn, I'm excited to get back to it.." Sol spoke up. "Let the hunt begin.. the hunt for the Old King!" The group cheered, as they left The Hallway.

Down in the warzone, Simetra held a head up in his hand. "So.. Rose is dead, hm?" He threw it down on the ground. Faolan nodded. "Indeed. And it seems she was killed by.. someone from my past." He looked away. Ahriman sighed, as he sat back. "Man, this is boring.. I can't wait for those bugs to come back. That'll make it interesting." Simetra looked toward him. "I would enjoy the peace while you still can.. the battle is about to get much more bloody." He looked toward the sky. "If the information that Stella sent over to us, before her death, is true.. they are preparing to go for the Old King, aren't they?" He looked over at Ahriman. "You." He jumped up. "Gnh! Yes, sir!" Naphtali stayed silent, listening to the conversation. "You said you're bored, correct?" Ahriman looked around. "I, uh.. uhm.. is there a correct answer?" Simetra shook his head. "Never mind that. You, Fallen Angel, have been chosen to go to alert the Old King. If anything.. hand him this." He threw over a weapon to Ahriman. Ahriman looked down into his palm. "A Pulveriser?.." Simetra nodded. "Yes. It is inevitable that they convince the Old King to join their side.. but, there is a slight chance he might be rid of one of them." Faolan chuckled. "So we're putting this all on a bet?" Simetra nodded. "Indeed." He looked toward Naphtali. "I cannot trust this lowly god to do this on his own, so you are to go with him." Naphtali bowed down. "Yes, commander." Ahriman frowned. "Grr.. I have to go with him, eh?" Ahriman flew up. "Right, off we go! Keep up if you can!" Naphtali went after him. "Mm." Faolan looked after the two, and then looked back to Simetra. "Commander, may I ask why you chose Naphtali to go with Ahriman?" Simetra crossed his legs, as he sat on a throne made of real bones. "The reason.." His mind travelled to Rem. He grinned, menacingly, as he spoke. "To lower their morale." Ahriman flew ahead of Naphtali. "Well, puppy, you better keep up!" Naphtali caught up to him. "I could say the same for you. Hm!" Naphtali flew at lightspeed toward the Ice Kingdom. Ahriman frowned. "Grr.. stupid brat." He flew after Naphtali. The pair arrived at the Ice Kingdom quite quickly. Their speed was unmatched. Naphtali and Ahriman stood in front of the tomb, made of cold ice, which held Julius within it. Naphtali pushed Ahriman away. "Stand back." He raised his hands up in the air. "It can only be unlocked with a certain spell.." The ice began glowing. "Which only I and Euryale know. Euryale knows it from those dumb books.. I gained it from the memories of Viola." He spoke in an otherworldly language. "Uru katu aga.. Mapeto ika Laga.. Wakuta Icha SEBAN!" The ice began melting. Naphtali took the Pulveriser out of his pocket, preparing to hand it to Julius. Ahriman grinned, as he felt a strong energy behind them. "Looks like we got some guests.." Naphtali turned his head. "Hm."

Simetra looked into the skies. "Hmm.." All of a sudden, his head started ringing. "Gnh!" Faolan looked over. "Sir, are you okay?" Simetra fell off his throne, and dropped to his knees. "Gah.. damn it.." A voice rang in his head. "Damn you, Simetra.." Simetra grinned. "Haha.." He laughed into the air. "HAHAHAHA!" He looked down, and hit the ground. "I recognise this voice.." His eyes widened. He looked like a crazy man. "How could I ever forget it?" He screamed into the skies, his eyes glowing red with Crimson. "COME GET ME, ARTEMIIISSSS!" Artemis, leaving The Hallway, felt a strong sensation in his body. He looked down, almost as if he knew where Simetra was. "I will find you.." He grinned, his eye also glowing red with Crimson. "Simetra." Lucina held onto Artemis' hand. She was letting him know that he wasn't alone. Layla smiled. "I'll help, too!" Lilith looked toward the Heaven Doors as she was leaving, and put her hand on her chest. "Ahriman.. father.. I will end this dispute once and for all." She looked determined. "You will not come back from this one." Akuji patted her back. "Yeah. I got your back, Lilith." Ruthven grinned. "I'll be there, too."  Euryale took his glasses off, and put them on his head. "Faolan.." He frowned. "You gave me the wrong idea of what's right and wrong. I'll get my revenge." Otto and Sol waved to him from afar. "We'll help, too!" They cheered. Rem put her hand to where her heart was. "Naphtali.. I will rescue you from the dark." Flora rubbed her hair, as they separated. "Count me in." 

Everyone had their own battles, which would decide their own fate. But, the most important part was that no one was alone. The 11 heroes looked forward, as they looked towards their goal. 

Simetra smiled. "This is about to get interesting.."

Heaven Door | The Finale of the Dragon Children Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now