3 | The Library Falls

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Akuji coughed up blood, and keeled over on the ground. Ruthven held onto her, patting her back. "Peep.." Euryale spoke. "Get outta here." Peep jumped up and waddled away, as fast as his little flappers could. Rem looked directly into Ahriman's eyes. "What does he want with us?" Ahriman smiled, as he looked at Lilith. "Oh, my dear daughter.." Lilith was speechless. Ahriman looked up. "My commander asked me to deliver a personal message to you all. You are so lucky." He pulled a letter out of the pocket of his cloak, and opened it slowly. "Ahem. Dearest Holy Stones, you are alone." Ahriman smirked. "You are alone, and fragile. I would say I want to murder you all, but you aren't worth my time. I am too above you all, now. As your new God. Your new founder. The New World Order has one, simple task." Ahriman clenched his fist, as he continued reading. "We will win this war. We will reset everything, and rebuild it from our vision. This Old World will no longer exist. Once you have heard this message.." Ahriman threw the letter to his side, as he spoke the final line. "Ahriman will kill you all." Ahriman raised one knee. Euryale stretched his hands out. "SHIT!" He shouted out. Chains flew out of his hands and surrounded Ahriman. Rem jumped up. "We can't let him break out!" Rem used her body manipulation skills to extend her arms around him. "Hold.. him.. still!" She groaned. Ahriman was trapped. "Kh.. dirty.." Ruthven ran up to him and swung with her fist. She hit Ahriman's face to the side. "Hah!" Akuji jumped above and dug down into him with her fist. "We finally get some revenge.." Akuji smirked. "We're not lettin' you go!" She shouted. Lilith stood up. She attempted to use her powers.. but she couldn't. Her body was shaking.

"Keep hitting him!" Euryale shouted. Ruthven and Akuji used their fists to hit Ahriman in all of the places they could think of. Ruthven smiled. "We're the Holy Stones.. we're not as weak as you remember!" Ahriman laughed. "Right.." Akuji grabbed the back of his neck. "This.. is for the Warriors your little group killed!" She started pulling back. Ahriman's eyes looked at Rem. "Rem.." She looked away. "Your husband.. Naphtali. He's with us.." Rem scoffed. "Yeah, sure! Whatever you say." Ahriman smirked. "Hah.. No. I'm being serious. Why do you think he fought Artemis and Lucina?" Rem stayed silent. "There it is.. that lost sense of hope." Rem's grip got weaker, as she prepared to hit him. "Shut up.." Euryale looked at her. "Rem, don't let go! Shit.. don't let go of him! This'll go.. HORRIBLY WRONG!" He tried to call out. Rem let go of him, and pulled her fist back. "No.. no. This is how it was supposed to go. Ahriman.. I will take you on myself." Euryale let go of his chains, sending them toward Rem. "REM!" He tried to stop her from attacking Ahriman on her own. Ahriman smirked. "You've let go." All of their eyes widened. Ahriman was surrounded by a bright, white light. "SHIT!" Akuji called out. Ahriman caused an explosion in the shape of a sphere, pushing them all back. "GAHH!" Rem got pushed outside of the doors of the Library. Euryale reached out with his palm. "Rem.. no!" The chains flew toward Rem. Ahriman jumped in front of them. He grabbed them and crushed them with his hand. "Poor Rem.." He looked at them all. They were all, practically, knocked out. They had no energy left in them, after that explosion. "Hold on.." He looked around. "One.. two.. three.. Rem is out there.." His eyes widened. "One of you is missing." He turned around, to look at Rem.

