21 | Ego

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"Shit.." Luna spoke to herself. The tower of bodies on which she stood began crumbling beneath her feet. "Just who.. is this man?" The man grinned, as he fell from the air. "I have been personally recruited by Simetra.." He readied his spear as he flew downward. "To end your LIFE!" Luna pushed herself away, in the air. His spear grazed her hair, tiny bits flying away. "Kh!" Both of the fighters fell onto the ground. Luna fixed her round glasses, smirking at the man. "Not bad, old man.. you're quite the fighter for your age." His spear was touching the ground. "I have my fair share of experience." He pulled his arm back. "Why was Simetra ordering my death? I'm on his side." Luna asked. The man threw his spear. "Idiot. I can dodge that, easily." She stepped to her side, letting the spear blow past. The spear hooked into the ground. "You musta forgotten about this!" The man pulled himself toward the spear via the rope on the end. He grabbed her head as he flew, and lifted her up. "Keh, get into the ground, foureyes!" He dug her into the ground. "Guh.." Luna lied still for a while. "You wanna know why the Commander ordered your execution?" He turned his back to her. "Because of your past. He knows you're too sweet.. making you a possible traitor." Luna chuckled. "Traitor? He's my commander.. I would hardly betray him." The man looked up. "Rose read your mind and reported back to Simetra, when you two were in the Hallway." Luna stayed silent. "..." "You know what that means, don't you?" Rain began pouring down from the dark clouds above. "Rose is dead." He looked up. "In the last moment, her memories returned to her." Luna smiled. "They did? Great." Her hand lifted in the air. "Rose isn't dead, though.." A body began flying toward the man. "Hm?" A fist swung at him, knocking him over. Luna let out a cocky grin as she stood up. "I have her, right 'ere." Rose's body floated next to Luna. "And I'm not lettin' go, this time." The man lifted himself up. "Alright! This is starting to get exciting.. let's see how ya hold up.. against an old king!" Luna raised an eyebrow. "Old king?" The man readied his spear. "Call me Eros." Eros grinned. "Naphtali's father." Luna chuckled, nervously. "Right. Sure."

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife as the two fighters locked eyes. Luna's heart ached with grief for her fallen friend, and anger surged within her at the thought of her friends death. She clutched Rose's lifeless hand and whispered a silent promise to avenge her. Eros, on the other hand, jumped up excitedly in the thought of the battle ahead. He had always been drawn to the darkness. "Oh, how long I have been waiting to find someone on the same level as I.." Luna smirked. "Didn't Naphtali kill you?"  With a mocking laugh, he lunged forward, spear in hand, ready to strike Luna down. Luna's response was swift. She raised her free hand and called upon her eerie power. Rose's lifeless body twitched and then slowly rose from the ground, her eyes empty and vacant. "Kh.. you damn weirdo!" Eros shouted out. "What sorta power is this, anyway?!" Luna's eyes blazed with determination as she commanded Rose to protect her. Rose, or what remained of her, moved with a grace and agility that went against death itself. She lunged at Eros, her movements fluid and deadly. Eros barely had time to react as Rose's lifeless hands reached for his throat. With a quick twist, he managed to break free, but not before a deep cut appeared on his neck, oozing dark blood. "Hngh.. you puny little pest." Enraged, Eros swung his deadly spear with a ferocious might. Luna saw the attack coming and, with a deft movement, pulled Rose back, narrowly avoiding the deadly blow. "I won't let you get hurt again, Rose.." The spear struck the ground with a thunderous impact, sending shockwaves through the earth. Luna knew that she couldn't hold Eros off for long. She needed to find a way to defeat him, to avenge Rose's death. With a determined expression, she closed her eyes and reached out with her power, calling upon the other bodies that lay scattered on the battlefield. "I call you all from beyond the light.. come to my side, and with all your might, fight!" One by one, the dead began to rise, their eyes vacant and their movements slow but relentless. Luna directed them towards Eros, creating a growing army of the undead. Eros's smirk faded as he realized the tide of battle was turning against him. The undead closed in on Eros from all sides, their lifeless hands grasping for him. He swung his spear with wild abandon, striking down the reanimated corpses, but for each one that fell, another took its place. "Damn.. is there truly no end to them?!" The ground trembled under the relentless assault, and Eros found himself overwhelmed. Luna, still clutching Rose's hand, approached Eros with grim determination. She could see the fear in his eyes, a fear that mirrored the pain and loss she had felt when Rose had died. With a final, desperate lunge, Eros tried to strike Luna down, but she was faster. "Hmp!" She jumped to her side. "Eros.. you picked the wrong side." With a flick of her wrist, Luna commanded Rose to intercept the deadly spear. Rose's lifeless body moved with astonishing speed and precision, intercepting the spear and snapping it in two. Eros stumbled back, his weapon shattered. Luna seized the opportunity. With a surge of power, she commanded the undead to close in on Eros, their cold, lifeless hands closing around him. He struggled and fought, but he was no match for the overwhelming force of the undead. "Tch.. the hell?!" He grinned, as he attempted to push back the undead.

