7 | Tragedies of War

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The winds blew past the blood-ridden battlegrounds. Thousands, if not millions of families, ripped apart by this war. And Simetra stood at the top of it all. This was Simetra's doing. Every step a person would take, resulted in a wet splash under their feet. When they would look down, all they would see is the crimson color of blood. The cloud-filled skies would rain down with the guts of murdered fighters. Fighters who, just hours ago, would have been living in their 9 to 5 job, who would've been sitting in school, studying and preparing for their exams, and some who would've been in the hospital, following their birth. Those less fortunate newborns suffered a horrible fate. Obviously, they couldn't fight. They would either get caught in the crossfire, or get crushed by people who wouldn't even notice they were laying under their feet. On the other hand, those poor elders who simply would've lived their final days in peace and solitude, had to die a horrible, gruesome death. The criminals, the most skilled murderers, snipers, bombers and whatnot were sent back into the wild, running freely through the war. Horrible people, such as rapists, pedophiles or abusers had no punishment. Instead, they were offered a happy death, instead of rotting their lives away in prison. War is devastating. This battle was not what those Omniversal Warriors fought for. If only the world was so small, as small as everyone remembered it. The human spirit can only take so much, before it loses it's flame. Not only were families torn apart through the battles, but within their opinions, too. Husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends who just minutes ago may have been in love, were now split by their difference in opinion. The minds of those with shattered hearts staring up at their enemies while they're knocked down on the ground, thinking to themselves, 'spare me, spare me, oh dear god just spare me.' The children staring up at their fathers and mothers, wondering why they had a weapon facing at them. Why their own caretaker would point such a dangerous thing in their faces. They didn't understand. They never would. Why did they have to go through this? The bangs of their heads splattering on the ground, as their parent felt regret in their chest. But was that better for the kid, as the parent truly thought? Their job was to take care of them. Was killing them, painlessly, better than putting them through this disgusting war? Perhaps it was, but maybe it wasn't.

As Cecilia looked down at her enemies, who were bleeding out on the ground, she felt a gun to the back of her head. She was being forced to heal them, to restore their wounds. As she knelt down to the first man, she looked into his shut eyes. Is he not a human, just like her? The green aura from her hands traveled through his body, tying his muscles together, and healing his cuts. She stood back up from the man, as he nodded his head. "Thank you." He spoke. Cecilia stepped to her right, and knelt down once more. Axel wrapped his finger around the gun. "Hurry it up, girl." As Cecilia began healing the second man, she began to wonder. Axel can't be the only one so respected. Sure, there's the main 4 that run the New World Order, but surely there's a.. that's it. There's a second-in-command four. Axel has to have 3 others with him. Here? No. Not here. Can't be, it isn't one of these men. "Oi, what's the matter with you? Ya healed him. Now get up and do the NEXT ONE!" He swung his pistol across her head. A tooth fell out of her lips as she got knocked down to the ground. "Koff, koff!" She shook as she knelt at the next one. She won't get lost in thought this time. She can't. That'll be the end of her. Okay, she needs to gather her thoughts again. Axel is one of them. There's 3 more. So if she just.. defeats Axel, it'll be easier for the others. Yeah. That's it. She just has to.. Cecilia summoned her dagger in the hand she wasn't using to heal. She just has to kill him. Her arm swung back toward Axel, who knocked it out of her hand with the pistol. "Damn brat.. I gave you a chance to live." Axel raised his leg and thrusted it in Cecilia's face, knocking her into the ground. She picked herself up quickly, lifting herself up onto all fours. She felt as thought she had made a mistake. Axel growled at her, as she was kneeling before him. "Cecilia.." His arm raised, with his gun in hand. "YOU are the enemy. Not I." His finger pulled back into the trigger, as Cecilia managed to speak out. "No, wait, DON—!!" The bullet made a piercing noise as it came out of the pistol. It travelled through the air, blowing through Cecilia's head. Her eyes bled out, as parts of her skull fell out of her head. Her voice gasped, as it spoke as quietly as it could. "Naphtali.. I'm sorry.. I.. It's.. Its all your big sisters.. F... Fault.." Her body dropped down to the ground, lifeless, drowning in its own puddle of blood. Axel wiped the blood off his face as he exited the building. "I need to regroup with the other 3." He looked back at his men. "You're all worthless to me. A trap placed for Cecilia." In the blink of an eye, Axel vanished. Cecilia's body remained lifeless in the ground, blank. The man that Cecilia healed knelt down next to her. He was grateful for her effort in helping him. "Please, healer.. wake up." Healer. Healer. Healer. That's right. She can heal. She has to heal. This was Cecilia's resolve. Her body was engulfed in a green light. As all of her blood started getting sucked in her body, her skull repaired itself. In a split second, Cecilia's body was standing. "Axel.." Her eyes glowed green. "I will fucking kill you."

