26 | Mania in the War

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Julius jumped in the middle of the charge. As per the plans, he warped everyone through his golden rings, separating them all to fight their separate battles. "Great.. now everyone's gone." He looked east. "Time to free Naphtali."

Akuji and Lilith warped in the centre of a Simetra supporter riot. "Shit.." Lilith looked around. "OI! Lilith, where the hell did Ahriman go?!" Akuji shouted out to her. "I don't know.. but he's around here somewhere. First.. let's deal with all of these fighters." Akuji smirked. "No bother! To me, they're nothing but fodders!!" Akuji ran forward, summoning her shield and her sword. "Ha! Didn't you know, you're fightin' the second-strongest Holy Stone?!" Her blade cut through their necks like butter. "Self-appointed, of course!" Akuji grinned. "God, how good it feels.." Her eye turned pitch-black. "TO GO WILD ONCE IN A WHILE!!" Her abilities were on full display. "It feels as though.." She jumped into the air, and spun wildly. No one could get near her. "You're by my side.." Akuji envisioned a girl next to her. "Ruthven." She landed on her feet, screaming into the air. "HEEEY! AHRIMAN, YOU'RE OUT HERE, AIN'T YA?!" Ahriman listened from afar. "It won't be like last time.. when I saw you in Kraghon!! I'm not the same girl I was back then.. I'VE FOUGHT MORE THAN JUST LONGINUS!" Lilith, on the other hand, was using her godly powers. "These wastelands.. are so dull." Lilith swiped her hand, blinding everyone ahead of her. "Angel's pass." A large pillar of blinding white dropped from the skies. "It feels weird.. being back here, fighting alongside Akuji again." She summoned a large, white hammer above her head, which dropped down and fell to tiny white sparkles. "And against father, too, whom I betrayed Akuji with.." She looked over to see Akuji fighting for their lives. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to." She kicked a single man who stood by her side. "Tch. Father probably doesn't even know I'm here." But, just before that.. Akuji was fighting back against the thousands of anti-convergence fighters. "Haa.. ha.. Come on, I can take you all at ONCE!!" The fighters cackled. One spoke up. "Oh yeah?! Waddya say, boys, should we jump the lady?!" They laughed, as they all jumped on top of her at once. "Kh.." Akuji pushed back with her palms, attempting to fight back. "Come on.. come on!!" But she wasn't strong enough. Her eyes started tearing up. "Fight, Akuji.. damn it.. just fight." She closed her eyes. "Why won't you fight?! Why.. why aren't you just good enough?!" Her voice cracked, as she shouted out. "Why can't you just be.. more like your creator?!" She spoke to the fighters. "Fine! You wanna know.. who I really am?! I'm not even a Holy Stone.. I wasn't created by Viola, like the others were! I was made by a man.. a man who no longer exists, after I KILLED HIM!!" She cried out. "And yet.. I'M STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I NEVER WAS! AND I.." Her eyes turned fully dark. "I NEVER WILL BE!"


The tube opened, and the green water poured out. "Koff, koff!" The girl looked up. Her hair reached the floor, and covered her face completely. "Good morning, Princess.." A man knelt down in front of her. ".. Huh?" She didn't know how to speak. The man smiled. "My name is Fritz. I have created you. Princess." Princess stared at him in confusion. "Y'see.. I've always wanted a Holy Stone of my own. I've heard of them in fairy tales.. but I've never actually seen one in person. But.. wouldn't that be fantastic? Holy Stones have to be women.. imagine, having your own woman to do anything you ask?! Haha! She can clean my dishes, fight my battles, hell, even act as my wife!" He stood up and walked around. "And that's what you are. You are my little slave. And you will act as nothing more. That is.." He grinned. A gross look that 'Princess' would never forget. "Until you mature." He winked. Princess didn't understand. But Princess didn't know any better. Princess listened to what Fritz said. She slowly learned how to speak. And how to write, and read. He taught her everything she knew. That's why.. she didn't understand why he treated her so poorly most of the time. She cleaned his room, and the whole house, fought innocent people, made him food, and even.. basically, anything he asked, she would have to do. If not.. he always said he'll simply make another her who actually listens. Her life was hell. Hell. She didn't know why, but she loved that word. Hell. And mania. Her favourite words. She didn't know she wasn't the only Holy Stone out there.. that's why, when Viola felt her presence and arrived at her house, she was shocked. Fritz went to open the door. Outside, stood Viola. She held a dagger in her hand. She smiled, softly. "Do not scare the child. Move an inch, and you die. Call Princess over here." Fritz shouted out. "P--Princess! Can you come to the front door, please!!" Princess walked over to the two. Viola knelt down. "Hiya, Princess. You wanna go on an adventure?!" Princess looked over at Fritz. He shook his head. No. Don't do it. That's what Princess was seeing. Princess nodded. "Yes.. adventure!" She smiled. Viola smiled. "You heard her! Now, put this blindfold around you. It's a surprise where we're going!" She took Princess and walked away. Fritz closed his door. But he could hear a beeping. "So.. Princess, was it?" Princess squinted. "No? Don't like that name?" Viola covered her eyes, just in case she was peeping. "Alright, then.. how about.." She covered her ears. Fritz's house was blown to smithereens. Including Fritz himself. "Akuji." Viola smiled, as she took Akuji away from her past. "Don't worry.. no one will ever hurt you again. As long as I'm around."

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