"What are you gonna do, anyway?! You can't go back to Simetra! It's too late!" Luna responded with a smirk. "Indeed. It is.. that's why.. I will fight for the Holy Stones, and the Omniversal Warriors! Hear it here, first.. I, Luna, swear to kill Simetra!" Eros shouted back. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SWAPPING SIDES?!" "BECAUSE OF MY PAST!"



Luna's life began with joy, but that happiness was stolen away when she was just a little child. At the age of five, she was taken from her home by bad people who kept her hidden in a dark and scary place. Her parents, who loved her dearly, were left with an empty feeling and a deep sadness that never went away. When Luna opened her eyes in that dark place, she was frightened and alone. She didn't know where she was or why she was there. The people who took her had scary masks and told her she was no longer Luna, but now she was Queen Ethel, in charge of a strange world they called the 'Omniverse.' She didn't want to be a queen, but she had no choice. Life in the Omniverse was filled with fear and pain. Luna, now Queen Ethel, had to do what the bad people told her to do, or they would hurt her. She lived in a gloomy place, and the room where she woke up was like a prison. The bad people were always mean to her, and they hurt her when she made mistakes. As Luna grew older, her hope faded away. She used to be a happy child, but the bad people took that away from her. They took her name, her family, and her freedom. All she had left was the name they gave her, Queen Ethel, and it felt like a heavy burden. The 'Omniverse' was a strange and scary place where Luna saw other kids like her who were also taken from their homes. They had sad stories too, and they all missed their families. Luna wished she could make them feel better, but she was trapped in her role as Queen Ethel. Years passed, and Luna's spirit grew weaker. She was no longer the bright and happy child she used to be. Her eyes lost their sparkle, and her heart was heavy with sadness. She dreamed of escaping and going back to her family, but that dream felt impossible. Luna's life was a never-ending nightmare. She was taken from her family and forced to be a queen in a world she didn't understand. She was trapped, with no way to break free. Her life was a reminder of how cruel some people could be, and it was a sad story that seemed like it would never end. And so, Luna remained in the Omniverse, a place of darkness and pain. She was a puppet, controlled by the bad people who had taken her. She was a prisoner, locked in a place she didn't want to be. She was a child whose happiness had been stolen away, lost in a world that was cold and cruel.

The one thing she never was, was free.


With the memories returning to her head, Luna had gained a new sense of hope. Eros broke through the barrage of undead. He swung his fist forward, filled with strength. "DIE!" Luna took the hit in, flying up into the air. She floated in the air for what seemed like an eternity. She felt like time had stopped for her. Why?.. Luna thought to herself. Why am I feeling this way?.. She saw a vision of a young her, smiling ahead of her. I don't want to be.. who I am, anymore. She reached out with her hand. Queen Ethel, or, the young Luna, held onto her hand. I don't want to be evil anymore.. Time had continued. She pointed toward Eros, with one hand in the air. "I am.." She grinned. "Free." Eros froze, as the dead bodies which surrounded him grabbed onto his feet. Eros groaned. "Grk! The hell?! She's out of range.. she shouldn't be able to control them!" Luna's resolve had reached its limit long ago. She felt like she had the knowledge of everything in existence. This was.. Luna's awakening. She pulled a Soul Pulverizer from out of her pocket. "Rose.." Her mind flashed with all of the memories they made together. Eros chuckled nervously. "Y-You wouldn't dare betray the Commander!" Luna did a graceful spin in the air, her hair following with the wind. "I fight this battle.. for you.." Rose's body held onto Eros from behind. "But, at the same time.." Luna neared Eros. "I must let go." She dug the Pulverizer through Eros. "Guh!.." Luna looked past him. "Rose.." Rose's body smiled at her. "I'm sorry." The Pulverizer dug deeper, digging through Rose's body. Eros dropped to his knees, looking up into the air. "Kh.." He frowned. "So.. you have decided to be a traitor, eh?" Luna nodded. "If that is what I must be. I know all of the heroes are gone right now.. so I suppose I'll meet up with the other two powerful energies I read." She looked down at him. "Eden, and Eclipse, right?" Eros looked at her. "You're free, aren't you?.." She nodded. "Yes." Eros chuckled, as he spoke his last words. "Heh.. then free.. my son." His body faded away. She looked over at Roses's body, who was already practically gone. She smiled, as she put her hands together. "Thank you, Rose. For everything." She looked around. "Alright.. now I gotta find Eden, and Eclipse. I am now.." She shouted out. "Part of the Omniversal Holy Stone Empire!!"

Heaven Door | The Finale of the Dragon Children Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now