Viola faced Phirana, surrounded by her goddess powers. Phirana responded by revealing her fallen goddess powers. "I suppose you won't be going down easy?" Viola said. "Of course not." The skies were ablaze as Viola and Phirana, transformed in their majestic dragon forms. Viola, with shimmering scales that mirrored the colors of a sunset, soared gracefully through the air. Her wings, spanning wide with an eternal beauty which all could see. On the other side, Phirana, a mighty dragon draped in dark, violet scales possessed a relentless determination and unmatched strength. The dragons stared at each other for a few seconds, before letting out their monstrous roars. Their roars echoed through the valleys of the battlegrounds. Viola flew at the Dark Dragon, swinging her tail into the face of the dragon. Phirana opened her large jaw, biting and holding Viola's tail. She swung her head down, and opened her mouth wide, spitting out Viola onto the ground. The screams of the Light Dragon rumbled the ground below them. Axel was approaching this battle, and he could tell from the loud roars of the dragons. He had already sent out a call to the 3 second-in-commands to meet up in an area elsewhere. Viola and Phirana turned back into their human forms, as Phirana flew down toward Viola, summoning a Dark Spear. Viola reached out with her hand, sending a blinding light toward Phirana. Phirana stopped midair, dropping to the ground. "Kh.. Hnh.." She groaned as she fell onto her knees. Viola stood above her, emitting her goddess powers. "You lose." Phirana's ear rang. She tapped on a small earphone she had in her ear. "What?" Axel spoke over the other side. "I'm calling a meeting. Alert Luna and Rose." Phirana grinned. "Heh." She looked up at Viola. "Looks like today isn't my death day." She blasted Viola away with a beam of Dark magic from
her palm. "DWOOOHH!" Viola got blasted away from Phirana. Phirana smiled from afar as she waved. "Bubye." She transformed into the Dark Dragon and flew away, picking Axel up on the way.

Euryale looked over at Lilith, who was being crushed on the ground. "Lily.. do.. the THING!" Ruthven looked at Euryale. "Are you insane?! That's way.. too risky!" Akuji threw Faolan off him, helping Rem get away from Naphtali. "We have no choice! It's our only way out!" Euryale used his chains to surround Ahriman and throw him away, freeing Ruthven. "EVERYONE, HUDDLE UP!" Ruthven called out. The 4 held onto each other in a circle, while Lilith vanished from under Simetra to inside the circle. The ground below them started to shake, As Lilith started to warp them all away. Simetra growled. "Grrr.. Running, are we?! You're all a bunch of.. PUSSIES! RUN! RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN.. FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER WILL SOON FIND YOU.. AND MURDER YOU ALL!" The 5 Holy Stones vanished into thin air. They reappeared in a white void, which was surrounded by 12 doors. 6 of which were opened, and 6 were locked. Euryale stood up and fixed his glasses. "Here we are. The Heaven Doors. They've.. unlocked." The 6 Heaven Doors had the names of heroes long lost. Sol. Flora. Otto. Layla. Lucina. Artemis.

Heaven Door | The Finale of the Dragon Children Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now