2 - The New World

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Hours before the Queen's speech
1 August 2022
11:20 PM
Prime Minister's Residence, Aries

The Kingdom of Novinae was left with shock after the speech by her majesty Queen Novinae XVII. Most took the message to their hearts and only prayed for the best for Novinae.

However, just a few hours before the speech had begun, the government was still busy, especially inside a room in the residence of the Prime Minister of Novinae.

Ves, along with his cabinet ministers, gathered yet again in the room of his residence, this time discussing a different matter.

"Alright, you all may have known that a landmass was discovered nearby by the Defense Force. I would like to listen to any proposals you have on what to do with it," said Ves.

"I think the best course of action would be for us to try and establish relations with the civilization we spotted in our reconnaissance mission," a man said.

The one who said it was the Minister of Economic Affairs, Rykhim Lincoln.

The ministers nodded in agreement. At the moment, their economy is currently spiralling downhill due to the lack of imports, as their old trade partners have disappeared. If this were left unchecked, this would eventually lead to the fall of the economy along with the nation.

If they were able to establish relations with this civilization, and if the civilization is friendly to them, they could probably discuss trade agreements which could help to fix their economy. It wouldn't be that much, but at least it helps slow down the recession.

"I do agree with your proposal. However, there's also the possibility that they won't understand our language. There's also a possibility of them carrying unknown dangerous diseases on us," Ves added.

"Hm... I suppose that after meeting the civilization, I'll have the delegation who met them to be quarantined. About the language barrier... We'll have to push our luck and hope they'll understand us."

A diplomatic mission was then assembled after the meeting, which would be sent aboard HNMS Ovisia and four more ships to escort it. A small contingent of soldiers from the Novinae Ground Defense Force (NGDF) Special Service Unit will also be sent to be bodyguards for the delegates once they reach their destination.

They were all tired now, but lazing around at a critical time like this would prove disastrous. If anything, they have to act quickly.

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2 August 2022
4:15 AM
Aries Harbour

Two people were approaching a grey ship docked on the harbour, one of them yawned as a result of his sleep being interrupted.

"They have to wake us up at 4 in the morning..? I know this is an emergency but... couldn't they do it at a better time or something?" said one of the pair.

"An emergency is still an emergency, Anthony. We still have to respond to it quickly. Remember, we have no idea who lives on that landmass we found so if we do one wrong step, then the whole mission will fail."

The man, Vaux Anthony, replied, "...guess you're right then, Lialle. Oh and look, there's our ship."

Tens of meters away was the ship they will be on for the next 5 hours, the HNMS Ovisia. An Aries-class fast attack craft, it was well armed with a cannon and missiles against hostile ships. They are a new addition to their navy, having been commissioned just 7 years ago.

This ship won't be alone. Instead, it will be escorted by one more Aries-class FAC and theee Merino-class FAC. With a squadron like this, they'll be well protected against the dangers that may lie abroad, whatever it will be.

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