27 | Penguin Snacks

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The winds blew past the 4 pairs of feet. Faolan grits his teeth out of sheer frustration. "You.. just always have to get in our way, don't you?" He clenched his fist. "You so-called heroes.. you.. you worthless.. you... HRAH!" Euryale, Otto and Sol stood opposite him. Euryale's fingers were all wrapped in chains. "You will fall here and now, Faolan. Return to your grave." Faolan froze. He creaked his head over to Euryale, and smirked. "Heh. Ehehe.. Euryale?.." He grinned even wider. "It's funny.. it's just so funny how you learn so much about a man when he is faced with the harsh reality of hopelessness. Some remain strong and proud, such as I. And then there is you.. the prime example of a snivelling pussy. You.. thought.. you were in the right? Euryale, let me remind you.. of who you worked for in your previous life. That's right. None other than King Faolan. So don't talk to me like you're worth any of my time. You suck up to whoever you feel is in the right. So that you don't suffer any consequences from the mistakes of your previous lives." Sol summoned his staff. "That's not right. Euryale fought alongside me, right up against Beelzebub! So you shut your mouth, before I shut it for you." Faolan's smirk faded, as he looked toward this man whom he considered a nobody. "Do you think you're better than me?.." Sol stared into his eyes. Faolan walked up to his face. "Hm?" No response. "It's not a rhetorical question. I want you.. TO ANSWER ME!" Sol stayed silent, infuriating Faolan. "DO NOT PRETEND, if you had this power.. if Simetra offered you everything in existence placed right at your feet, you wouldn't take it just as I have. Refusing to take what you can does not make you a hero. No, it makes you weak." Otto bumped him away with his shield. "Walk away, prick. Otherwise, you'll taste a bit of our fuckin' fist." Faolan took a deep breath in. "Haaahh.. I.. am not.. the storm. I am not the lightning, nor the loud noise that scares you.. I go on even when you think you're hidden from me within the light.. but I am not the storm. I am far more deadly." Otto scoffed. "Hah! You lost the plot or somethin'?! What are ya on about?!" Euryale raised his hands in the air. "Prepare to die, Faolan." Faolan cackled. "Hahah.. hahaha!.. Oh, dear.. Euryale.." He spun in a circle, his hands stretched on both sides. "OH, EURYALE! Do you forget.. who the only person on your side to die in this war so far was?" His eyes squinted as he smirked. "Hmm? Kehehe.." Sol stood ahead. "Alright.. that's enough of this talk." He pointed toward Faolan. "Everyone.. fight, like your life depends on it." Sol, Euryale, and Otto all charged forward at once. "CHAAARGE!" Sol shouted out.

Euryale jumped behind Faolan, using his chains to tie him to the ground. Faolan smiled. "Oh, you don't know what you just did.." Euryale looked at Faolan's wrists, as they were stuck to the ground. Sol was going to dig his spear through Faolan's chest. But.. in the very last second, Euryale saw his own chains coming out of Faolan's wrists. "SOL, DON'T--" Faolan broke out of the chains, and used his own rendition of the chains to knock everyone away, spinning like a ballerina. "Hahahaha! HAHAHAH! AHAHAH!" Faolan looked at Euryale. "YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO AWAKENED A NEW POWER POST-AFTERLIFE!" Faolan's newfound ability, 'Copy'. While it does not take the ability of the other fighter, it creates its own rendition of it. The condition for Copy to be activated, is the ability that Faolan is trying to copy must touch off of Faolan, or vice-versa. Euryale had recognised this now. But Otto hadn't. Otto ran through the chains that were spinning around Faolan, deflecting all of them with his shield. Faolan stopped spinning as soon as Otto came close. "OTTO!" Euryale shouted out. But it was too late. Otto jumped in the air, swinging his shield down. Faolan grabbed it in midair, and smiled. "Gotcha." He summoned Otto's shield in his other hand. "Tsk! How.. can we both have these shields?!" Faolan knocked Otto to the ground, digging his shield into the back of his neck. "Bow down." He smirked. "Oh, right.. you don't have a choice." Otto squirmed as he attempted to push himself up. "Khh.." Faolan sighed. "Ahh.. what a good puppy you are. That's right.. you listen to me.." Euryale's chains surrounded Faolan, grabbing him, and pulling him into the air. Sol looked worried. "It's alright!!" Euryale said. "He's already got my ability copied.. it doesn't matter whether he gets touched by it or not." Otto grabbed the shield which was dug into his neck. "Tfu!" He spat out blood. "Besides.. his shield works just like mine. He can summon it or retract it whenever he pleases." Otto knelt down, balancing his shield against his knee. "Alright, Sol.. you get over here." They devised a plan, to which Sol replied by putting one of his feet onto the shield. "SEND ME UP!" Sol shouted. Otto nodded. "YEAH!" Otto boosted Sol into the air. The jewel in Sol's staff glowed, as he created a smoke cloud midair. Faolan laughed. "HAH! You think this mist.. will stop me from touching you?!" Sol appeared above him. Faolan looked up. "GOTCHA!" He ripped one of his hands out of the chains, reaching up and grabbing Sol's face. Sol dug his spear-side into Faolan. "Wh.. WHAT?! Why can't I summon your.. staff?!" As Faolan grabbed onto his face tighter, Sol vanished. The spear stuck within him. "No.. a clone?!" Euryale dragged the chains down, knocking Faolan to the ground. Faolan groaned. "N.. No!.. Gnh.." Sol stood from afar. "For a so-called king, you are tricked far too easily." Faolan grit his teeth, looking up. 

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