17 | Dragon Mother

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Viola faced Phirana, who grinned menacingly at the sight of her alter. "Kehehe.. Viola.." Viola held a straight face toward the Dark Dragon. "You.." She stared at Phirana. "You seem.. rather familiar." Phirana confidently put a single foot forward. "Oh, isn't it obvious?!" Her crimson-red hair began to transform into dark scales. "Don't you know.. the truth behind our powers?!" Viola followed her transformation, turning her white hair into white dragon scales. "Indeed, I don't. Care to tell me?" Phirana's body grew large. "Even if I did.. it wouldn't matter. You are going to DIE!" Viola handed something toward Eclipse. "Take this." Eclipse looked at her. "Why? What is this?" She turned around and smiled, her teeth out. "Just bring it to Naphtali. Tell him it's from his mother.. who misses him deeply." Eclipse looked down at the pendant he had received. He nodded, and put it in his pocket. "Wait a second.." His eyes darted to Viola. "You aren't serious about this.. are you?" She turned her head toward Phirana once more, who was mere seconds away from fully morphing. "No matter what happens.. don't jump in this battle." Eclipse stayed silent. "Holy Stone form.. Light Dragon." Her body fully morphed into the glowing, Light Dragon. "This.." Her voice was almost inaudible. "This is my battle.." She looked at the Dark Dragon, who was standing on her 4 feet. Her wings stood up in the air, almost like two tall mountains which Viola was to climb over. "And I am prepared to sacrifice my life if it means defending my son.. and.." Her wings went up. "Avenge my daughter." Phirana responded, with a gross, watery voice. "EH?! You useless fuckin' lizard! Nah, you ain't avenging SHIT today! I will be the one who will avenge Axel! The one whom your daughter MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD!" Viola retaliated. "And would Axel be there when you needed him most? Would he have come into your room and given you a warm hug when your father screamed at you? No, he wouldn't have, would he? Cecilia would. And she did. She did not deserve what came to her." Phirana's rage was growing exponentially. "GRRHH.. SHUT IT! SHUT YOUR MOUTH! STOP TALKING! STOP IT! STOP! STOOOOAAAAPPP!" Viola cackled. "What's that?" Her claws dug into the ground, preparing to launch. "Are you losing your mind? Is that what's going on?" She smiled, and then dropped into a straight face. "I am the daughter of Krilia. Her determination.. and her unmatched willingness to fight for what's right.. is what's pushing me forward now. Phirana, you don't have anyone like that, do you?" Phirana had enough.

The battle began with a rage that left no room for hesitation. Viola launched herself into the air, her massive wings propelling her forward. She spat a beam of blinding light towards Phirana, who countered with a barrage of dark energy orbs. The two forces clashed mid-air, causing a brilliant explosion of light and darkness that sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. "Gnh!!" Eclipse covered his eyes to defend himself against the dust which came from the horrid clash. They soared through the sky, locked in a deadly dance. Viola's Light Dragon form was a beacon of hope, her radiant attacks pushing back Phirana's Dark onslaught. But Phirana was relentless, her Dark Dragon form weaving through the light attacks with unmatched agility. She retaliated with slashes of shadow-infused claws, tearing through Viola's scales. Viola, who was not willing to lose, shifted back to her human form mid-air. She landed majestically and drew a gleaming sword from her gown, the weapon infused with her dragon's power. With a swift and precise strike, she launched herself at Phirana, aiming for the heart. But Phirana, with the high battle genius that she held, morphed back into her human form at the last moment. She sidestepped Viola's attack, her dark eyes glowing with evil. In her human form, she wielded a staff that crackled with dark energy. She swung it with deadly precision, striking Viola with a powerful shockwave that sent her crashing into the ground. "Gnh.. Damn it!" Viola could have sworn she was out of it for a second or two. Viola groaned as she lay in the rubble, her human form battered and bruised. Eclipse ran to her side. "Viola!" He looked up at Phirana. "Damn it.. I'm jumping in! I'm not letting you die here!" He glowed white with his powers as he launched himself into the air. "EY!" He screamed at Phirana. "OVER 'ERE!" Phirana looked over at him. "GR.. NOT YOU!" She was floating in the air in a human form, as if she was an angel. She charged a powerful, dark blast. "JUST DIEEEE!" She fired it toward Eclipse. "Shit.. what do we do?!" He quickly had a genius idea. He shifted back to Isaac, who lost his ability to fly. And so, he fell beneath the dark blast. As soon as the blast flew away from him, he morphed back to Eclipse, who flew beneath Phirana and went straight up, wielding a sword in his hand. "I've got it now!" Viola held her hand in the air, and threw a blast toward Isaac. "Knh?!" He rolled to the side, letting the blast go past him. "WHAT WAS THAT, VIOLA?!" Viola groaned in pain, still lying on the ground. "Kehe.. I told you.. this was my battle, idiot." Phirana, in a flash of shadow, returned to her Dark Dragon form and descended upon her fallen opponent. With a deafening roar, she unleashed a torrent of dark flames that engulfed Viola. "Knh.. GAAAHH!" Viola screamed out from the pain. The dark flames burned, and melted the skin inside of her gown. "HAHAHA!" Phirana cackled. "YOU'RE WEAK! WEAK, I TELL YOU!" Viola grinned in confidence as she looked toward Phirana. "Weak?.. Nah.." 

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