11 | Sun and Moon

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There used to be stories of a certain man in Isaac's world, who would sit and meditate under the waterfall for years, without budging an inch. They said he would use the power of the sun to keep him going. While in the winter, he would use the moon's light to give him life. The truth was that they were actually two separate people. Identical twins. With that revelation, they were given their own respective names. The 'Sun God', and the 'Moon God'. The difference between them, was that the Sun God was always laughing. The Moon God was cold, and lonely, and would push people away from him. The Moon God only had a warm heart for two people. His wife, who he had been with for centuries, and the Sun God. The planet was peaceful, until one day, a man who went by Daeva arrived, with the intent of destruction. For the first time in centuries, Sun and Moon moved. When they arrived, Daeva was already causing mass murder. He held a girl in his hands, both of them around her neck. Moon had recognised her face. "Iris!" He shouted out. The Sun God began to activate his power, doing anything he could to save Moon's wife. It was bright in the sky, the sun in the air, so Moon was unable to do anything. He could only sit back and watch. Sun fought fearlessly, using the powers of the sun on Daeva. Daeva was more powerful than Sun could imagine. He couldn't even lay a finger on him. Daeva knocked Sun back, far enough for him to have time. Time to kill Iris. His hands wrapped around her head, pushing it inwards. Sun picked himself up and started running toward Daeva, once more. But by the time he made it there, Iris' body was already missing her head. Moon was enraged. Sun ran over to Moon, to comfort his friend. But Moon was lost. He began to activate his powers during the daytime. Sun told him that this would ruin everything, but it was like Moon was deafened. He didn't pay a single ounce of attention to him. With that, the moon was pulled into the sky, right by the sun. All of a sudden, the world's gravitational pull was changed. Moon flew toward Daeva, his bow in hand. Sun sighed, as he jumped above Daeva. He summoned his axe, and threw it down. Daeva raised his hand in the air, catching the axe. He was distracted. Moon pulled back on his bow, releasing 500 arrows at the same time. They multiplied, four times, causing the 500 to turn into 2000. Daeva's body was impaled. It was practically gone, with the amount of holes in him. Daeva was dead, but it wasn't over yet. The gravitational pull was messed up by Moon activating his powers. Everything on the ground was starting to rise in the air. Sun and Moon knew what they had to do. They had to sacrifice themselves. With that realisation, Sun and Moon held onto each other tightly, fusing their bodies together. The moon started to disappear, being brought back to its original state. Sun and Moon cried, noticing that this was the end of their lives. Everything that had risen in the air, was brought back to the ground. The two Gods had disappeared. But what no one knew, not even themselves, was that they ended up fusing. Sun and Moon had become Eclipse. But since Eclipse didn't know who he truly was, he ended up going by something else. Isaac was born. Isaac had no idea of his true identity. But somewhere, deep inside him, Sun and Moon rest. He always had some strange feelings. Having no mother, no father. But it became weird, once he met Lucina. Lucina had arrived on this planet, along with Otto and Layla, during their 2-year training session. Lucina was introducing herself to everyone. Eventually, it was Isaac's turn. Lucina stood in front of him, smiling. "Hey. Nice to meet you." Isaac looked at her. His eye started, involuntarily, crying. His mouth opened, saying a single word on its own. Lucina's golden hair blew in the wind. Isaac spoke. "Iris?.." There was silence for a moment. "What? No, you're mistaken. My name is Lucina." Isaac shook his head. "Right. That was.. I don't know, sorry."

Isaac stood on the battlegrounds, Axel in front of him. He smirked. "Don't I know you from somewhere?.." Isaac shook. "Well.. I don't know you, so probably not." Phirana tapped his shoulder. "Axel, come on. It's not nice to tease." The 4 of them, including Luna and Rose, received a message. Simetra spoke to them over the earphone. He kicked a chopped-off head from under his feet. "The Holy Stones are in The Hallway." Axel frowned. "What? How is that possible?" Simetra looked into the distance. "They got away from me. They're planning on bringing back the damned Omniversal Warriors. If they return.. our chances of victory are lowered. You are to send 2 of your members up to The Hallway, and stop the Holy Stones from completing their mission. That is an order." Axel nodded. "Yes, my commander." He looked over at Luna and Rose. "You two, to The Hallway. Stop the Holy Stones. Enter the Heaven Doors if needed." They nodded. Luna and Rose disappeared from the battlegrounds. Axel looked back at Isaac. "Now, where were we?" He pulled his gun out from his waistband. "Oh, that's right." He aimed it toward Isaac. "Your death." Isaac raised the weak, wooden bow, and pulled the string back. "I was.. trained by Lucina." Phirana stood back, watching this face-off. "I will not lose." Axel and Isaac put their backs to each other. They both walked forward, away from each other, ten steps. "Eight, nine.." Axel and Isaac shouted at the same time. They turned around. "TEN!" Axel pulled the trigger on his gun, while Isaac released the arrow. Phirana jumped in front of Axel, catching the arrow in her hand. "All is fair in war, kid." They smirked. The bullet neared Isaac. His heartbeat went a thousand times faster. It got louder. It's like his heart was in his ears. As Isaac was about to die, his mind got reminded. It witnessed thousands of years of history. This was Isaac's awakening. The sky suddenly had two large globes in it. All of this was happening within milliseconds. The sun and moon suddenly appeared in the sky, close to the ground. Isaac's eyes rolled back, and soon after, they started spinning all around the place. The bullet stopped in the air, simply falling to the ground. His pupils disappeared. Axel and Phirana looked around. All of the warriors stopped fighting, and looked at the sudden appearance of the two entities. They began to intertwine. The sun went behind the moon, the moon covering it. "What is this?.." Viola looked up in the sky. Cecilia, on the other side of the battlegrounds, looked up. "This is.." Phirana nudged Axel. "Total Eclipse." Isaac's body burst with energy. It felt as if he was being torn apart. He started screaming in pain, and suffering. "AAAAAHHHH!" He screamed out. "AHHH! AHHHH! AHHHHHHH!" Axel aimed his gun up. "Damn it!" He fired 20 shots at Isaac. Click, click. Axel looked down at his gun. "I'm outta ammo!" He looked at Phirana. The gunshots got nowhere near Isaac. The aura surrounding him repelled anything and everything that tried to get near him. "AAAAAH!" He pulled down on his eyelids, tearing them off entirely. "AAAAAAH!" Axel shook. "What is this?!" Phirana patted his back. "Don't worry, I got this!" She activated her Dragon Form. The aura surrounded Isaac entirely, covering his body, making him not visible. Phirana rushed in, her wings propelling her forwards. "You little weirdo! Stop your screaming!" She pushed up against his aura, his body hiding somewhere inside. "ISAAC! GET OUT HERE!" She shouted out. Isaac's screaming got louder for a second. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Then, there was silence. The power of the aura burst. It got stronger. But Phirana continued pushing up against it, with all of her might. "Must.. keep.. GOING!" All of a sudden, out of the aura, there came a flying axe. Axel looked forward. "The axe of the Sun God.." The axe neared Phirana's eye..

