8 | Girl of The Stars

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The white void surrounded by the Heaven Doors was practically empty. When the Holy Stones walked, there would be no sound beneath their feet. Euryale looked around the void. "I never thought.. I would actually step foot in here." Akuji patted his back, slightly tipping Euryale over. "Yeah, well, not the best situation to come up here, is it?" Rem was sitting on the floor, her mind in denial. "I can't believe Naphtali would.. really betray us like this." Ruthven knelt down behind her, massaging her back. "I know. I mean, remember that scared boy that wouldn't even come with us to fight in the desert?" Rem cracked a smile. "Heh, and remember that time he got grounded by Viola for getting mad at Akuji?" She giggled. Akuji frowned. "Woah, hey! It's not my fault. He swung at me because he lost in tennis!" Lilith tapped her shoulder. "Oh c'mon. The poor kid was 12. You should've gone easy on him!" Akuji looked away. "How was I supposed to know?" Euryale smiled. "He always was a bright kid, wasn't he?" Ruthven teared up. "Yeah. God, I remember when he and I got out first ever bonding time, and we fought off those bandits. He was so confused. He was like, 'We saved them! Why are they trying to kill us?' when the soldiers came after us." Rem's left eye started crying. "He didn't deserve to grow up in a world like that. Can you imagine.. just how confused he was? One second he's living happily at home with his newly-coronated father, and his sister, and Faolan, the next second he's fighting his own family." Lilith looked down, almost blaming everything on herself. "Sometimes, I can't blame him for the way he turned out." Akuji frowned, remembering the past. "Yeah. I remember, the last thing before I died was feeling his warm touch. I was possessed by the devil, but he saved me. Though, it wasn't exactly in the, uh.. nicest way." Euryale turned to them. "The New World Order.. they seem to be winning. Strongly." Ruthven nodded in agreement. "Mm. I feel bad for leaving, but.. I mean, we got some good warriors. We have Viola, Cecilia and that guy Lucina trained.. what was his name?" Rem snapped her fingers. "Isaac." Akuji stepped forward. "Hey.. is that person meant to be there?" She pointed over to a girl, who was planting a tiny flower bed in the distance. Lilith shook her head. "No, there's not meant to be anyone here." The 5 Holy Stones walked toward the girl, who was knelt down on the ground, planting dandelions. The light-brown skin on her hands was carefully placing every individual seed, watering them precisely afterward. Her golden, blonde hair sat still in the empty void, which held no wind. Her eyes were blue, the color of a beautiful ocean. Directly under them were small patches in her skin. There were freckles covering her cheeks, and the top of her nose, in the shapes of stars. The color was a lighter brown than her skin. She could feel the presence of the Holy Stones standing behind her. She smiled softly.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Euryale looked around. "Yeah, uh.. pretty bright." She giggled, putting her hand up to her mouth to cover it. Her voice was soft. Like a pillow that had been slept on for years. Her voice sounded like the touch of an angel. It was warm, and comforting. "Oh, no. No, no, you don't see this world like I do. I see a beautiful green with a river where small animals can live." She held out her hands, as if a bird was landing in her palm. "This is the only place unreachable by a typical human. I'm guarding it for as long as I can." She blew the tiny, imagined bird out of her hand with a soft blow from her lips. "For millennia's, people have fought each other and declared war for their separation in opinions. Here, I have a place to be safe. To keep all these adorable little species in a safe habitat for them to live." She stood up, revealing her white gown which covered her body. Her legs were uncovered, which were covered in patchy stars all the way up to her thigh. Rem looked into her eyes. "Who are you?.." "My name is Stella." She smiled. "Latin origin of 'star'". She took steps past them, almost guiding them to the doors. "I assume you're here to.. awaken these warriors, aren't you?" Stella looked at them. "If I'm correct, you're Euryale.. Ruthven, Akuji, Lilith and Rem. Right?" Akuji nodded. "Yeah.. just.. how did you know that?" Stella picked something up from the ground. That's what it looked like, at least. "I've done my research. Quite a horrible war out there, isn't it?" Lilith nodded. "Yes ma'am, but you have to understand that Artemis and Lu-" She was cut off by Stella speaking. "No need. I am not intending to participate in any kind of war. I told you, I'm here to preserve the species." She took steps to the left, and she spoke while walking. "Once I snap my fingers, you'll be able to see the world as I do." Her leg raised up and stepped over something. She took two more steps forward, and once she did, her hair started getting soaked. "Ahh.. I'll never get tired of this waterfall." She started taking off her gown, as it fell off her shoulders. "Woah, woah!" Rem covered her eyes. Stella raised one eyebrow. "Hm? What's the matter?" The gown dropped down entirely, revealing her naked body. They all looked away. "C'mon.. put them away." Akuji spoke. Stella giggled. "Oh, I forget how shy people get." She put the gown back on. "Well.. I suppose I can have some of my own fun later." She stepped out of the waterfall, leading them to the doors. "What is wrong with this girl?.." Euryale asked. Rem bumped his shoulder. "She's cute. Innocent." Akuji smiled. "Yeah, and her tits are cute too!" Ruthven hit his back. "Akuji!" Akuji looked up at her. "Whaaat? Can't a girl just have a lil crush?"