Lilith dashed outside of the Library and grabbed Rem. "I got you!!" She called out to her. Rem looked at her. "Thanks.. Lily." Lilith smiled. "Yeah." They flew back into the Library. Lilith left Rem with the other Holy Stones. She stood up, proudly, filled with confidence. "Don't worry.. I got this." She looked at Ahriman. "Besides, I got some proving myself to do." Ahriman smirked. "Oh?" Lilith raised her arms up. "Kh.." Her body started shaking. "I'm.. not used to this new power.. heh." Her neck snapped, out of the pressure she was putting on herself. "Kehehe.." Her entire body cracked. Every bone in her body snapped in half. Ahriman froze. "What are you doing to yourself..?" Lilith smiled, as her body stayed standing. "I advanced my whole 'revival' thing further." She faced Ahriman. "Now.. when my body is.. no, when I'm supposed to be dead, my body keeps going." She stood up straight. "I am invincible." She dashed at Ahriman, as fast she could. "AND I'VE GOT SOME BLOOD IN MY EYES!" She jumped up, and swung down with her clenched fist. Ahriman guarded it with his right arm. "Not bad.." He swung his left fist into her hip. "For a useless daughter." He dug it in as deep as he could. Her body folded and flipped over his arm. "I'm not your daughter." She placed her hands on the ground and held her body. "I'm not your creation, either." She used both of her legs in the air, to kick Ahriman back. "I am Lilith!" Ahriman fell back, as Lilith landed on her feet. "Commander of the Holy Stones!" Ahriman stood up. He rubbed the blood off his lip. "You actually made me bleed.." His eyes turned into a pale white. "You've really pissed me off." Lilith smiled. "There's more where that came from." Lilith rushed in, with a million punches. "Gah! Hah!" She swung as hard as she could, knocking Ahriman into one of the shelves. "Die, already!"Lilith kicked him through the wall, sending him out into space. Ahriman was pissed. He was furious. "Damn you.." Within a nanosecond, he was in front of Lilith. "Die." He pushed her back with another explosion caused by his powers. "Kh.." The explosion broke through Lilith's powers. "GAH!" She screamed out of pain. She landed next to the Holy Stones.

Ahriman stood straight. "You've done it now." The Library was set aflame. "This Library.." It was surrounded by a white sphere. "Falls today." Ahriman floated up. "This is the first victory of the New World Order." He smirked. "You lose." Ahriman vanished. Peep jumped out of the shadows. "No.. Not the Library! PEEP!" He squeaked, his body shaking. Euryale grabbed onto him and held him close. "It's gonna be okay.. it's gonna be okay." The Library started shaking. Lilith and Rem looked around. The books started floating up in the air, and the shelves they stood on followed. Ruthven covered the bloody Akuji. "I've got you." The sphere expanded. All of a sudden, it collapsed in on itself. The Holy Stones looked around. None of their surroundings changed. "Huh.." Euryale stood up, still holding onto Peep. "Must've been a bluf-" The sphere expanded again, as an explosion this time. The Library broke in half, and then in quarters, and then into million tiny pieces of rubble. "GAAAAAHHH!" The Holy Stones shouted as they got pushed back, outside of the explosion zone. Euryale and Peep watched as the library turned and tilted and broke apart in front of them. Euryale teared up. His life's work, falling apart in front of him, crumbling into tiny pieces, just as his heart was. "It can't be.." Akuji stood up. "That's the only place that had info on how to defeat those guys.." Euryale screamed. "AHHHHH!" Peep fell out of his arms. "Mr. Euryale?.." Euryale sobbed. "DAMN IT! That's the place.. that made who I am! That's what redeemed as a person.." His eyes turned into a grassy green. "I won't let them get away with this. I swear.. we will win this war." Their bodies slowly vanished.. as they were warped into the war zone.

Back at base, Simetra played a game of chess with Faolan. "Rook takes the bishop." Simetra picked up the piece and placed it to his side. Faolan looked at him. "Sir, what's next? The Library has fallen." Simetra smiled. "What's next? Simple." He tapped the clock to his side. "We attack the Omniversal Hospital. Turn it from a place where people get to survive, to a place where they all die. Besides," He looked up at Naphtali, who stood next to him. "Isn't there a certain girl there of who you know?" Simetra smirked.

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