22 | Search For The King

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The 11 heroes flew through the depths of space, the silence surrounding them. They had all paired up someone, so no one would have to be alone. Artemis held onto Lucina's hand, as he flew by her side. "No! Basically, I was sitting in my seat, waiting to graduate, and it just happened!" Lucina giggled. "You're smart enough to graduate?" Artemis' jaw dropped, as he ripped his hand away. "Hey, heyy! Come on, Artie, I was only messingggg!" Artemis smiled, softly. "Alright, alright.." Otto carried Layla on his back, holding onto her legs. "Layla, you still asleep?.." A soft snore came from Layla. "Zzz..." Otto chuckled, and looked up. "These stars are beautiful to look at, aren't they?" He looked back at her. "I will protect you, Layla. I will protect you with my life. Even if it means.. sacrificing myself. I love you, Layla." Flora hit the back of Sol's head. "Shush, you! I would totally kick your arse in!" Sol rolled his eyes. "No, you couldn't! Ya only got me last time because I was distracted!" Flora growled. "Grrr.. why, you.." Sol used his staff to encase Flora in a crystal cube. "What was that? I can't hear you!" Flora threw a tantrum inside the cube, which no one could hear. Lilith was comforting Rem, next to her. "Rem, we WILL get Naphtali back. I swear to you." Rem nodded. "I--I know! I know that.. but, will you forgive him?" Lilith stayed silent. "That.. I'm not sure about." She looked down. "Naphtali has committed great sins, and he's wanted by every hunter in existence. It's not that easy to just.. let go, y'know?" Rem looked away. "Right.." Ruthven looked at everyone flying with a partner by their side. She held onto her chest, her heart aching. "Kh.." She began tearing up. "Why isn't anyone here.." Akuji flew in front of Euryale, her arms behind her head. "Say, Eury! Can you actually tell us about the 1st Cosmonial War? Since, we're gonna be flyin' for a while!!" Euryale fixed his glasses, smiling. "Well.. alright. I don't see why not. Everyone, huddle up!" The group surrounded Euryale, as he began speaking once more. "A long time ago.."


"Welcome, the new monarchy, Queen Ethel and King Julius!" The crowd in Omniverse cheered. Ethel stepped forward, and smiled toward her people. Julius pat her back, as he walked up next to her. "Good job, honey." He smiled. She looked over at him. "We're not allowed to kiss right now, are we?" He shook his head. "No, but we can all you want, later." Julius turned around, and stepped back inside his castle. He had dark brown hair, which reached down to his neck. His crown was gold, embedded with purple gems. His king's robe was red, with white on the inside, along with black polka dots. He stepped back into their room, and hung up his robe. "Ahh.." He wore a navy button-up shirt. He took his crown off his head, and put it down next to his bed. "So tiring.." Queen Ethel sat down. "God, I didn't think being royalty came with this much paperwork." Julius nodded, lying down on the bed. "Heh, yeah. Pretty bad, isn't it?" She placed her head and hand on his chest, letting out a deep sigh. "It's gonna be like this forever, isn't it?" Julius chuckled. "What do you mean? Why wouldn't it be?" Ethel closed her eyes. "Oh, I was only asking." He smiled. "It will be. I promise. Now, go to bed, my love. It's getting late." She nodded, as she murmured. "I love you.." The very next day, they were woken up by a man slamming the door open. "YOUR MAJESTYS!" Julius jumped up. "Hm?!" Ethel barely lifted herself up. She rubbed her eyes, and squinted as she looked at the man. "Huh?.. Oh, Warwick.. what do you want?" Warwick dropped to his knees. "Th-th-th-th-th!!!" Julius stood up, putting on his robe. "Now, Warwick. Take your time. Deep breaths." Warwick took a deep breath in, as he looked at Julius. "The protesters are outside!" Ethel gasped. They ran outside, to the balcony. They both held onto their crowns as they ran. The crowd that stood in front of the pair was 500.. maybe 1000, or even 1500 people. Ethel frowned, as she summoned her blade. "PATRICK SHOULD HAVE WON THE ROYAL ELECTION!" The people shouted. Ethel whispered to Julius. "I'll clear them away, without a single hint of them ever existing.." Julius put his hand in front of her, blocking her way. "No. Not yet. Let me do something, first." Ethel clicked her tongue. "Tsk." Julius walked to the front of the balcony. "My people!" He shouted out. A woman shouted down from below. "We are not your people! We want Patrick!!" The crowd cheered. Julius sighed. "Ugh.. LISTEN, YOU BUFFOONS!" His voice echoed through Omniverse.

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