19 | Lovebirds

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"You.." Artemis looked at Lucina, with such confusion in his eyes. "I know you.. don't I?" Lucina replied. Although they were both confused, they felt like they were at home with each other. Artemis reached out with his hand. They stood 6 feet apart. But he couldn't reach her. There was something blocking his touch. Some sort of transparent wall. He placed his hand on it. Lucina responded, her hand placed in the exact spot that he did. Artemis giggled a little. "Heh.. your eye is golden, did you know that?" Lucina smiled, and tilted her head. "What? No, no it isn't. Yours is!" Artemis put his other hand up to his eye. "Last time I checked, they were green!" He chuckled. Lucina laughed. She took a deep breath in and sighed, looking down at her feet. "Say.." She looked at him. "Does it feel like we have some sort of past?" Artemis thought for a second, and nodded. "Yeah.." Something flew by his face. "It does." A million butterflies flew from behind the pair, and surrounded them in a vortex, clearing the transparent wall. Their hands went through, grabbing onto each other. "What's.. your name?" Lucina asked, her fingers interlocking with his. "Artemis.." He responded. "You?" She smiled. "Lucina." He gave her a warm smile, as one of his hands went up to her cheek. "These butterflies are pretty.. aren't they?" Lucina nodded. "Yeah.. it feels like I have some in my heart." Her other hand was placed around his head. "It feels like I've been waiting for this moment since.. forever." Lucina nodded in agreement. "Me too.." The butterflies flew away, leaving them in silence. A screeching noise was heard in the distance. A light went up into the air. As their lips neared each other, the light exploded into a beautiful fireworks show. Artemis held her face in his hand, as he kissed her softly. Lucina began crying as she kissed him in response. They held each other as tight as they could, never letting go. A single butterfly returned, and landed on their interlaced hands. They pulled away, and looked at their hands. Lucina let out a soft blow from her lips, letting the butterfly fly away. Artemis smiled, as he looked back at Lucina. She was looking away for another 10 seconds before she looked back at him. He just stared. "Hehe.. What?" She asked. Artemis's smile grew wider. "Nothing.. just.. admiring you." Lucina exhaled from her nose. "Shush, you.." The fireworks ended. A tree sprouted next to them. It shot straight to the sky, branches growing from its body. The pair turned to their side and looked. Atop the tree, in the green leaves, stood a lady covered in a pink robe. Her hair was white, along with her eyelashes and nails. She looked downward, giving Artemis and Lucina a calming presence. Artemis asked. "Who are you?.." The girl gave him a wave, and smiled. "Me? I'm Cupida." Lucina smiled back. "You're really pretty. How'd you get here?"

She looked around. "Oh, no! You guys are in my dimension. See?" She pointed down. "This tree.. is a timeline of you two together." Artemis and Lucina looked at each other. "That's right. You two may have just kissed, but you don't know why, or who you are, correct?" They nodded. "I know this, because I am the God of Love." They looked back up. "God?" She nodded. "Yes. You two.. have passed away. In a war." Artemis put one step forward. "What?!" Her smile disappeared. "I know.. it must be a hard thing to accept. But you two.. you can return." She warped herself to the bottom of the tree, standing in front of the couple. "I shall show you your past.. if you accept." Lucina looked at Artemis. "I.." She looked back at Cupida. "I accept. If this war is true.. then I have to help." Artemis nodded. "Yeah.. I'm not letting her go on her own." Cupida smiled. "Love prevails, huh?" Their surroundings quickly changed into a snowy mountain. "Then.. this is your first meeting." Artemis, Lucina, and Cupida all stood atop the mountain, in a camp. Their bodies had gone blue, almost like they were spirits. No one could see them. "Ah.. here comes Artemis. Though, that sounds confusing.. how about we simply call this Artemis 'Art', and this Lucina 'Luci'." Art walked up to Luci, his hand out wide. "I heard you're a hero here!" Luci looked up at him. "Hero? I think you're crazy." Their surroundings changed to the starry sky. "Ah.." Cupida spoke. "This was your first battle." "FIRE, LUCINAAA!" Luci aimed her bow to the skies and shot. Magnus looked up. "Keh, not bad! But.. as a Dark Lord, I'M STRONGER!" Art summoned his Queen's Blade. "Woah.. what is that?!" Cupida looked at Artemis. "That.. is your legendary weapon." "DIEEE!" Art screamed, as he dug the Blade into the Dark Lord. Their surroundings vanished into thin air, and quickly transformed into a spaceship. Luci burst through the doors of the room where Art had been chained up. "LET HIM GOOO!" She cut down the chains, freeing Art from the torture that Simetra was causing him. Art looked up at her. "Thanks.." She blushed. "Oh, no worries.."  Artemis and Lucina were confused as to what was happening. Their memories slowly began coming back to them. Their surroundings morphed into a colosseum, covered in mist. Lucina looked around. "Hey.. I've been here before." Artemis looked at her. "Hm? You have?.." They sat in their seats, looking down at a battle. "I DON'T WANNA DO THIS!" Art screamed out. Luci shouted back. "TOO BAD.. WE HAVE TO!" She pulled the string back on her bow. Art gripped his sword, and ran toward Luci. "HRAAAAAHHH!" She aimed the bow upwards, letting go of the string, missing Art on purpose. Artemis and Lucina covered their eyes, hiding from this sight. Their surroundings had swiftly changed into a cafe, where there was nobody but them. "And this.." Cupida spoke. "Just watch."

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