Stella showed them the doors. "Only I have the ability to truly unlock these doors. But, be warned, if you do not succeed to bring back these individuals.. you will be trapped inside with them for all eternity." Stella looked at them. "You should all decide who goes for whom. Please, make these decisions carefully." They nodded and huddled up in a circle. "Oh, but, Stones.." Stella spoke to them. "The rescue of Artemis and Lucina is impossible." Ruthven shouted out. "What?!" Stella was away from the circle, speaking out. "Yes. Unfortunately, Artemis and Lucina have been send out to some fake timelines. Timelines that cannot be reached through these Doors, since they are technically not deceased. If, and that's a big if.. Artemis and Lucina were to come back, they'd have to make their way back on their own." Rem looked at her. "And how can they do that?" Stella looked away. "I.. I don't know. I suppose, if they can fully recall their past.. every second of it, they would break out from this mirage." She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I will be of no use in this." She stepped away. "Right.." Lilith spoke. "So then, one of us will have to stay back, since only four of us can go." Akuji let go of the others, and stepped out the circle. "I'm out! I'm out. I got a lil girl-on-girl action to make back here." She smirked. Ruthven groaned. "What? Oh c'mon, she's pretty!" They started discussing their main topic again. "I suggest Lilith goes to free Sol. They're both commanders, so they should hold some kind of connection?" Euryale spoke. Lilith thought for a second. "Mm.. true, but you saved Sol's life in the Tournament of Mist." Euryale nodded. "I suppose you're right. I'll take Sol." Rem looked at Ruthven. "Ruthven can't take Flora. She's fought her before, so we can't awaken any bad experiences again." Lilith nodded. "Got it. I'll take her." Rem and Ruthven looked at each other. "How about you take Layla?" Ruthven said, calmly. "I was sort of like a mother to Naphtali so, Otto and I can share that bond." Rem smiled and nodded. "Yeah. And I guess, Layla would like to see me again. I remember the coffee shop, when we bonded over pastries." Ruthven patted her shoulder. "You and those pastries.." They all looked at Stella. "We picked it all out!" Stella nodded. "I understand. Please, step in front of your chosen Heaven Doors." Euryale smiled, as he stood in front of Sol's door. "As soon as we bring these Warriors back.. the tide of the war will change dramatically." Rem smiled, standing in front of Layla's door. "Yeah.. And maybe these guys can help bring back Nap." Ruthven and Lilith stood in front of Otto and Flora's doors.

Stella unlocked all 4 of the doors. "Just understand, if you don't come back out.. you're stuck there for all of eternity." Akuji walked over to her. "Don't worry about 'em, they're strong. I believe in them." Stella blushed as Akuji spoke. "Oh! High praise.." The Holy Stones all looked at each other. "Make sure you all come out.." Stella smiled. They all walked into their own door, disappearing from the void. There was silence for a few seconds, before Akuji spoke up. "So, uhm.. Can I see this world you've been talking about?" Stella smiled, and nodded. "Yes, of course you can." She snapped her fingers, revealing the beautiful world to Akuji. "Oh.. wow.. wait, can we go to that waterfall you were at earlier? I could really do with a bath!" Stellas face went red. "Wait, seriously? I mean.. uhm, yes, of course we can." She took Akuji's hand. "Come on. Follow me." Euryale stepped into Sol's Heaven Door. The weather was rainy, and it looked as though he was in Sol's army's main camp. Back in the void, Akuji and Stella made it to the waterfall. Stella started getting undressed, revealing her body to Akuji. Akuji followed shortly after. Stella looked into her eyes. "So, tell me about yourself." Akuji spoke. Stella gulped and nodded. "Y-Yes. Well, I don't have much of a past. I was made here. Kind of. I think? I'm not sure. For as long as I remember, I've just.. been here. But I have the knowledge of the last few million years." Akuji blushed. "Oh.. that's.. kinda cool." Stella went red and looked at her. "What?!"

Euryale looked at the time and date on the calendar and clock in Sol's room. There was no numbers, it was fully blank. "Guess time works different here.." He stepped out of the room. "I need to go find Sol. I need to bring him back, and save him." He clenched his fist.

Heaven Door | The Finale of the Dragon Children Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now