The 3 Holy Stones and 2 Warriors sat in the white void, discussing Julius. Luna and Rose broke through the barrier to get inside, and hid behind one of the doors. "Rose, we need to be quick about this," Luna said. Rose nodded. "Maybe he didn't die?" Akuji said to Euryale. Euryale put his hand up to his chin. "I dunno.. it wouldn't make sense." Luna and Rose walked forward, being as silent as they could be. They all had their backs turned to the pair. "Go!" Rose whispered. The two ran into one of the unlocked Heaven Door which held Ruthven and Otto inside. Sol stood up with his staff in his hand, and turned around. "Who are you?!" Rose and Luna were already gone. Flora looked up at him. "Sol, what's the matter?" Sol looked around. He shook his head. "No.. nothing. I just felt another presence here." Euryale smiled. "Don't be worried." Lilith nodded. "Yeah. Only I have the ability to bring us here." Sol couldn't shake it off his mind. Something was strange.

The axe cut through Phirana's dragon eye. "GROAH!" She screamed, as her body returned to its human form. Axel held onto Phirana, holding her tightly. "Are you okay?!" Phirana held her eye with her hand. "Kh.. Yeah. I'll be fine." The aura became more menacing, as a single foot stepped out of it. Axel replaced the ammunition in his gun. "Isaac, come out and fight!" The boy spoke. "Isaac?" His second leg stepped out. His body was revealed. All of a sudden, his hair, which was brown had now turned into a glowing white. "No, no. That's not my name. " He wore a fully white trenchcoat, which went all the way down to his feet. "My name.." His white shorts glowed with him, as his unzipped trenchcoat showed his muscles. "Is Eclipse." In a millisecond, Eclipse blew past Phirana and Axel. Axel shook, as his cheek started leaking blood all of a sudden. "Huh..?" He put his hand up to his cheek, feeling the blood. "What happened?" Eclipse stood behind them. "I slashed you." He faced away from them. "And I'll do it again." He charged his body up once more. Phirana jumped on Axel. "Duck!" Their bodies fell to the floor. Eclipse charged above them, just barely missing. He looked down on them from the skies. "Not bad.." Axel pulled his gun out, once more. Eclipse summoned his bow, firing 500 arrows toward the pair. "NO!" Phirana shouted out. Her body turned into a dragon again. She flew toward the arrows. Her mouth opened wide, as she swallowed the white arrows. Eclipse flew down, his right hand wielding an axe. "Just perish." He glided alongside the Dragon's side. "Hmp!" He dug his axe into the side, cutting her as he flew down. "You're next." After cutting Phirana, he automatically flew straight down to Axel. He pulled his arm back with his axe, and threw it down. "Hah!" Phirana's body turned back into its human form, as it dropped on the ground, barely breathing. "Kh.." Axel fired his gun toward the axe. A clash of metals happened, as the axe bounced back from the shot. Eclipse's eyes widened as the axe dug through his side. "Gwah.." His body stopped floating in the air, and dropped to the ground. Phirana limped over to Axel, and helped him stand up. They both limped over to Eclipse, who was on the ground. "Don't mess with us.." Axel raised his gun, and pointed it toward Eclipse, who was unable to move from his heavily injured body. "Shame you can't heal, huh?.." There was a large, warm, green aura behind them. "Did someone say healing?!" The girl knocked Axel and Phirana, knocking them over. "Gnh.." They groaned out of pain. 

Cecilia stood by Eclipse's side. "I dunno what's going on, but I sure as hell know you're on our side!" Her hands were placed on his wound. "I'll heal ya. Then, we kick their asses!" 

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