2 | Sparks in My Heart

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".. And then that's how we get X." The teacher spoke in a stern voice. She looked over at a boy, who was dozed off in his seat. She sighed, out of frustration and disappointment. "Is anyone
gonna wake him up?" She looked around the class. The girl next to him shook him. "Yo, wake up." The boy groaned. "Mm." "The teacher is looking directly at you." He shot up. "I-I wasn't asleep! I was just.. resting my head." The teacher scoffed. "Right. You better be careful with that 'resting.' I don't want to have to call your father again, Artemis." Artemis nodded. "Yes, miss. Sorry, miss." The teacher turned her back, and started writing on the board again. "Hey, thanks for waking me up.." Artemis turned to his friend. His friend smiled at him. "No problem!" She grinned. "You still up for later?" Artemis nodded. "Of course!" The bell rang, signifying the next class. Artemis stood up and put his bag on. "See ya later, Lucy!" Lucy smiled and waved at him. "Cyaa!" He walked away, toward his next class. He opened his notebook, and started doodling. The boy next to him looked at him and laughed. "Dude, you're always drawing that one girl. Who is she?" Artemis elbowed him. "Shut up! I am not! It's just, whatever comes to my head, I draw." The boy laughed. "Well then, she must be in your head a lot." Artemis looked down at his notebook. There really were like 50 drawings of this one girl. He couldn't figure out who she was. He didn't know who she was, or why he couldn't stop thinking of her. All he knew, was that she felt familiar.

Artemis finished school. He opened the door to his house and dropped his bag. He sighed, heavily. "I'm hooome." His father stood in front of him, with his arms crossed. "Young man, care to explain why I got a call from the school, again?" Artemis groaned. "Ugh, that bitch.." His father gasped. "Excuse me! You will NOT use that language in this household, you hear m--" The doorbell rang. His father shoved him out of the way and opened the door. "Oh, hey boss. Mhm." He mumbled. "Right." He closed the door and looked at Artemis. "I gotta go to work. They're short on staff. We'll have a talk when I'm home." He stepped out of the doorway. Artemis' muscles moved on their own. He stepped forward, aggressively. "No, don't go!" He shouted out. His father turned his head and sighed. "What is it this time?" Artemis looked down at his feet, which moved on their own. "I.." He raised an eyebrow. "I don't know. That wasn't me.." His father shook his head. "Useless." He stepped out and closed the door. Artemis looked at the door being shut closed. He couldn't help but feel like this situation happened before. He doesn't understand what this feeling is. His mother entered into the room. "Hey. Isn't it almost time for your date?" Artemis looked up at the clock. "Oh. You're right." He walked up the stairs, and walked into his room. He slammed the door closed.

He opened a small book that was titled 'My Diary.' It wasn't a diary, though. It was a small sketchbook. He had multiple drawings of people. People he never met before. There was a man who had short, grey hair. He was missing an arm, and carried a shield in the other. His eye was hidden behind an eyepatch, and he wore a scarf, which hid the burn marks underneath. He couldn't figure out where he knew the man from. Or any of these drawings. Like, the other drawing had a little girl who looked about 8 on it. She had pure white hair, which was tied up in a ponytail. She had an adorable dress with little dandelions on it. The writing next to it wrote, 'i wish i could remember.' There were 2 more drawings. One of a man with a brown middle part, which slightly covered his forehead. Half of his face was hiding behind a mask, due to the burn under it. He had a small blue horn coming out of his head. The final drawing was a girl who had a brown wolf cut. She held two powerful, golden gauntlets, and she had a sense of confidence in her. Artemis wrote it down on the next page. 'I'm not sure I am ready for this.'

He stood up and prepared for his date. He got dressed up in a fancy tuxedo. He felt like he knew everything about how to date, though he had never been on one before. He felt like someone had explained everything he had to know in the past. Artemis walked out of the door, ready for whatever happens. He walked to a lovely park, where Lucy arranged to meet him. She stood up and waved at him. "Hey, Artie!" He ran up to her. "Hey, Lucy." She frowned at him. "You 'kay? You seem kinda pale." Artemis looked around. "Huh? Yeah, yeah, no, I'm.. I'm fine." Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Mkay.. you wanna go hang out?!" Artemis nodded. "Sure, sure. Your house?" Lucy nodded. "Yeah!" They walked beside each other, all the way to Lucy's house. She opened the door to an empty house. "Why don't we go up to my room?" Artemis looked at her. "Mm." She greeted him into her room, where they lay down on the bed. She looked at him. "So.. what now?" Artemis thought for a second. "Hey, Lucy. Is your name short for anything?" Lucy looked at him. "No, why? Why would it be?" Artemis looked away. "I don't know."

She smirked. "You tryna get to know me better?" Artemis looked at her. "What does that mean?" She placed her hand on his cheek. "Oh, you know exactly what that means." She leaned in, slowly. Artemis' brain had a spark. His face dropped. His eyes widened. All of a sudden, he was standing in a firey land, with a girl standing in front of him. She reached out to him, as her body slowly faded away. Artemis stuck out his hand and called for her. ".. cina!" He couldn't remember her name, for some reason. She looked so.. familiar. Yet, he didn't know who she was. His mouth moved on its own. "I.. I love you!" Then, he was back in the bed, Lucy leaning in. He rolled away, and dropped onto the floor. His hand was gripped onto his heart. "Artemis?" Lucy looked at him. Artemis turned away. "You're.. you're not her. I'm waiting.." He looked around. "Wait.. what am I saying?" He sprinted outside of her house. She stepped out, after him. "Artemis!" She called. Artemis ran away from her, as far as he could.

At the same time, a girl in another timeline had a similar vision. She sat down at a campfire, surrounded by her family. Her little brother ran up to her. "Hey, Lucina! Tell me about that dream again. The one with the boy!" Lucina smiled. "Seriously? Again? I've said it, like, 200 times." Oliver nodded. "Mhm! I wanna know!" Lucina took a breath in. "Once upon a time, there was a boy who fought for everyone he knew. He had a large heart, and he loved all. Not once did he hold a grudge against anyone. Even his biggest enemies. He fought, like a knight, for all of the good in the world. The boy was a hero." Oliver smiled. "And what happens at the end?!" Lucina thought. "Well.. the boy and his lover arrived in heaven. They fought some kind of fallen hero.. and then.." She started to breathe heavier. "And.. then.." Oliver patted her. "Lucina?!" Lucina couldn't breathe. "Then.."

The boy in front of her started running to her. "LUCINA!" He called. Lucina's heart pumped faster. "..." She was shouting his name. But she couldn't hear herself shout. She called. "If this is my last vision with you.." The words wouldn't come out. "Just tell me who you are!" She was interrupted halfway through, by herself, in the vision. "I'LL TELL YOUR STORY!" Lucina thought to herself. Who was this boy? What was he to her? Why did she feel this way? She can't understand herself, anymore. For some reason, her heart longed to see him. But it felt like she's met him before. Lucina woke up on the snowy mountain. She sat up, shocked. "Gah!" Her brother shook her. "Then what happens, Lucina?!" Lucina put her hand to her head. "I.. can't remember."

Artemis and Lucina brushed it off. They continued on with their days, acting like nothing ever happened. If they can't remember who they are, they most likely weren't important. Yeah. That's a good way of thinking of things. Meanwhile, in the original timeline, the Holy Stones stood still, facing off Ahriman in the Omniversal Library. "A message from the leader of the New World Order.." Ahriman spoke.

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